Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 263: Zhang Ju's Death [Seeking Redemption]


Hungry people can be seen everywhere, and Zhang Ju's rebellion made Youzhou and Jizhou riddled with holes within a few months.

Many people have turned into bandits, relying on robbing passers-by for a living, and the life of the people has become even more difficult.

When passing through the counties, Jia Rong released the news that he was willing to guard the caravan and go to Jincheng, which attracted many merchants to join. Jia Rong wanted to make it more expensive, but the merchants flocked to it. The caravan quickly expanded to ten thousand people. earn.

After passing by Zhongshan country, Zhao Yun asked to resign and return to his hometown for a few days, Jia Rong nodded in agreement, and now it is estimated that he will not leave even if Zhao Yun is chased away.

A few days later, Zhao Yun returned with his army, and a woman returned with him.

"I've seen the general!" The woman Shi Shiran bowed after Zhao Yun's gesture.

Jia Rong's eyes lighted up when she looked like a woman in the Qing Dynasty. She was about twenty-eight years old. She had exquisite facial features, eyes full of spirituality staring at Jia Rong, a slender waist that was not enough to hold, and a well-proportioned figure. Wearing coarse clothes, it is still difficult to hide her beauty, she is like a clear spring in the hot summer, which makes people feel very refreshed.

Beautiful things, especially women, are very lethal to men, Jia Rong's eyes immediately straightened.

Wei Fu, who came after hearing the news, saw Jia Rong's eyes fixed on the woman in front of her as soon as she arrived. She rolled Jia Rong's eyes, stepped forward, walked to the woman's side, and said with a smile: "Little sister, it's hard work coming all the way. .”

The woman smiled slightly and returned a salute.

Jia Rong coughed lightly and turned to Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun understood, clasped his fists and said: "General, this is my sister-in-law. She has lived at home for a long time. I hope the general will forgive me for being rude."

"Come and see the general soon." Zhao Yun said to the woman eagerly.

The woman stepped forward, and Tankou said lightly, "Little girl has seen the general!" Jia Rongda nodded his head with a voice like the sound of heaven.

"I don't know the girl's name?" Jia Rong asked mysteriously.

After asking, Jia Rong regretted it. Wei Fu's gaze was enough to kill him hundreds of times.

The woman turned her eyes to Zhao Yun, saw him nodding, and replied, "Little girl Zhao Yu."

Jia Rong nodded in praise and said, "Good name, your brother's name is Zhao Yun, and your name is Zhao Yu, very good." I don't know whether Jia Rong is praising Zhao Yu's good name or her kind person.

After leaving Wei Fu, Jia Rong said with a little embarrassment: "Fu'er, hurry up and take Miss Zhao Yu to rest."

Wei Fu snorted softly and took Zhao Yu away.

There is no doubt about Zhao Yu's beauty, and Jia Rong is only a glimpse of admiration. What he and Wei Fu have experienced is a real love of life and death. It is an unforgettable love. Jia Rong has already made up his mind to marry Wei Fu after returning to Jincheng. .

Jizhou is a relatively large state. The Han Dynasty's war for many years was actually supported by Jizhou, Qingzhou, Yanzhou and other states. Now that Jizhou is suffering, the available power of the Han Dynasty has been weakened again.

Troubled times cannot stop merchants from being active. Even in times of war, merchants have their own channels to sell their goods to the enemy. Foreigners need cloth and salt from Han people, and Han people need war horses and furs from foreign people.

With Jia Rong escorting them, everyone came to the Sili Department without any risk. Such a caravan with nearly [-] people is the focus no matter where it goes. More and more merchants are joining Wangfeng. The thieves robbed a lot of business.

In addition, after Jia Rong led the army to leave, Liu Yu stood firm in the city. Zhang Ju has been fighting with the wind all the time. Counties and counties along the way saw hundreds of thousands of troops coming.

Just from Zhang Ju's siege and three shortages, it can be seen that he is not an ordinary person. Changping City is small, and it is impossible for 20 troops to invest all at once. Zhang Ju attacked Changping City day and night. Under the leadership of Yu Gongsun Zan, he resisted desperately. Although the losses were heavy, Zhang Ju was unable to move forward, and guarded the 20 troops outside Changping city.

The consumption of food and grass for the 20 army has become a big problem. The Wuhuan people in Youbeiping only care about their own interests. They wish Zhang Ju would fight more with the Han army and consume the strength of the Han army. On the surface, Wuhuan is supporting Zhang. Ju, but it was only a loud slogan, and Zhang Ju's request for help was delayed again and again.

More than a month later, the food and grass of the rebel army had been almost consumed, so Zhang Ju sent soldiers to openly plunder the nearby county towns. Cooperatively accept the general's suggestion and stick to it.

Only occasionally, Gongsun Zan led the cavalry out of the city to charge for a while.

Negotiations with the Wuhuan people failed many times, and Liu Yu was a little anxious. The dying Han Emperor urgently needed a stable country, and repeatedly urged Liu Yu and the rebels to fight quickly.

"I decided to lead the army to Youbeiping myself." Liu Yu, who was sitting at the top, said firmly.

The stalemate for more than a month, and the Han army in the city had to be attacked suddenly by Zhang Ju from time to time, made Liu Yu even older, and his temples, which were originally gray, were all white now.

What Gongsun Zan didn't expect was that this usually gentle old man would run on the city wall without fear of arrows during the battle, constantly encouraging the soldiers, and the general's repeated remonstrances couldn't stop him.

Hearing this, Tian Chou urged him urgently: "My lord, don't do this. The Wuhuan people don't have a clear attitude, and they went there rashly for fear of being inappropriate. My lord is the general of the Han army. If there is a mistake, what should I do?"

A group of officials also dissuaded them one after another, and even Gongsun Zan expressed his opposition to this.

Liu Yu said solemnly: "At this time of crisis, all the gentlemen should work together to defend Changping. After I leave, Wei Cao Yutian and General Gongsun will be in charge of all matters in the army."

Seeing Liu Yu's decisive tone, everyone heaved a long sigh and clasped their fists in agreement.

Liu Yu led two hundred cavalry, escorted by Gongsun Zan's cavalry, broke through the siege of the rebels and headed towards You Beiping.When he first arrived in Wuhuan, Liu Yu was subjected to various criticisms, and the Han army was at a disadvantage at this time.

Seeing that Liu Yu only led 200 people to come, Qiu Liju even threatened death, Liu Yu fought hard with reason, Xiaozhi finally persuaded Qiu Liju with emotion and reason.

Wuhuan attacked from the rear, and the Han army in Changping City took advantage of the situation to attack, and Zhang Ju's hundreds of thousands of troops retreated steadily.

After all, Zhang Ju's army was temporarily formed, and it was good to fight against the wind. After the first defeat, the soldiers fled.

The Han army sang all the way with the victorious division, regaining lost ground one after another.

In October, Zhang Ju was killed by a retainer, Zhang Chun fled, and the mighty rebel army was completely disintegrated. However, after the war in Youzhou and Jizhou, the consumption was huge and it was difficult to recover in a short time.

After receiving Liu Yu's good news, Emperor Han was overjoyed, and he just took out cloth, fine wine and money from the empty treasury to reward the soldiers for their meritorious service in the battle.

After the war, Liu Yu gave the Wuhuan people a lot of food, grass, cloth and weapons. Gongsun Zan publicly opposed this. In this battle, Wuhuan's strength was not to be underestimated. , is a hidden danger.

The third shift of the limit, begging for red and begging to accept, the wind has started, everyone work hard together, push the iron ride!

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