Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 401: Brave Zhang Fei

"Zhang Fei, how dare you go out of the city to fight. I didn't expect Liu Bei's subordinates to be a group of turtles with shrunken heads. They only know how to get into the city to show off, hahaha." Cursed, if compared with a Xiliang army general, how shabby and shabby he looks.

The soldiers under his command let out bursts of laughter in unison.

On the city wall, Zhang Fei's face was ashen, looking at the crooked Yellow Turban army outside the city, he said angrily: "Get all the soldiers and horses, and wait for my old Zhang to go out and kill him."

"You can't do it, general. My lord repeatedly told me before I left. It is said that our army is weaker than the yellow scarves outside the city." Lieutenant General Zhang Han advised.

"Go away, what do you know? If you don't fight before the battle, you will not only make the enemy laugh, but also lose the spirit of our army." Zhang Fei pushed Zhang Han aside dissatisfied.

"Third General, be careful!" All the generals bowed down one after another.

Zhang Fei raised the horsewhip in his hand and hit Zhang Han on the head, but Zhang Han didn't dodge, and with a "pop", there was a bloody wound on his face.

"Stop hitting, stop hitting." Zhang Fei yelled angrily, "Go back and drink!"

After Zhang Fei walked away, several generals stepped forward to comfort Zhang Han.

Zhang Han smiled wryly and continued to set up the city defense. How could he not know Zhang Fei's violence? The army of soldiers greatly shocked the morale of the defenders in the city. With the help of the family and the common people, the army strength in the city reached about 500, but there were only more than 2000 elite troops. If the elite were lost, the Yuzhou Army would be completely lost. Without the capital to fight against the Yellow Turban, the Yellow Turban can only be allowed to wreak havoc in Chen Guo.

"Zhang Fei, you are a coward!" The Yellow Turban soldiers outside the city roared in unison, which could be faintly heard throughout Changping.

Zhang Fei stretched out his hand and smashed the wine jar. Unable to hide his anger any longer, he ordered two thousand infantrymen and opened the city gate.

"The traitor will die!" Zhang Fei yelled, his voice was like a thunderstorm, and he took the lead and rushed towards the battle formation of the yellow scarf soldiers.

These yellow scarf soldiers were in charge of cursing, and they were not elite soldiers themselves. Seeing Zhang Fei's ferocity, they all backed away in horror. As soon as he died, the two thousand soldiers behind him took the opportunity to cover up, and defeated the Yellow Turban soldiers.

After gathering the soldiers and horses and cleaning the battlefield, Zhang Fei led the army back to the city proudly.

Zhang Han's face is not very good-looking. After all, Zhang Fei, the three generals, is the main general in the city. There was no way to stop it, but before the army left, Liu Bei repeatedly told him to help Zhang Fei defend the country of Chen.

"General!" Zhang Han hesitated to speak.

Zhang Fei laughed loudly and said, "General Zhang Han, what's the matter? As soon as I, Old Zhang, go out, those rebels dare not stay outside the city. These grandchildren just need to be beaten. Let's go back and drink."

The generals happily followed Zhang Fei, leaving Zhang Han in charge of the safety of the city wall. The army of yellow turbans outside the city was eyeing them, and they dared not slack off in the slightest. Still drinking, Zhang Han thought.

"Let's go, tonight, I'll invite everyone to drink!" Zhang Fei said with a big wave of his hand.

The victorious soldiers under his command shouted in unison.

"General, I didn't expect that Zhang Fei would dare to lead the soldiers into the battle. God help me, so it should be like this." Yu Dan said in a low voice with a happy face.

Guo Da was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said: "It's my brother's plan. When the city is broken, the beautiful women in the city will be chosen by my brother."

There are [-] yellow turban soldiers in the rear, and Zhang Fei dared to send people to charge and kill them. It has to be said that he is extremely daring. If he is used properly, capturing them on the battlefield will definitely be a fatal blow to the morale of the defenders in the city. People like Zhang Fei are the pillars of the army.

With a smile on his face, the whole plan quietly started running.

At the same time, Guo Fei, the number one general under the Yellow Turbans, was also sent to the surrounding areas of Runan County to contain Guan Yu's 5000 troops, and confronted Guan Yu's [-] soldiers with [-] soldiers, occupying a great advantage.

The next day, the Yellow Turbans reappeared outside the city, and they were still scolding. These Yellow Turban soldiers could tell at a glance what kind of goods they were, with coarse clothes and no decent armor. There were even a few holes in the banner of the army. It looked ridiculous from a distance.

Looking at the crooked Yellow Turban soldiers standing outside the city, the generals in the city burst into laughter. Can such a team be called an army?

Zhang Fei was so drunk last night that he heard the scolding outside the city again in a daze. A carp stood up and stood up, "Bring me my cloak and snake spear!"

The guards waiting outside the door hastily complied.

After scrutinizing the yellow scarves outside the city for a moment, Zhang Fei's eyes burst into anger, "Come on, gather all the soldiers and horses, and go out of the city to fight!"

"General, I'm afraid this is inappropriate. Guo Dasu, the commander of the rebels, has a strategy, and he is afraid of being cheated!" Zhang Han looked worried.

Zhang Fei pointed at Zhang Han with a horsewhip and said, "Well, Zhang Han, you have repeatedly opposed me fighting against the rebels. Could it be that you are old with the Yellow Turban outside the city?"

Zhang Han's face was ashen, and he didn't argue. If this charge was confirmed, it would be hard to argue.

"Come on, pull Zhang Han down and watch over him!" Zhang Fei was furious. This lieutenant general who had opposed him many times had long since looked down upon him.

There was a creaking sound, and the city gate opened wide again. Before Zhang Fei rushed to the front of the formation, the yellow scarf soldiers scattered.

Zhang Fei led the soldiers to charge for a while, and laughed triumphantly under the city: "Yellow Turban traitor, surrender as soon as possible, my elder brother is kind, and I will leave your whole body!"

The two thousand soldiers behind him also laughed in agreement.

Not far away, Guo Da asked, "Brother Yu, what do you think?"

"No, general. After watching Zhang Fei's trip, he did not let down his vigilance. Besides, this man is brave and hard to defeat. The yellow scarf soldiers in the city should not move for the time being. Let Zhang Fei's army be proud." Yu Dan said.

Guo Da did as he said.

"General, General Zhang Han is also wholeheartedly thinking about our army, and I hope the general will be lenient and let him go." Two generals who had good friends with Zhang Han stepped forward to persuade them.

Zhang Fei waved his hand and said: "Two big victories in a row, let Zhang Han go, and let him stop talking nonsense in the army. How can the two armies lose their courage before the battle? My old Zhang has been on the battlefield for many years. There will be mistakes."

All the generals said yes again and again.

After Zhang Han was released, he became taciturn, a man who could be killed and could not be humiliated. Zhang Fei beat himself in front of the army in public. If Liu Bei didn't trust him more, he might have turned his face that day, but today he slandered himself as a Yellow Turban bandit.

"General Zhang." The two generals bowed.

Zhang Han waved his hand and said: "No need to say anything, I'm fine, tell the brothers, watch the city wall at night, don't be lazy, I'll go back and have a rest."

The two generals leaned over and said yes, and they still admired Zhang Han very much. Although they were born in the common people, they behaved well and calmly on the battlefield.In private, he loves the soldiers very much, and is quite loved by the soldiers.

After Zhang Han returned to his residence, he fell asleep until he was picked up from the bed by two soldiers the next day.

It turned out that after Zhang Fei returned from the big victory yesterday, he was drinking in the army again. During this period, thinking of Liu Bei's advice, he ordered his soldiers to gather at the school ground the next day.

When Zhang Han's soldiers came back, they saw that he had fallen asleep, so they didn't bother him, but they forgot about it the next day.

Looking at Zhang Han who was tied up by five flowers, Zhang Fei was furious in his heart. It was Zhang Han who blocked him again and again, and now he blatantly ignored his order, how to command the three armies.

"Zhang Han, are you convicted?" Zhang Fei snapped.

Zhang Han struggled and said, "What's the crime of being humble?"

"Humph! Last night, the general said clearly in the army that today we are gathering at the school grounds, but you are sleeping at home, what should you do?"

"General, I didn't receive the order!" Zhang Han blushed.

Regardless of the struggling Zhang Han, Zhang Fei punched him twice and cursed: "Zhuzi, you have done everything, and you still don't admit it."

"Come on, take Zhang Han out and behead him!"

When the generals heard this, they dissuaded him one after another. Zhang Han was quite loved by the soldiers in the army. If he killed him in battle, he would definitely make the army unstable.

"General, beheading generals before the battle is unlucky, why don't you let General Zhang Han take the crime and make meritorious deeds."

Zhang Fei said angrily, "Does this general need you to teach me what to do?"

Looking at the kneeling generals, Zhang Fei snorted coldly: "Death is inevitable, but life is inevitable. Pull him down and hit him with fifty sticks!"

Only then did everyone heave a sigh of relief, as long as they saved their lives, their fear of Zhang Fei increased a lot. Even Zhang Han, who was the deputy general, didn't give him any favors, let alone them.

Poor Zhang Han, under the personal supervision of Zhang Fei, the soldiers used all their strength with each stick, and Zhang Han was considered a man, so he just managed not to cry out.

What happened in the city was not hidden from Guo Da outside the city. The Yellow Turban soldiers were ordinary people, and there were many eyes and ears in the city.

After hearing the news reported by the soldiers, Yu Shan laughed and said, "General, God is helping me!"

"What do you mean by brother Yu's words?" Guo Da questioned.

Yu Dan beckoned Guo Dafu to come over, and told him all the thoughts in his heart.

In the past few days, the Yellow Turban Army outside the city became more and more arrogant. Although they returned in a big defeat every time, they scolded them repeatedly. No matter how many soldiers Zhang Fei led into the battle, they would always retreat. Zhang Fei was full of confidence in defending the city.

Under the cover of the night, a figure rushed into Zhang Han's home.

Two soldiers outside Zhang Han's gate heard the movement and shouted, "Who is it?"

Hei Ying said: "Tell your general, it's an old friend who came here!"

Zhang Han, who was awakened by the soldiers, was slightly surprised. He is from Qingzhou, so how could an old friend come to him in the middle of the night.

"Let him in!" Zhang Han, who wanted to turn over, pulled the wound on his back, grinning in pain.

"You are?" With the support of the soldiers, Zhang Han raised his head slightly and asked.

The second is more, all kinds of requests!

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