Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 445: Zhandai County

Following the sound, he saw the long knife in Shan Yan's hand snapped in two.

Huang Zhong laughed and said: "Good knife!" The blade turned sharply, and cut the stunned Shan Yan into two pieces, his intestines mixed with blood flowed out, and the scene became extremely bloody, some soldiers of the Youzhou Army couldn't bear to close their eyes eyes.

The bloody scene caused a slight commotion in the Youzhou Army. The two brothers Shan Yandancong were well-known fierce generals in the Youzhou Army. Killing, especially the big sword in the old man's hand, made the generals of the Youzhou Army covetously, and attributed Shan Yan's failure to inferior weapons. On the battlefield, the strength of weapons can make up for the lack of martial arts. , most of it was just a fluke, thinking this way in my heart, the fear of Huang Zhong disappeared, but the big knife in Huang Zhong's hand became the sweet pastry in the eyes of generals.

The five hundred cavalry roared loudly. Huang Zhong, an old general, could achieve such a result, which made them feel extremely proud.

Huang Zhong stopped his horse and said loudly, "That's all, that's all."

The unsatisfactory appearance made the general of Youzhou army gnash his teeth, and a raging anger ignited in his eyes.

"Father, take your life!" Yan Guang roared, jumped on his horse and raised his gun, and charged at Huang Zhong.

The two fought against each other for five bouts, Yan Guang reined in his horse and fled towards the defeated formation, Huang Zhong followed closely.

Yan Guang hangs his spear on his horse, and skillfully sets his bow and shoots an arrow. The arrow is like a shooting star and goes towards Huang Zhong's face. Yan Guang's martial arts can only be regarded as moderate in the Youzhou Army, but fortunately, his archery skills are superb. The combination of marksmanship and archery is very easy to win in battle, and it is rarely used in silver. Seeing that the army lost face in front of the battle, Yan Guang fought hard, intending to take back a while in front of the army.

Huang Zhong snorted coldly, and with a flash of the saber, he chopped down the arrow, then took out the extra-large longbow on the horse, shook his hand and shot the arrow at Yan Guang.

"Pfft!" The arrow shot through Yan Guang's neck, and the tail of the arrow still trembled slightly. Yan Guang's eyes were full of horror. That kind of taste is not enough for outsiders.

The Youzhou army was shocked. The grizzled veteran in front of him had already beheaded two strong generals of his own side. Although Yan Guang was not very good at marksmanship, his bow and arrow were well-known in the entire army. Unexpectedly, he died with the arrow he was best at. In terms of swordsmanship, Huang Zhong is superb in martial arts, and even more so in terms of archery. Suddenly, the general of Youzhou Army felt that this veteran general was not so easy to be bullied.

No one in the Youzhou army dared to step forward. The veteran Huang Zhong swung his long knife in his hand, and five hundred cavalry charged towards the Youzhou army.

Five hundred Xiliang army fought against five hundred Youzhou cavalry, and it took only half an hour to decide who was superior. The horse had stirrups, a machete in his hand, and fine armor on his body. How could the Youzhou army be an opponent? The Xiliang army was like cutting melons. Vegetables are like a broken bamboo.

Amidst Xian Yuyin's roar of "withdrawing troops", he led more than 100 cavalry back to the city in disgrace, and lost more than [-] cavalry within half an hour of the fight, which made Xian Yuyin's heart ache. Cavalry is no better than infantry and needs to be trained. The consumption of one cavalry is enough to support five infantry.

Zhao Yun said with a smile on his face: "I really don't know how to show off my arrow skills in front of General Huang!"

The rumbling drums of the Chinese army sounded, and the cavalry began to gallop in the direction of the city wall, throwing arrows and suppressing the Youzhou army on the city.

The ladder was erected on the city wall, and a Xiliang Army soldier quickly climbed up the city. Under the push of the soldiers, the Jinglan slowly approached the city wall. Orders and prohibitions, and the sound of war drums, the soldiers must go forward bravely, even if there is a mountain of knives ahead Sea of ​​Blood, also cannot have the slightest hesitation.

The Xiliang army's offensive was extremely sharp. Xian Yuyin led the soldiers to defend with all their strength, and the battle outside the city ended in defeat. He felt a little depressed, but it also completely extinguished Xian Yuyin's thoughts of going out of the city and fighting with the Xiliang army in the field.

After attacking the city for half a day, the Xiliang army retreated slowly, and the Youzhou army on the city breathed a sigh of relief.

After sieging the city for ten consecutive days, the Youzhou army gradually adapted to the rhythm of the Xiliang army's attack and handled it with ease. Faced with such a situation, Huang Zhong also had a headache. When attacking the city, the side that attacked the city must have suffered more losses. You can choose to besiege rather than attack, but the Xiliang Army has the background to support it.

Faced with Huang Zhong's anxiety, Guo Jia acted as if he was holding the pearls of wisdom, not worried at all, and encouraged Huang Zhong to attack the city with all his might.

The siege force invested 6000 people and started the attack directly from the three walls. At the same time, the army dispatched scrutinizing chariots and well rails, and there was a strong stance that they would not stop until the city was captured.

Under such an attack, Xian Yuyin was so busy that he kept running on the three walls of the city. The personal guards became firefighters, and they would kill wherever the enemy attacked the city.

In the middle of the night, there were bursts of shouts of killing in the county. The Youzhou Army at the gate was being killed and retreating steadily. A soldier of the Xiliang Army came out from the ground, and the cold sword light continued to slaughter The lives of the soldiers of the Youzhou Army depended on their advances and retreats. As soon as they stood firm, they rushed to the gate of the city.

Xian Yuyin was awakened from her sleep, grabbed the weapon beside her, hurried out of the tent, and shouted, "What's going on?"

"General, general, the Xiliang army has entered the city, hurry up..."

Xian Yuyin grabbed the soldier and opened his eyes wide, "If you dare to talk nonsense, you will be killed without mercy, and order the soldiers to move closer to the Chinese army!"

The city gate creaked and was opened, and the Xiliang army, ready to go, rushed in.

The soldiers led by Xian Yuyin couldn't resist the powerful Xiliang army, and the soldiers around him gradually decreased, and the Xiliang army had completely occupied the city gate.

There was constant shouting and killing in the city. How could the Youzhou army be the opponent of the wolf-like Xiliang army, both in terms of equipment and military strength?

Xian Yuyin organized soldiers to resist the Xiliang army, and led more than 2000 soldiers to evacuate the county town in a desperate manner, heading towards Shanggu County.

After occupying the county, Huang Zhong dispatched soldiers to occupy the counties of Daijun, and reported victory to Jia Rong in Chang'an. The county fell, and the resistance of the counties was very weak. Most of the county magistrates surrendered directly, and the Xiliang army treated the people well. , they are well-known in the frontier area, and these county magistrates are not stupid, and they don't want to be killed by the rioting people.

In the prefect's mansion, Guo Jia laughed and said: "General Huang is very resourceful and resourceful. He captured Daijun, a great achievement, and a great achievement. Congratulations!"

Huang Zhong clasped his fists and said: "This time we were able to obtain Dai Commandery, thanks to the help of a military advisor, otherwise it must have been a hard fight!"

"What about the money for the wine?" Guo Jia said with a chuckle.

Huang Zhong's face was slightly stagnant, and after a long pause, he waved his hand proudly, "Just take my bounty, and it will be regarded as paying for the wine."

Guo Jia laughed and said: "General Huang is really a straightforward person. The land of Daijun is very important. General Huang has a long way to go."

Huang Zhong questioned, "What do you mean by the words of the military advisor?"

"Haha, you will understand after a while." Guo Jia laughed.

After capturing Daijun, Huang Zhong issued an order to calm the people, restore the market, and strictly ordered the soldiers not to disturb the people. The normal order in the city under his command did not cause any major disturbances. His own officials were sent by Zhang Zhao to Daijun to take over the political affairs.

However, within half a month, county magistrates have been dispatched from all parts of Dai County to govern. These people are the best among the latest talents cultivated by Cai Yong. In the eyes of literati in this era, they may not take it seriously. They don't understand Confucian classics, but In Jia Rong's eyes, officials who know how to govern the place and how to organize soldiers and people to resist the enemy in times of war are qualified.

This is the first time for such an official in the territory of the Han Dynasty. Familiarity with Confucian classics is an important basis for becoming an official. Whether you are a humble scholar or not, you need to be in the officialdom if you want to keep climbing.

In the official system of Chang'an, the standard for appointing officials is how you will deal with the problem of governing the people, and how you will deal with the enemy's army. No matter how talented you are, you can only become an assistant to the county magistrate when you just take office. Unless Jia Rong was promoted out of the ordinary, like Chen Zhen, he would directly become a senior official in the Sansuke Land.

After the standards for cultivating talents were handed over to Cai Yong, he also spared no effort to complete them. Compared with the pedantic scholar in front of him, the speed of cultivating talents was inconceivably faster.

After Daijun was dispatched, Jia Rong left Huang Zhong and nearly [-] soldiers in Daijun. With Youzhou Army and Jizhou Army watching, Huang Zhong was under great pressure. Of course, given their courage, they would not dare to attack. The Xiliang army's city, the remnants of Jia Rong's thousands of men defending the attack of a hundred thousand troops are still there.

From a small battalion general, Huang Zhong became a general guarding one side of the Xiliang Army in the blink of an eye. With such a status, the speed at which his status has risen among the fierce generals of the Xiliang Army is unprecedented, but all the counselors have to admire Jia Rong knows people well.

Yuan Shao led the army to quickly occupy Pingyuan County when Cao Jun didn't react, and the soldiers pointed directly at Le'an State.

Xuzhou was unable to attack for a long time, and Yuan Shao led an army to kill Qingzhou. Cao Cao seemed to have no choice but to withdraw his troops. This time, he had nothing to gain except for ruining Xuzhou and losing more than [-] soldiers. The anger in Cao Cao's chest Still did not subside.

Cao Cao sent generals to guard the land of Qingzhou, only to barely stop Yuan Jun's pace.

The successive battles wiped out all the supplies Cao Jun had accumulated with great difficulty. The war was fought for money, and without money, there would be no soldiers and no food.

The Jizhou army has fought many times, and the soldiers under their command are all elites. Le'an's garrison has doubled the pressure. Facing Yuan Jun's day and night siege, he struggled to support him and waited for the arrival of Cao Cao's army. Yu Jin is indeed a famous general of the Cao army. , defending the city well, repulsed Yuan Jun many times, and with thousands of troops, abruptly blocked Yuan Jun's offensive.

Among the Cao army, Cao Ren Yu Jinxia Houyuan is a general who can take charge alone, and the rest are brave, but they are not enough to entrust important tasks.

When Yuan Shao attacked Qingzhou and Cao Jun returned to aid, a turmoil broke out in Yanzhou where the Han court was located. Countless warriors with weapons poured out of the city, seized the city gate and attacked the barracks. The momentum was extremely fierce. There were not many troops left in the city. If it weren't for Cheng Yu's good management, even if the riots were suppressed, Yanzhou might have changed hands.

Cao Cao was terrified, Yanzhou was his foundation, and he could not afford to lose, so he hurriedly led the army back to Yanzhou, but the army's support was not timely enough, Le Anguo fell under Yuan Jun's attack, and Yujin fled from the gate.

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