Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 486: The Lone Wolf Shows His Power

"My lord is wise!" Several people bowed in unison. Jia Rong eased the crisis in the army as soon as he arrived. All the generals felt very comfortable and let go of their successive worries. .

The next day, there was no cloud in the sky, and the glaring sun shone on the body, making people feel extremely hot all over the body. It was already summer, not to mention fighting, even if they closed the doors and stood there for a while, they would sweat profusely.

Jia Rong in golden armor appeared in Guanshang, and the saber at his waist was replaced by an ordinary sword. It is said that the most indispensable thing in ancient times was a sword, but the Xiliang army only had two swords, the Yitian Sword and the Qingzhi Sword. , Jia Rong also ordered Xianlian Pavilion to collect swords at all costs before.

"Listen to the orders, all officers and men, and take precautions. If the army of the princes attacks the city, they will surely return in defeat!" Jia Rong walked among the soldiers and said loudly.

Few soldiers heard it, but under the mutual notification of the soldiers, all the defenders who closed the gate soon learned that everyone knew that Jia Rong had come to the gate and fought against the enemy with them. Thinking of this, everyone The soldiers felt the blood boiling all over their bodies, and looked at the princes' army outside the pass, with a burning light in their eyes, no matter how powerful the enemy was, they were nothing to worry about.

The banner with the word "Jia" fluttered in the wind. Jia Rong lived under the handsome flag. Looking at the neatly paced army of princes, there was a faint smile on his face, but it was just a false appearance. If he fought hand-to-hand with the Xiliang army, he would only be defeated all the way.

The Thunderbolt chariots have already been placed in the gate by craftsmen. A total of fifty Thunderbolt chariots stand quietly at the gate, overlooking the army of princes at the gate. They want to let the army of princes see what a real Thunderbolt chariot is.

The defenders were also attracted by the things behind them, and they waited and watched from time to time.

In the middle of the coalition army, Yuan Shao looked downcastly, looked at the dilapidated Hangu Pass, and said in a low voice: "If we don't break through this pass, we will not withdraw our troops!"

The princes from all walks of life have also understood that now it is difficult to ride a tiger and attack Hangu Pass. It can be said that they have exhausted their family resources and consumed countless food and materials. If they return without success, they will not only face revenge from the Xiliang Army, but also from other princes Attacking, all the princes who seem to be peaceful on the surface, actually have a calculation in their hearts. Even if they send troops to attack Hangu Pass, they have calculated clearly how much other princes have lost, how much they have lost, and how much they have paid. Weapons, etc., I'm afraid I will suffer a little loss. The strength of the army is strong. Without a cohesive force, how can it fight against the Xiliang army, but the victory lies in their large number and confidence in their hearts.

Li Ru wanted to spare no effort to attack Hangu Pass, but the generals under him obeyed his orders, but the soldiers at the bottom were not. The tens of thousands of troops were basically just decorations. What Li Ru had to do was to provide them with elite weapons. The armies of other princes, in order to achieve results.

Occupying Bingzhou and rebelling against the Xiliang Army also declared that Li Ru will be at odds with Jia Rong. He also understands that with Jia Rong's character, the first one to clean up is the traitor. If the Xiliang Army cannot be wiped out in this battle, it will be bad luck first. It's him.

For three consecutive days, there was no change in the army of the princes, and the continuous battles made them a little bit exhausted. The consumption of engineering ladders, rushing cars and other items was particularly severe. Basically, the follow-up supplies could only look at the city and lament.

The sound of war drums sounded, and the soldiers of the princes rushed towards Hangu Pass with all their strength. The successive battles improved the soldiers' ability to avoid arrows and boulders on the city a lot. The princes' army equipped the soldiers with the best armor, to ensure that under the oily dung juice, the lives of soldiers can be preserved.

Jia Rong stood at the top of the city, quietly watching the allied forces of the princes who had been shut down. The fire of war is indeed the best way to turn a strong army into an elite. He is sure that when the first attack was made, the soldiers who were shut down were under a shower of arrows from their own side. , The number of soldiers lost is definitely double that of the present.

"Get ready to open the door and go out to fight!" Jia Rong said coldly.

Zhang Xiu on the side clasped his fists to promise that a thousand lone wolf soldiers had already been prepared. He understood that Jia Rong was going to fight to completely shake the morale of the princes' army. tremble with fear.

The soldiers of the princes were still greeted by the fearful oily dung juice. It was impossible for the armor to cover the whole body, but the pain that was poured on the skin that was exposed in the air was unimaginable for ordinary people.

Listening to the wailing of the soldiers in the city, Jia Rong's expression remained the same. Years of fighting had already hardened his heart. War is death, and once it is done, all bones will be wiped out.

"Kill!" Guo Si's expression was a little excited.

Fifty catapults threw their loads of stones down the city, and the unprepared coalition soldiers were thrown into chaos by the boulders falling from the sky. Under the boulders, even if they were protected by heavy armor, they could be smashed into fools, not to mention that more soldiers did not Armor protection, relying on only a cavity of blood and the weapon in hand.

Once upon a time, Yuan Shao looked joyful when he saw the armies of the princes on the pass struggling to deal with the boulders. Now that the two sides have exchanged identities, one can imagine the feeling in his heart.

"In the Xiliang Army, there are really many capable people. It took only a long time to develop the Perak Chariot. Judging from its power, it is no less than our army's Perak Chariot." Cao Cao's tone was full of wonder.

"The opponent has the advantage of the city, and the boulder they fired is bigger and more powerful than our army." Li Ru worried, feeling the bitterness in his mouth. He didn't expect that his powerful weapon would be defeated by Xiliang in such a short time. The army researched it and applied it to the battlefield.

The drums of the Chinese army were still rumbling, and the soldiers of the coalition army did not retreat, and faced up to difficulties. The war made them get used to marching on the corpses of their companions accompanied by the sound of the drums. Once upon a time, they had become numb and had seen too many dead people. , the fear of war in my heart is getting smaller and smaller, but when I think back in the dead of night, I still feel scared when I think of my parents, wives and children far away. The generals promised very well, but how many families actually received pensions after they died? , The soldiers at the bottom don't understand the situation, but the generals still know it.

The flag was waved, and the boulders on the thunderbolt car were replaced by jars, and they were thrown at the coalition soldiers. At this time, the coalition soldiers had already attacked the city, and most of the jars fell on the center and rear of the coalition soldiers.

Dense rockets shot towards the rear of the coalition soldiers, and thick liquid flowed out of the jar that fell to the ground. The experienced old soldier suddenly changed color, and the jar was filled with oil.

A raging fire ignited among the soldiers, but within a short while, the flames were raging, and the attacking phalanx was turned into two sections, the end of which was hard to see. The coalition soldiers behind the flames could not stop their tendency to retreat no matter how loud the drums were.

At this time, the gates were closed and wide open, and the faces of the coalition soldiers showed surprise. As long as the city gates are occupied, the time for Hangu Pass to be breached will come. There are hundreds of thousands of troops behind them. Case.

The painful wailing of the soldiers kept coming from behind, which attracted the attention of the soldiers in front. When they turned around, what they saw was a sea of ​​flames. It was summer, and under the scorching of the flames, the soldiers felt extremely hot and inexperienced. The soldiers ran around in the formation, screaming in horror, and the fighting spirit that had finally gathered was broken by Pao Ze's screams.

Dressed in black and holding a scimitar, every soldier is wrapped in armor, even the horses under him are also equipped with armor, which looks like moving black fortresses from a distance.

Heavy cavalry, if the cavalry makes the infantry tremble on the vast battlefield, then the heavy cavalry is invincible and irresistible.

A monstrous fire had just ignited among the attacking soldiers, Yuan Shao's steady expression was gone forever, and he hurriedly ordered the soldiers to withdraw.

Li Ru let out a long sigh. He didn't expect that the Xiliang army would use the advantage of the thunderbolt car to throw oil from the gate to block the retreat of the attacking soldiers. At this time, about 2000 of the [-] soldiers were in the sea of ​​fire, and it was very difficult to retreat.

There are no rumbling drums, and the soldiers in black and black armor are constantly harvesting the lives of the panicked coalition soldiers. If the princes see these soldiers at this time, they will be shocked. Simple and practical moves, superb horsemanship, and rigorous coordination, even infantry, it is difficult to have such a coordination.

In just a quarter of an hour, the chaotic army of princes was beaten to pieces. Facing this group of soldiers who had lost their combat effectiveness, the Heijia army did not hesitate at all. Like a fighting machine, they raised their knives tirelessly, harvested, and moved one by one. , giving people the feeling that it is very simple, but it contains huge lethality.

When the fire was gradually extinguished, corpses were scattered all over the place, and flags were thrown on the ground in disorder.

Yuan Shao clenched his fists tightly and gritted his steel teeth. From the start of the battle to the present, the princes' army had never suffered such a loss. It was only an hour's effort, and only [-] of the [-] soldiers were left, and no soldiers even climbed the city wall. .

Blocked by the sea of ​​fire, the army of the princes did not see who the Xiliang army under Harvest Pass was, but the princes can be sure that this team must be extremely efficient. It can't be killed so cleanly within a short period of time, without leaving any pieces of armor.

Accompanied by the majesty, the soldiers who closed the door could smell a faint smell of meat.

The princes didn't see it, but the guards who closed the gate could see clearly. From the beginning to the end, the princes' army had no resistance. I don't know if the princes' army is too weak, or the Xiliang army is too strong. In the past, they were able to bravely climb the city wall. The vassals' army is so weak, and more importantly, which team are these soldiers covered in black armor? The astonishing kill rate and low loss rate made the defenders forget to shout for a while.

"My lord, with such a strong army in our army, why worry about the enemy being invincible!" Guo Jia said excitedly.

Jia Rong nodded slightly, and said: "Is there no one in the Xiliang army that the allied forces of the princes deceived me?"

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