Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 542: Two Generals

Seeing this, Mi Wei was overjoyed and was about to order the burning of the grain and grass. Several soldiers rushed out from the carriage. There was only one layer of grain and grass on the horses on the carriage. It looked a little confused.

The food transport soldiers who fled in embarrassment just now also showed a ferocious face, and resolutely returned to the team and started to kill the enemy with the weapons in their hands. How could they look panicked just now? Judging from the situation, it was clearly the Jizhou Army Among the elite.

Mi Wei was shocked, knowing that he had fallen for the opponent's plan, he hurriedly shouted: "Retreat!"

The soldiers who sprang out of the carriage were elite, wearing solid armor and holding a ring-headed knife, and confronted the cavalry without losing the wind, just like Gao Shun's infantry fighting the Jizhou army cavalry before, in a short time, The cavalry has nothing to do with these soldiers. They are not afraid of swords, guns, bows and arrows.

These soldiers did not attack the cavalry on the horse, but kept hacking and killing the horse. The horse was injured and ran around like crazy.

Charged out from the siege, there were less than 100 of the [-] cavalry left, and the loss was heavy. It can be said that the Xiliang cavalry lost the most since the battle, and it was still a surprise attack.

Mi Wei's face was ashamed, losing so many cavalry at one time, even with the influence of the Mi family in the Xiliang army, it may be difficult to change the fate of being punished. He is not afraid of punishment, what he fears most is Jia Rong's Blame, following Jia Rong for many years, to commit such a short-sighted mistake, I feel ashamed when I think about it, the generals who followed Jia Rong at the beginning now have a place in the army, and he has the financial support of the Mi family. Guo Jia Rong's personal guard commander, with such qualifications and family background, has never made any achievements, and even he himself secretly doubts whether he is not a talent for commanding troops.

Mi Wei quickly reported back the situation on the battlefield. The cavalry wandering on the battlefield should be more careful, and they will not make a move if they are not absolutely sure.

With a small victory, Yuan Shao was overjoyed, and his eyes on Tian Feng were no longer as displeased as before. Talented people will always have their day. Tian Feng has an upright character and repeatedly offended Yuan Shao, which once made Yuan Shao He felt a little bit resentful towards him, but after this victory, Tian Feng's aggression also became an upright character in Yuan Shao's cognition, defying power, and became a hero for a while. [

However, Tian Feng's strategy was also derived from Xu You's strategy in Daijun, so it cannot be called brilliant. Under Xu You's operation, the credit seems to have been vaguely attributed to Xu You, and that day At the time of Daijun, the Jizhou Army did save some defeats because of this strategy.

Not only Mi Wei, there are more than 2000 cavalry wandering on the battlefield. They were repeatedly frustrated by Tian Feng's tactics. For more than ten consecutive days, the loss of cavalry reached 500.

Jia Rong was startled secretly, and ordered all the cavalry to withdraw, and sent Yan Xing Ma Teng to the battlefield. There has been no major battle recently. If they can't win small conflicts, what will the face of the Xiliang Army be? Wei Lan, who had suffered losses under such a strategy before, made a total calculation and asked the generals to deal with it on the battlefield by themselves to test the generals' ability to adapt to the battlefield. If a general wants to really grow up, he needs to go through the baptism of war and be alone. Lead troops in battle.

Since Yan Xing took refuge in the Xiliang Army, his military exploits were indeed limited. After all, this person was a member of Han Sui's command back then, and his status in the army was not valued. Jia Rong knew that this person was the leader of the army. So I took it with me when I went out.

Ma Teng and Yan Xing each took five hundred cavalry to the battlefield to recover from the Jizhou army.

Yan Xing first observed the terrain of the Jizhou Army's grain road and the situation of the Jizhou army's affairs during the latest delivery of grain and grass. It was obvious that there were soldiers ambushing in the carriage carrying grain and grass. The carriage can inflict heavy damage on the cavalry. This is also the most popular combat method adopted by the Jizhou Army for many days, and has repeatedly won military exploits.

There are soldiers in the carriage, how to deal with it, Yan Xing thought hard, this battle is of great significance to him, after joining the Xiliang Army, he has always been notorious He didn't have many contacts, and he had thought of various strategies before coming here, and the strategy Jia Rong gave was also quite satisfactory.

If he can win a big victory this time, he will definitely be able to become an upstart among the generals in one fell swoop.

Carriage, food, ambushes, heavy infantry, Yan Xing's mind kept flashing the most important things that affect the battlefield.

Suddenly, he seemed to have grasped something, a thoughtful look appeared on his face, and then he shook his head slightly, denying the trick.

In the twinkling of an eye, another three days passed. This time, Jia Rong issued a deadly order. Each team should carry dry food for fifteen days.

Ma Teng tried it out with fifty cavalry, and sure enough, as the intelligence said, there were hundreds of soldiers hiding in the food and grass, and he hurriedly withdrew his troops and was on the sidelines again.

The speed of the cavalry is fast. Once they find that the situation is wrong and withdraw their troops, these mud-legged soldiers will not be able to catch up at all. The reason why they were able to win the victory before is probably because the generals of the Xiliang Army were too contemptuous. Losing his previous judgment, when facing the enemy, he only thinks about his kindness and enmity and leads the cavalry to kill him. This kind of general is very irresponsible. He does not take the lives of soldiers seriously. In Jia Rong's cognition, he is destined to Cannot become a commander in chief.

As a general, you should cherish the life of each soldier, understand the strengths of each soldier, and be able to use their strengths to the extreme during battle. Of course, this is the most ideal general.

The previous Mi Wei obviously failed to do this. To a large extent, he relied on the powerful lethality of the cavalry, rather than his own ability to command troops. [

In order to ensure the victory of the war, Ma Teng also brought his son Ma Chao. As a warrior on the battlefield, Ma Chao alone can greatly mobilize the vitality of the soldiers. A brave general, the role on the battlefield cannot be ignored.

Every transportation team of the Jizhou Army is well-defended, which makes Ma Teng feel like he is starting from the bottom. Does Yuan Shao need so many people for each transportation team, so can the consumption of soldiers along the way be affordable? Ma Teng Can wait, he has half a month, enough to wait until Yuan Shaojun is negligent, and then deliver a fatal blow.

On this battlefield, as long as Ma Teng does not take the initiative to attack, it is obviously very difficult for the Jizhou Army to catch their traces. How to catch up, relying on the speed of the cavalry is hard work, and it can exhaust them to death. Ma Teng didn't worry about the euphorbia warriors and the Xiandeng dead soldiers at all.

Yan Xing carefully looked at the transportation team in front of him, and ordered his cavalry to get ready.

When the grain transport team was closest to Yan Xing, Yan Xing gave an order, and a hundred cavalrymen dispatched, shouting continuously to kill the grain transport soldiers.

From the faces of the grain transport soldiers, they saw panic. Of course, when the cavalry charged so fiercely, no one was afraid. The generals of the grain transport soldiers hurriedly organized soldiers. There were soldiers hidden in the grain carts, and they also had cards. People, how could they be frightened by the momentum of the Xiliang army? Amidst the shouts of the generals, the soldiers gradually stabilized. They had won many victories against the cavalry before, although this food transport team did not win. The precedent of the cavalry, according to the orders above, must be able to establish miraculous achievements.

The food transport soldiers stabilized one after another, and looked at the cavalry rushing forward. The panic on their faces turned into determination.

Under the order of the general, all the grain transport soldiers scattered and fled in all directions. However, when they fled, they kept looking back at the scene behind them, waiting for the soldiers in the grain truck to come out, and then came back to help. One should be in harmony with the outside, and the center will bloom.

Yan Xing sneered, and a hundred cavalrymen suddenly reined in their horses, quietly watching the grain and grass carts not far away, and there was a trace of sneer on the faces of the fleeing soldiers. The problem is, when you run away, you run away, and you keep looking back at what you are doing. When a deserter runs away, he still cares about what is behind him.

The cavalry stopped, and the general of the grain transportation team felt caught off guard, because there was still a long distance for the cavalry to gather the grain and grass carts, and he did not dare to order without authorization. The other party must have known about his own method.

"Kill!" Yan Xing ordered.

A hundred cavalry, instead of rushing towards the food and grass, chased and killed the infantry fleeing in all directions. How could these infantry be the opponents of the cavalry, for a while, the wailing was endless.

The general's face was pale. If the situation continues like this, the soldiers' pretended escape will become a real escape. How can a two-legged one run faster than a four-legged one? Yan Xing suffered a lot in the battle. This move also seized the weakness of the Jizhou Army.

In desperation, the general shouted loudly: "Everyone come to my side!" At this time, the general was still near the grain cart, waiting for instructions.

With the support of the grain and grass carts, it is equivalent to having a defensive line. The cavalry will definitely not dare to step forward easily. Potential.

Accompanied by the sound of rumbling horseshoes, more than a hundred cavalrymen came out from the left, roaring continuously, beating their horses and galloping towards the grain truck, all holding a jar in their hands, not far from the grain truck At that time, the general gave an order, and all the jars were thrown to the grain truck.

A rocket ignited the entire grain and grass team, and under the infection of kerosene, a raging flame was quickly ignited. Under the leadership of Yan Xing, five hundred cavalrymen stared at the four sides of the grain and grass team, for fear of missing every detail.

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