Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 510: Siege

Niu Fuduan was sitting at the top of the Chinese military tent, and Gao Shun was standing beside him.

Some generals showed surprise on their faces when they saw the stranger beside Niu Fu.

Seeing that the tent was like a vegetable market, Niu Fu's face flushed slightly. When he was in the Xiliang Army, every time he held a meeting, he immediately quieted down. Never before had this happened.

After everyone quieted down, Niu Fu cleared his throat and said, "The Xiliang army has already approached the city, what good strategy do you guys have?"

"General, I am willing to lead the army out of the city to fight for a while, so that the Xiliang army can see how powerful our army is." A general said immediately after hearing the words.

Many generals in the tent sniffed at the words. This person was a general under Ding Tai's tent in the past. After he took refuge in the Xiliang Army, he was forced to be the company commander. When he learned of Li Ru's rebellion, he opened the city gate without saying a word, and greeted him. Li Ru went to the city, relying on his beard and flattery, and now he has become a general of the first army.

Niu Fu didn't answer, but glanced at everyone in the tent.

When some generals saw Gao Shun next to Niu Fu, they vaguely understood something. Seeing someone willing to be a bird, they didn't mind watching how Niu Fu performed. To be honest, Niu Fu was really not very popular in the army. The generals are often disobedient, and Niu Fu is also a good character, accommodating and patient.

The generals were chattering about something, nothing more than holding on to the city wall and waiting for reinforcements.

"When Li Ru sent this general to Fu County to defend the city, he made it clear that what happened to the Xiliang Army if he defended Fu County to the death. All the generals in the camp must have understood that the Lu Bu Army outside the city was just a vanguard team. I will lead the army, and when the city breaks down, what should everyone do?"

Niu Fu's words were not without reason, and there was a brief silence in the tent.

"Li Ruwuyi, when he led the army to rebel against the general and seize Bingzhou, this general has decided to open the city gate and join the Xiliang army. If he is willing to follow this general, this general will treat him like a brother."

One stone stirred up waves, and Niu Fu's words caused an uproar in the tent. Some generals had already put their hands on the sabers around their waists.

"The generals who agree stand on my left side, and those who disagree don't need to move." Niu Fu looked at the people in the tent coldly, and said slowly, he has led the army for many years, of course he has his own team, Li Ru I also thought of this, and most of the soldiers sent to Niu Fu were former Bingzhou Army and re-recruited soldiers. The generals were grateful for Li Ru's kindness of knowledge and encounter, and could play a role in restraining Niu Fu.

"Niu Fu betrayed Master Li, all the generals stepped forward to kill the enemy!" A general shouted loudly, leading several people to kill Niu Fu.

"Where are the swordsmen, kill all these traitors!"

Niu Fu yelled loudly, and the soldiers waiting outside the tent broke into the tent. After a while, the general was chopped into a pulp by the knives and axes.

The sharp tactics made everyone in the tent a little terrified, and they all fell silent. Looking at the dead bodies on the ground, many generals put their minds away carefully. They came to the meeting without any entourage. There is no strength to resist.

"Since you have chosen to join the Xiliang Army, Gao Shun welcomes you very much. I am the deputy vanguard of the Xiliang Army Vanguard Army." Confucianism hijacked and rebelled, the generals have a word, the generals who can realize their mistakes and correct them will not be blamed, and those who are stubborn will be executed."

"Willing to serve the Great General!" Everyone said one after another.

Lu Bu outside the city saw that there was no news of Gao Shun after he entered the city, and he was impatient. He had known Gao Shun for many years, and Gao Shun was also a deputy vanguard. If anything happened, Jia Rong would be the first to ask him to settle the score, and he was about to lead the army During the siege, the city gate slowly opened, and Gao Shun appeared on the city.

After Lu Bu carefully dispatched soldiers to occupy the city gate, seeing that there was nothing unusual, he led a large army into Fu County, left Niu Fu to guard Fu County, ordered five hundred cavalry to change into the clothes of the Bingzhou Army, and rushed to Gaonu without stopping. He wanted to pacify Shangjun before Li Rumie could react.

There were only a few hundred defenders in Gaonu City. I saw a cavalry soldier holding high the banner of the Bingzhou Army, and the soldiers were all dressed as Bingzhou soldiers. Without doubting him, he opened the city gate, and Lu Bu led the army to rush in, leaving behind a few Soldiers, make some adjustments and go to Fushi. As long as Fushi City is captured, Li Ru's power in Shangjun will be completely disintegrated.

Thinking that when Huang Zhong led the army to arrive, he had already occupied the entire Shang County with a mere [-] soldiers. What an honor it was. Looking at the entire battlefield, this kind of feat was also a great achievement, so he couldn't help but feel a little elated.

The commander of the county city is Dong Yue, a well-known general under Li Ru.

Dong Yue is different from Niu Fu, he has no feelings for the Xiliang Army, especially the Xiliang Army was split from Dong Zhuo's command back then, when he heard that Dong Zhuo's death was caused by Jia Rong, Dong Yue took the case, Resolutely rebelled against the Xiliang Army with Li Ru, made great contributions in Bingzhou, and was a die-hard follower of Li Ru.

"The defenders on the city quickly open the city gate, the general has something important to see the general!" A general in ragged clothes galloped to the foot of the county wall, shouting at the defenders on the city wall.

Seeing that it was his own brother, the defending general was about to open the city gate, when a person walked out from behind, and said coldly, "Why are you in such a panic?"

"The Xiliang army is coming, Niu Fu has rebelled, Gao Nu's garrison has failed, so he sent me to ask for help, the general quickly opened the gate of the city." The general said eagerly.

"Hmph, it's nonsense. General Niu Fu is a general of the Bingzhou Army. How could he join the Xiliang Army? Come and shoot this Xiliang Army spy to death."

"General, general, please forgive me. I am the guard of Gaonu City. The Xiliang army has already begun to attack the city. I also led my brothers to break out of the siege and come to the county town." The general explained hastily.

Dong Yue glanced at the generals under the city and the twenty or so cavalry around him, and ordered: "Open the city gate and let them enter the city."

A faint sternness flashed in the general's eyes, as long as they occupy the city gate for a moment, Lu Bu will lead the cavalry to kill them, and by then the entire Dai County will belong to the Xiliang Army.

More than twenty people had just entered the city gate, and before they could attack, Dong Yue yelled, "Close the city gate and kill all the spies!"

The gate of the city was slowly closed, and arrows were flying around, shooting at more than twenty cavalrymen. Even if they were skilled in bows and horses, it was difficult to fight against the large number of opponents. Unreconciled and puzzled, how did the defenders see through him, he didn't figure it out until he died.

Dong Yue said coldly: "These people are quite tough, and lost more than 20 soldiers, but you still want to pretend to be us and the state army."

Strictly guard the city gate, and do not open the city gate without my order, but anyone who wants to approach the city gate will be killed without reporting.

"No!" Dong Yue's move made the generals under his command respectful.

When Lu Bu led the cavalry to the base of the county town, there was no sign of his own cavalry, but the heads hanging on the city wall were no strangers, as if they were generals who had just led the army.

"You man, how dare you go out of the city to fight!" Lu Bu was furious, and shouted loudly standing outside the city. From the beginning of the expedition to the present, it has been smooth sailing. He has never suffered such a loss. His general was killed and his head was still hanging on the on the city gate.

Dong Yue rushed to the city after hearing the news, looked coldly at Lv Bu outside the city, without saying a word, and led the army out to fight. Dong Yue was not so stupid as to fight against the opponent without defending the city.

After cursing outside the city for a while, Lu Bu pointed at Dong Yue with the painted halberd in his hand and said, "This general will take your head." He patted his horse and left.

Deputy General Dong Teng asked in confusion: "General, how do you know that those cavalry just now are not our army's cavalry?"

Dong Yue laughed and said, "What's the difficulty? The biggest difference between our army's cavalry and the Xiliang army's cavalry is that the stirrups are different. How could the Xiliang army think of this in a hurry."

"Stirrups?" The lieutenant suddenly said, "So that's how it is. The general is as meticulous as a hair, and I admire his humble position!"

"Lü Bu appeared in the county town. Fu County and Gaonu have already fallen. The army of Xiliang Army will arrive soon. Then the real bloody battle will begin. The people in the city are strictly prohibited from moving around without authorization. After dark, no one in the city People move around, strictly inspect restaurants and other places in the city, and pay close attention to the movement in the city." Dong Yue ordered that he had more or less heard of some methods of the Xiliang Army, attacking the city gates, and uniting the soldiers in the city. Dong Yue seemed to have nothing to worry about. There were very few soldiers from the Xiliang Army in the county, and they were closely monitored by the soldiers, so it was difficult for them to do anything.

The Xiliang army is good at fighting, and Dong Yue has enough confidence to hold the county and let the Xiliang army run out of supplies.

Three thousand soldiers and horses captured Gaonu in Fu County without bloodshed. Huang Zhong was very happy and led ten thousand soldiers to the county seat at night.

The first army was progressing smoothly, and the second army had just set off from Chang'an at this time.

After the camp was set up and the soldiers rested for three days, Huang Zhong began to discuss with the generals about the siege of the city.

Lu Bu's successive victories gave the generals of the Xiliang Army a lot of confidence. Even Lu Bu, a rough man, can achieve great results, not to mention some generals who pretend to be no weaker than Lu Bu. In the Xiliang Army, evaluating generals is not just from Starting with martial arts, as well as the strategy of the general, this is a crucial step. Without planning, at best, you can only become a brave general who rushes to the battlefield, the courage of an ordinary man, but a person who is good at strategy can strategize and win a thousand miles.

Among the Chinese army, Huang Zhong's face was determined, and he ordered in a low voice: "Kill!"

The rumble of war drums sounded, and a thousand cavalry galloped towards the city wall, twisting neatly, and shooting arrows in one go, and the densely packed arrows flew towards the defenders on the city in an instant.

Dong Yue was familiar with the combat methods of the Xiliang Army, and hurriedly ordered the soldiers to raise their shields to resist. Many soldiers did not adapt to this combat method. About a hundred people were shot at a time, and they wailed in pain.

The shield soldiers in the rear stepped up and replaced the wounded soldiers.

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