Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 397: Battlefield Lesson

Jia Rong shook his head slightly. The philosophy of scholars in ancient times was very different from that of later generations. They only taught students some Confucian books. What’s the use? , Looking at the past dynasties, there are many achievers, but when one thinks about the population base of the big man, this kind of thinking disappears quietly.

Just imagine that these students will read books when they encounter things they don’t know how to govern the place in the future, and they need to read what is written in the books when people’s houses collapse. Cultural officials should have it, but in the eyes of the pragmatic Jia Rong, it is extremely ridiculous.

"Sir, what you said is absurd. When I was in Taiping, it is not a bad idea to give the classics of Confucianism to the students. But in this troubled world, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be thieves and thieves. Could it be that when the other party comes with an army, the county magistrate and county guard should not be able to guard the world." Is it the law of the city? In a land like a border county, foreign races often cause chaos, should officials be used to persuade these foreign races?"

"Whoever offends my strong man will be punished even if he is far away. What he relies on is not books, but a strong army!"

Li Zhen was speechless. He had always been ordered to teach, and he had never thought of something deep.

"The classics of Confucianism should not be memorized by rote. Just teach the students how to govern the local area. The Xiliang army does not need to be full of words. Those who quote the classics are eager to govern the local area so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment." Jia Rong has always been Want to clean up Chang'an's schools.

Li Zhen was furious when he heard the words. He is an out-and-out Confucian student. How could he listen to these words?

"I dare not agree with the general's words. I am not familiar with Confucian books on governing the world. How can I govern the people? My Confucianism is the foundation of the great man."

Of course, Jia Rong could hear the dissatisfaction in Li Zhen's tone, and said with a smile: "May I ask Mr. Li, what should the people do if they lose their homes in the snowstorm?"

Li Zhen said proudly: "Of course, the government has contributed to help the people tide over the difficulties. The people will be grateful."

"Don't you know these things if you don't study? Those who are concerned are also left to those Confucian masters who study scholarship. The Xiliang Army does not need such talents."

Li Zhen was so angry that he didn't talk speculatively, and left immediately.

The accompanying students were dumbfounded. They didn't expect the usually kind teacher to have such a strong side. Most of these students came from common people's families, and they didn't uphold Confucian classics as much as Confucian scholars did. What Jia Rong said was also reasonable, as long as Learn to read and write, and be able to govern the place. Why do you have to recite those boring books all day long.

"You don't want such a gentleman." Jia Rong sighed.

There are so many talents in the world, why is there no one who is interested in him? Suddenly, Jia Rong thought of Cai Yong who had been at home all the time. It is also relatively simple to communicate with him, it is better to ask him to take charge of the school.

Thinking of this, Jia Rong led the soldiers to leave in a hurry, and the conversation between Jia Rong and Li Zhen spread like wildfire. It has to be said that Jia Rong's prestige among the people, the students thought about it for a while, and accused Li Zhen of not being a good person. , They study, not for the classics of Confucianism, but to serve the Xiliang Army, not to let their parents' hard work go to waste, tending to Li Zhen's speech being submerged under the general trend, and at the same time, many students left Chang'an sadly.

"Teacher, have you ever understood what disciple means?" Jia Rong told Cai Yong his thoughts.

Cai Yong frowned and thought for a long time, and said, "Are you saying that no matter it is Confucianism or Military Legalism, students can be taught?" Hearing this idea for the first time, Cai Yong's first feeling was absurd, but what Jia Rong said was also true. The current situation in Sanfu Liangzhou.

"Let me think about this matter again." Cai Yong sighed, Jia Rong often came up with things that ordinary people can't think of, Cai Yong is not surprised.

"Teacher, the officials in Liangzhou's Sanfu land, and even the Xiliang military land in the future, are all from the school."

After finishing speaking, Jia Rong left.

It has to be said that Jia Rong's last words are very tempting. At that time, officials in the Xiliang army will have a relationship with Cai Yong. How much influence will he have in the Xiliang army? Giving birth to a son is the eldest son of the Jia family, and he has to think about his daughter.

The military school, the legal school, and the Confucian school combined, took the essence and discarded the dross, and let the students learn to govern the country. Jia Rong's purpose was very simple, but Cai Yong was best at Confucianism, and the military school and the legal school seldom got involved.

Returning to the General's Mansion, Jia Rongxin picked up the brush on the table and wrote and drew on the paper. It is very likely that Cai Yong agreed to the school. The generals in the army were educated, and the Xiliang Army developed rapidly, and there was a shortage of generals. Jia Rong decided to start classes so that the generals in the army could learn knowledge.

When this news spread in the army, the impact from it was still great. 90.00% of the soldiers were old and rough, let alone literate, and it was difficult to recognize their own names in front of them. , Let them learn, I am afraid it is as difficult as climbing the sky.

Learning knowledge starts from the army generals stationed in the city, but all generals above battalion generals participate in batches, and the place for learning is limited.

Most of the first batch of generals who participated in the training were Qiang generals. Jiang Yu, as a model for these people, Hao Ran was among them. out the effect.

Walking into the small classroom, some generals felt uncomfortable. They touched the sabers around their waists, and their uneasiness eased a lot. If you dare to come to teach, then the matter of general learning will be over.

When they saw the person appearing in front of the classroom, all the generals rubbed their eyes in amazement. Yes, it was Jia Rong. All the generals immediately straightened their chests, and the buzzing discussion disappeared. As soon as the gentleman grabbed it, he quietly put it away.

He glanced around at the generals who were lowering his head, and felt a little funny in his heart. The brave generals on the battlefield stayed in their seats obediently like elementary school students waiting for class.

"Talk about discipline." Jia Rong cleared his throat and said, "In the classroom, you must maintain enough respect for the teacher who is teaching, otherwise, hum."

All the generals Jia Rong saw shrank their necks.

"The first class will be taught by me. All of you here are generals who have experienced the battlefield. Can anyone tell me how to win on the battlefield?" Jia Rong asked.

Jia Rong's first question mobilized the thinking of the generals. These people are usually big bosses, but when they are on the battlefield, they become cunning wolves on the grassland. Any weakness of the enemy is the key to victory. He didn't regard this as a class, but Jia Rong was discussing the war with them.

Listening to the buzzing answers below, Jia Rong made a quiet gesture and said: "In the future, to answer questions, you have to raise your hand and you can only answer after you get permission, understand?"

"No!" Thirty generals replied in unison.

"Okay, Ulan, you answer."

Ulan stood up with a flushed face, and stammered, "General... General, I... I believe that the key to victory is... the key."

"Don't get excited, speak slowly." Jia Rong comforted.

The generals below burst out laughing.

Ulanna on the battlefield is also a brave general, but he was a little cautious in front of Jia Rong. Hearing the laughter of the crowd, he was slightly annoyed, and his speech became surprisingly sharp, "The key to victory lies in the scouts!"

"Scout?" Jia Rong asked, "I don't know why General Ulan has such an idea?"

"I remember the general once said that scouts are the eyes and ears of the army. If you don't have eyes and ears, how can you walk on the battlefield? Elite scouts are the key to victory."

Jia Rong clapped his hands and praised: "General Ulan's words are true, everyone applauds for him."

Hearing the deafening applause, Ulan's face flushed red, and she sat down under the envious eyes of the generals.

"Take advantage of others and avoid your own weaknesses. In other words, learn from others' strengths and avoid your own weaknesses. The same is true on the battlefield."

"When a thousand infantry meets a thousand cavalry, what the general has to do is not to lead the soldiers to fight bravely, but to use foreign objects to resist the cavalry's attack and win opportunities for his own victory." Jia Rong took the opportunity to teach Look at the generals below.

Jia Rong personally taught the experience on the battlefield, and the group of generals listened carefully with their eyes wide open, lest they miss a word.

After that, Jia Rong asked some generals who passed by the battlefield to tell about their experiences against the enemy on the battlefield, and then everyone discussed the shortcomings together, and the whole morning passed without knowing it.

Looking at the excited generals, Jia Rong said with a smile: "Since it is learning, you must have a good appearance. If you have free time, learn to read. There will be a teacher who will teach you. Our class today is the battlefield class." , once every seven days, in the next class, I don't want to see that you still can't write your own names. When you can read, write down what you discussed in class, it will be of great benefit to you Help." After leaving these words, Jia Rong turned to leave the classroom, and Zhao Yun hurried to catch up.

Jia Rong was teaching indoors, and Zhao Yun was listening carefully outside the door. It has to be said that the generals who passed by the battlefield had a lot of experience worth learning, such as how Ulan talked about hunting the opponent's scouts, and Jiang Yu talked about how to organize cavalry When launching an attack, most of the Qiang generals were cavalry commanders, and Zhao Yun's blood guards were also cavalry, and the two had a lot in common.

Jia Rong's last words were like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening. Wasn't the strategy of marching and fighting in the battlefield class just now discussed? It's just that Jia Rong gathered everyone's ideas together. Thinking of the practical strategies in the class, many generals scratched their heads.

At this time, Jiang Yu became the focus of everyone. Without him, this guy can read.

The first update is here, it’s windy today, everyone, please do your best. After reading the book, please take a look to see if you have a red ticket monthly ticket or something!Three big explosions today!

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