Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 45: Falling into Battle and Defeating Hua Xiong【Seeking for Red】

Chapter 45: Falling into Battle and Defeating Hua Xiong

Today, after Jia Rong returned to the camp, he immediately ordered Zhang Wei to call Xu Qiang and Li Fei. This was the first time that Jia Rong talked to them since they were in charge of military discipline.

After Xu Qiang and Li Fei came to Jia Rong's camp, they looked very cautious, and they didn't know where to put their hands; Those who knew him better still had a lot of fear of Jia Rong in their hearts, but they still admired Jia Rong very much. Both of them saw it.

Seeing the performance of the two, Jia Rong smiled and motioned the two to sit beside him, and said, "You two don't have to be cautious, it's okay to ask you to come today, just chat casually, come and sit down."

Xu Qiang and Li Fei came forward slowly and sat on the chair in front of Jia Rong, but their buttocks were only a little bit on the chair, quietly waiting for Jia Rong's next words.

Li Fei, who has been following Jia Rong since Lijia Village, is a good young man. He is brave in battle on the battlefield, trains hard at ordinary times, and is also a leader in Jia Rong's army. Although he is not the kind of nepotism, he is important. It is better to entrust the position to someone who knows better.

Although Xu Qiang has followed him for a long time, he was not the first to follow him, nor was he distrusting Xu Qiang, but Jia Rong thought that the two of them would work together to check for leaks and make up for vacancies, and prevent problems before they happen.

Looking at the posture of the two sitting on the chair, Jia Rong didn't force himself too much. Even if he saw the leader, he couldn't be very casual. He coughed lightly and said, "You have also received my appointment for you two. Any comments?"

Xu Qiang and Li Fei clasped their fists together and replied, "Follow the general's order!"

Jia Rong said: "I told you all, don't be so cautious, you two are also the earliest soldiers who followed me, just say what you want, don't always be generals in the future, just do whatever you want in private."

Xu Qiang knelt down and replied: "The general has an order, but the humble officer must go all out. The general's kindness, Xu Qiang will keep it in his heart."

Li Fei also knelt down and replied, "I swear to follow the general to the death!"

Jia Rong scratched his head and said, "What's the matter, I asked you to express your opinion, how can you be loyal?"

But Jia Rong didn't mind either. Nothing could buy his subordinates' loyalty to him.

Jia Rong stood up and helped the two of them up and said: "So you two have no objection, you two must do your best in the military discipline in the future, and you must not slack in the slightest. Military discipline is always very important. I hope you two People can cooperate with each other."

Li Fei and Xu Qiang answered in unison: "Yes."

"In the army, you must be fair and strict, especially in terms of your military discipline. Soldiers must be treated equally regardless of their status. Even generals who commit crimes must be punished like soldiers. Do you understand?" Jia Rong asked in a low voice. road.

The two didn't understand why Jia Rong, who had a friendly face just now, suddenly changed his face, and hurriedly answered yes with fists together.

Only when soldiers feel fair and just can soldiers have a certain sense of belonging, and soldiers are willing to fight with their lives on the battlefield.

Jia Rong felt that there were too many communication gaps between the two of them. Before Li Fei and Xu Qiang came, they felt that they had a lot to say to them, but when they really came to him, he didn't know how to get along with them. They communicate, which may be the sorrow of those who have been in the upper class for a long time.

After this short conversation, Jia Rong also understood that the two of them had no problem with their loyalty to him, and he was relieved to leave the issue of general discipline to them.

After signaling the two to leave, Jia Rong thought about how to further train the eight hundred trapped soldiers. The training of the soldiers was enough, and his efforts during this period were not in vain. The rise is inevitable.

At this time, Jia Rong thought of a problem, morale; morale is a very illusory thing, but it actually exists. . .

On the battlefield, the side with high morale can display its combat power to a greater extent. Morale is the greatest weapon on the battlefield. If you get it, the chances of winning on the battlefield will increase geometrically.

Why was King Wu of Zhou able to lead a small number of soldiers to defeat Shang Zhou's army?It's all about morale.

But how do you get something like morale?

Jia Rong thought that if the soldiers had full confidence in themselves during the usual training, they would surely have high morale on the battlefield. Jia Rong thought of a way.

After leaving the tent, Jia Rong came all the way to Huaxiong's camp.

Hua Xiong is practicing martial arts hard, wielding a big sword like a tiger, and Hua Xiong riding on a horse does have a fearsome aura, and Jia Rong is really envious of his skillful sword skills.

After practicing the saber technique once, Hua Xiong noticed Jia Rong who was beside him, and hurriedly got off his horse and came to Jia Rong's side, ready to bow and salute.

Jia Rong hurriedly pulled Hua Xiong up and said, "General Hua, there is no need to be like this. You and I are originally under Dong Gong's account, so why be so polite, besides, Rong only won by luck last time. Rong is best at fighting on foot. Martial arts, the glory of a horse is not as good as that of a general."

Although Hua Xiong is stupid, he can tell a thing or two from Jia Rong's martial arts on the battlefield, but he has already said what he said, how can he take it back, and even though Jia Rong's martial arts is not as good as his immediately, he is better than himself in terms of marching strategy. Hua Xiong admires people with strategies, so even if he salutes Jia Rong, Hua Xiong is willing.

Hua Xiong insisted on saluting Jia Rong, and then said: "What Hua said, I will not take it back."

Seeing the sincerity in Hua Xiong's words, Jia Rong didn't refuse, he helped Hua Xiong up and said: "General Hua doesn't need to be like this. It was just a military emergency that day, so I had to come up with this plan. General, please don't mind."

Hua Xiong argued: "General Jia, you are someone Hua Xiong sincerely admires. Hua is willing to salute General Jia, and there is no coercion or non-compulsion."

Jia Rong was secretly delighted. With the recognition of Hua Xiong, a powerful general, he will have a higher status in the Xiliang Army in the future, and the next training will be carried out more smoothly.

Jia Rong changed the topic and said, "General Hua, Rong came here to ask for something."

Hua Xiong waved his hand and said, "General Jia will tell you directly if you have anything in the future. Hua Xiong will definitely do his best. You don't need to be so polite with Hua."

So Jia Rong told Hua Xiong what he thought, and asked Hua Xiong to go to his army to participate in a training, and to fight against his own fighters. Naturally, the weapons should be replaced with wooden ones, otherwise it would be bad if there was a bloody incident. .

Hua Xiong also heard recently that Jia Rong has been busy training infantry. Hua Xiong dismissed it. Hua Xiong's favorite is cavalry. Infantry is always vulnerable in Hua Xiong's eyes. Charge, to ensure that the infantry immediately chaos, soldiers do not know the general, cavalry, is the king of the battlefield.

Although he thought so in his heart, Jia Rong brought it up, and Hua Xiong repeatedly agreed, claiming that he would do his best to cooperate with Jia Rong.

That afternoon, a guest came to the training ground of the soldiers, not a guest, all the soldiers knew each other, Hua Xiong's reputation as the Xiliang Army was known to everyone, and Dong Zhuo said that the Xiliang Army was No. 1.

However, when the soldiers admired Hua Xiong, they admired Jia Rong even more. The soldiers would never forget that Jia Rong once defeated Hua Xiong, so that Hua Xiong was respectful every time he saw Jia Rong. This is also their pride.

Jia Rong immediately asked Zhang Wei to call all the soldiers under training to the stage.

About a quarter of an hour later, all the soldiers were standing neatly and quietly beside the fighters, waiting for Jia Rong's order.

Hua Xiong nodded in satisfaction. If his soldiers could achieve such an effect in such a short period of time, although he didn't pay much attention to the combat effectiveness of the infantry, he admired Jia Rong's army training method very much. I thought about how to deceive Jia Rong's army training method after a while.

Jia Rong took Hua Xiong to the front of all the soldiers and said, "Today, I am honored to invite General Hua to join our army. Welcome everyone."

Hua Xiong was arrogant in front of other Xiliang troops, but he was very "polite" in front of Jia Rong, so he bowed his hands to all the soldiers as a salute.

After all the soldiers calmed down, Jia Rong got straight to the point and said: "General Hua came here this time, and I challenged him on behalf of all the fighters who fell into the camp. Today, everyone must do their best to show the prestige of being trapped in the camp. "

As soon as the words fell, the soldiers lost their usual calmness and didn't bother to answer Jia Rong. They all discussed this matter with each other. Even Li Shun, the leader of the trapped camp, was dumbfounded. Jia Rong hadn't mentioned this matter to him before. , Kuang Huaxiong is a well-known Xiliang fierce general.

Jia Rong raised his hand to signal all the soldiers to be quiet, and said: "Of course this kind of battle is not a battle between the generals, but a small group of soldiers trapped in the battle and General Hua. The battle is divided into foot battles and horse battles. Of course, all the soldiers trapped in the battle are fighting. It's foot combat."

After that, Jia Rong clarified the detailed rules. Naturally, Hua Xiong was alone, and eight soldiers were trapped in the formation, that is, a small formation. Hua Xiong was divided into foot battles and horse battles.

The weapons are made of wood, and if they are hit, they will withdraw from the battle directly, and all soldiers should supervise them.

Jia Rong came to Li Shun, patted Li Shun on the shoulder and said, "Are you confident?"

Although Li Shun felt uneasy, he mustered up the courage to answer: "Yes."

Jia Rong said relaxedly: "Don't be afraid, no matter how brave Hua Xiong is, he is only one person, and there are eight of us in the battle. As long as we work together, it will definitely not be difficult to defeat him."

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