Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 8: Mr. Zhang

Jia Rong asked these instructors to go back and do more ideological work for these young soldiers. After all, they are still children, and they will feel homesick after being away from home for a long time.

After lunch, Jia Rong found General Zhu again and told him a series of ideas, including the issue of extra meals for soldiers. After hearing this, General Zhu agreed to Jia Rong's idea without much consideration, and gave him Jia Rong strongly supported him and let him do it freely.

Jia Rong was surprised by General Zhu's behavior, and even looking at General Zhu was pleasing to the eye, this General Zhu looks good too.

In fact, Jia Rong didn't know that it was the credit of that Mr. Zhang. He saw that Jia Rong's method was feasible; he told General Zhu at that time, and he told General Zhu that if this training method was really effective, then all the credit would Not all his.

General Zhu trusted Mr. Zhang very much at ordinary times, and after hearing Mr. Zhang's words, he was also elated and agreed.

Therefore, today Jia Rong felt that everything was going so smoothly.

Jia Rong came to the kitchen and conveyed the meaning of General Zhu; he divided the meals in the kitchen into three classes, the first class meal: two white steamed buns and a bowl of broth; the second class meal was the same as usual, two steamed buns and a bowl Porridge; as for the third-class meal, it is a steamed bun and a bowl of porridge; in order to achieve the purpose of reward and punishment for training.

Throughout the afternoon, the training was in full swing in the field, and everyone was struggling to get a place in the good phalanx; while Jia Rong patrolled all the way to guide the shortcomings of each phalanx training.

Mr. Zhang who was not far away also praised the practice after seeing the training effect, saying that Jia Rong's method is good.

At the end of the training session in the afternoon, it was a world of difference compared to the first session in the morning. Although it was still not as expected, it shows that everyone has worked hard.

First, Jia Rong asked everyone to stand in a military posture. After about 10 minutes of military posture, Jia Rong selected a good square formation and a bad square formation; the good square formations were the first, seventh and eighth square formations, and the poor ones The phalanxes are the fifth, ninth, and tenth phalanxes.

After being selected, some people were happy and some were worried. The young soldiers who were rated as good phalanx were very happy; The instructor's face is also ugly.

At this time, Jia Rong walked up to the high platform in front of the training ground and waved his hands to signal for everyone to be quiet. This time, the quiet was relatively quick. It seems that the training effect is obvious.

Jia Rong nodded in satisfaction and said: "Everyone's performance today is very good. I hope you will continue to work hard for the good phalanx; don't be discouraged for the soldiers who are rated as poor phalanxes. Be a man. Try hard to get a good ranking, I believe you will achieve good results next time."

When eating, divide the phalanx into three parts according to the original plan.

The poor phalanx saw that the soldiers in the good phalanx ate white steamed buns and drank broth. Although they were greedy, there was nothing they could do. Mantou, drink broth.

Being rated as a good phalanx is not only full of cheers from the soldiers, but even their coach walks with a smile on his face, which makes him feel more honored.

Seeing such an effect, Jia Rong is also sincerely happy. He believes that only by comparing can there be progress.

After dinner, Jia Rong called each coach into his own room to talk; during the period, he praised the good-performing phalanxes and encouraged the instructors of the poor-performing phalanxes to prevent them from having bad emotions.

At the same time, Jia Rong demonstrated the training of squatting and sitting postures to them, and let them practice walking in unison, especially emphasizing military discipline, which must be strictly enforced.As for the goose step of the troops of later generations, Jia Rong did not teach them, because he felt that it was not needed at this stage.

After each coach had no doubts about these movements, Jia Rong asked them to go back to rest, and asked them to go back and think about how to train their phalanx well.

On the second day, the training of each phalanx was in full swing, and the sound of beating, scolding and yelling from the coaches came and went over the training ground one after another.

After the meal last night, the competition between the various phalanxes became more intense; the soldiers in the poor phalanx were optimistic about the soldiers in the phalanx drinking broth and eating white steamed buns. They were worse than others, and they secretly cheered up; the soldiers who performed well yesterday naturally wanted to keep their achievements, and they also wanted to drink broth and eat white steamed buns.

This kind of training atmosphere is what Jia Rong wants to see most.

After a few days of training, this army has changed a lot from when it first arrived, regardless of what happened. It can follow orders and prohibit, know how to stand in the army, how to maintain military discipline, and walk in unison with some momentum. Yes, this is inseparable from Jia Rong's efforts.

After today's training, Jia Rong came to Mr. Zhang's barracks; seeing the effect of Jia Rong's training, Mr. Zhang was also extra polite to Jia Rong this time.

Seeing Jia Rong coming, he hastily went up to meet him and said, "I don't know what's important for Head Coach Jia to come here?"

Seeing Mr. Zhang's enthusiasm, Jia Rong hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "Mr. Zhang, you are welcome. I think the training in the army these days has begun to bear fruit, and I can train other items; You can start training them with shooting arrows."

Mr. Zhang thought for a while and said: "In this case, I will give you 100 soldiers in the army, and you will assign them to train these soldiers; but these soldiers only need to learn how to use guns, and they will not learn if there are too many." of."

From Mr. Zhang's words, Jia Rong also heard that he had something to hide, but Jia Rong still said gratefully: "Thank you Mr. Zhang, I will do my best to complete this matter."

After hearing this, Mr. Zhang waved his hands and said, "You're welcome. I heard that Head Coach Jia is from Lijia Village. I see that you have extraordinary knowledge in conversation. I don't know where you learned from?"

"Sir, it's good to call me Zhiyuan from now on. My teacher is from the mountains and fields. I don't want others to know his surname. Please forgive me." Jia Rong said.Jia Rong knew that people in ancient times had characters, so he thought of a character for himself; he took the meaning from "aspiration should be high and high", and at the same time made himself a mountain teacher to add a certain sense of mystery to his identity .

Mr. Zhang waved his hand and said: "It's okay, it's okay, my teacher must be a strange person in the mountains. Zhiyuan? I don't know why?"

"Aspirations should be kept high and lofty" was what Zhuge Liang said later, and of course people nowadays don't understand what it means.

Jia Rong explained: "Aspirations should be lofty!"

After hearing this, Mr. Zhang clapped his hands and said: "A good aspiration should be lofty, with good writing and good writing. I don't know what is the ambition of Zhiyuan?"

Jia Rong pondered for a while and said: "The big man should be Xuewei, Huo, drive out the Huns, fight on the battlefield, and defend the family and the country."

What he said was so righteous that even Mr. Zhang was very excited after hearing it, and said: "Zhiyuan's ambition is really extraordinary."

Jia Rong asked modestly: "Have you asked your name, sir?"

Mr. Zhang said solemnly: "Don't dare to be expensive, my surname is Zhang, and my name is Zirong."

After going through all this, Jia Rong became more familiar with this Mr. Zhang.After all, he is now working under the name of the general surnamed Zhu, and this Mr. Zhang, from the attitude of General Zhu towards him, can know that Mr. Zhang must be his confidant.

It is of great benefit to Jia Rong to have a good relationship with Mr. Zhang, not to mention that Mr. Zhang is also a very good person.

"Zhiyuan, if you have nothing to do, you can go to implement your military training strategy; don't worry, if the military training is good, I will definitely ask for your merits in front of General Zhu. Yours." Mr. Zhang said.

Jia Rong was overjoyed when he heard this, for Mr. Zhang must not be an easy person to have a relationship with County Magistrate Li, and he became more determined to make friends with him.

According to Mr. Zhang's account, Jia Rong approached General Zhu and asked for a hundred military athletes.

Hearing Jia Rong say it was Mr. Zhang's intention, General Zhu said nothing, and asked Jia Rong to bring his personal letter to the dignitaries of County Magistrate Li. From this we can see that Mr. Zhang is definitely General Zhu's confidant.

Carrying General Zhu's handwritten letter, Jia Rong walked towards the county government office in the city; after about a quarter of an hour, Jia Rong arrived at the county government office, and after searching all the way, he found the residence of County Magistrate Li.

With blue bricks and red tiles, the roof is more than three feet higher than the surrounding residents. At first glance, it looks like the residence of the rich and powerful.

Jia Rong stepped forward to knock on the door knocker, and soon there was a "squeak", the red lacquered door opened a crack, and an old man over fifty years old came out.

Seeing Jia Rong, he asked, "I don't know what you can do, my lord?"

"I am a coach under General Zhu. Today I brought a letter from General Zhu to discuss important matters with Li County Magistrate. I beg the old man to accommodate me." Jia Rong replied respectfully.As the so-called seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister, he didn't want to delay his military training plan because of a trivial matter.

The old man took another careful look at Jia Rong and said, "Give me the letter, and I'll show it to the master. Please take it with you for a while."

Jia Rong hastily clasped his hands together and said, "There is work, there is work."

After about a cup of tea, the old man came out of the mansion and said to Jia Rong, "Master, please."

Jia Rong thanked him, and followed the old man all the way into the mansion; various flowers, plants and trees were planted in the mansion, which gave people a fresh feeling, and the layout of the mansion seemed to be the work of famous masters.

After a while, Jia Rong followed the old man to the place where the county magistrate lived; the old man signaled Jia Rong to go in, while he stood waiting outside the door.

After entering the door, Jia Rong discovered that this is a study room; there are various books on the bookshelves, and the difference from his time is that the books are made of piles of bamboo sticks.

Although paper had been invented in the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was not widely circulated in the world at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, but only among the upper-class people in society. It was not until the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties that paper became common in the world.So at this time, when people move, they can load a few carriages with just books, which is very troublesome.

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