Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 82: A distinguished guest comes to visit

The first one was a commoner who would not say anything when he saw Jia Rong excited. Jia Rong hurriedly asked this simple commoner to sit down. Unexpectedly, just as Jia Rong stood up to help him, the commoner fell to his knees in fright. The thumping sound showed Jia Rong the sincerity in his heart.

Jia Rong couldn't laugh or cry, could it be that he was so scary, he kindly helped him up, he would have to faint after knocking down like this, let the guard serve a cup of tea, after sitting down, the people were still trembling, obviously it was the first time seeing him to such a big scene.

Jia Rong cleared his throat and said, "Well, the weather is indeed very cold, and you are wearing too little clothes. Drink a cup of tea to warm yourself up."

The guard behind him lowered his head, and his body was trembling with laughter. It was still a little cold in this hot day, and the general was too good at talking.

The people did as they said, and after drinking tea, they became much calmer.

"Well, you are the first warrior who dared to step into the recruiting hall of the prefect's mansion. Say, what are your specialties?" Jia Rong picked up a cup of tea and started to taste it. In fact, he was just pretending. How could this guy know how to taste tea, but he couldn't in front of outsiders. Lost identity.

The common people put down their teacups, knelt down in front of Jia Rong and said, "The prefect... my lord, my... my name is Hu Zhun. I'm... an ordinary citizen. I heard that if I have a skill, I'll... I'm here." .”

Jia Rong lifted the people up, nodded approvingly, looked at him with a smile, and signaled him to continue talking.

The common people nodded when they saw Jia Rong, and looked at themselves with a smile, and their tone became smoother, without the stuttering just now.

"What I'm usually good at is plowing land. The land I've plowed is considered good by everyone after seeing it." The commoner said in a naive manner.

Jia Rong spat out the tea he had just drunk into his mouth with a puff, "So your specialty is farming?" Jia Rong asked incredulously.

The common people didn't know why Jia Rong's reaction was so strong, so they answered truthfully, "Yes."

Jia Rong almost didn't faint, but for the warriors in front of him, Jia Rong couldn't dampen their positivity, otherwise, who would dare to step into this door in the future, with a good example, no one would worry about coming, it is still the same Smiling as before.

"Well, you are a good person. The prefect is planning to open up wasteland and cultivate land. It is time for people like you to contribute to the country. I will order you to be the commander in charge of farming, and assign you a few soldiers to take charge of some farming affairs. Now is the time when a lot of waste is waiting to be done, I hope you will work hard and don't let down my trust in you!" Jia Rong said righteously, and then patted Hu Zhun's shoulder affectionately.

Hu Zhun bowed his head and bowed, "Thank you sir, I will work hard to live up to your expectations." Hu Zhun was very excited, never thought that he, a commoner, would be appreciated by the prefect, and he secretly told him For myself, I must plow the land well and repay the great kindness of the prefect.

After Hu Zhun left for a long time, Jia Rong was relieved, but Hu Zhun is also a talent, a good farmer, very useful, looking at the guards behind him who pursed their lips and giggled, Jia Rong scolded: "Be serious, you will Plowing the land? Whoever laughs again will be fined not to eat tonight, such a simple commoner deserves everyone's respect."

The second one is a blacksmith who is good at making weapons. There is his weapon shop in the city. Jia Rong likes it very much. The craftsman is vulgar in the eyes of the big Han people, but in the eyes of Jia Rong, he is a treasure. I will need these in the future. There are many places for craftsmen.

Jia Rong praised him a lot, and the blacksmith left with a smile on his face.

This afternoon, all the miscellaneous people were greeted, but none of the real management talents came. Feelings have become a clown by themselves, bouncing around in front of everyone. Fortunately, there are these people to support themselves today. It would be a big embarrassment. There are these people who want to go back and promote themselves, sometimes it is more realistic than posting notices by themselves.

Maybe this is also instigated by those "masters" behind them. I want to see Jia Rong's attitude, so Jia Rong should have the demeanor of a courteous and corporal and be eager to seek talents. Even if a beggar comes, Jia Rong can make him play a role.

He drank the tea in the cup, walked out the door, sat and drank the tea all afternoon, no one could bear it.

Sure enough, as soon as Hu Zhun returned, he was surrounded by a group of people. On the one hand, this group of people wanted to see Hu Zhun's jokes, and on the other hand, they wanted to see if the prefect really took this matter seriously as stated in the notice.

Hu Zhun did his part, walked to a high ground, and looked down at the people around him. Hu Zhun had the feeling that he was already a high-ranking official, and he cleared his throat like Jia Rong.

The people below were already impatient, and kept urging Hu Zhun to speak quickly.

Hu Zhun thought he had enough prestige, and said, "Guess what our lord prefect looks like?" Hu Zhun didn't answer the question directly, but walked around a little. The feeling of being surrounded by everyone was so wonderful. , I also have bragging capital in the future.

The people around were also very cooperative. Some people said that the prefect must be tall and powerful, otherwise he would not be able to defeat the Qiang cavalry again and again. The story of Jia Rong's defeat of the Qiang cavalry has long been spread in the north; Some people say that the prefect must have three heads and six arms, and the gods descended to earth...

Hu Zhun interrupted everyone's speculation, and described it in the most beautiful language he thought in his life: "The prefect is a good man. When I first entered, the prefect asked me to sit down and served me tea. That tea tastes really good." Hu Zhun was seven points true and three points false, with a proud look on his face.

"And then, and then..." The audience had long been impatient and kept urging.

"Then, the prefect asked me what I could do, and I said I could plow the land, and everyone said I plowed the land well." Hu Zhun said truthfully.

There were bursts of laughter from the crowd below, and some people even laughed and beat their chests and feet. Many of these people just looked at Hu Zhun as a little naive, so they asked him to go to Jia Rong's recruiting hall, that is, they were going to see him joke.

Hu Zhun blushed and shouted loudly, "I haven't finished talking yet, you are not allowed to laugh. The prefect didn't laugh when I said it, but he spit out the tea he was drinking." Hu Zhun was very puzzled by this , thought it was some profound action, so he said it to let everyone explain it to him.

After hearing Hu Zhun's words, the people below laughed even harder. The few people who instigated Hu Zhun to go even rolled on the ground, their bodies bent and trembling on the ground.

Seeing the people below laughing so hard, Hu Zhun knew what was going on no matter how stupid he was.

Hu Zhun blushed and interrupted the wonderful performance of the people below, and then said: "You must stop laughing, the prefect praised me for being very good, and said that I am a warrior, what's the matter, are you all warriors?" Hu Zhun It seems that a child has a good toy and shows it off in front of his peers.

"Then what kind of official did the prefect appoint you?" A man who looked like a scholar asked.

Hu Zhun could see clearly that the person who asked was a scholar, and usually he would ignore them when he talked to them, but now when he asked himself, he felt happier, and said with a look of yearning: "Master Taishou said that he will organize Cultivate wasteland, I will command everyone to plow the land, and I will allocate a few soldiers."

After hearing Hu Zhun's words, the people below stopped laughing. They even looked at Hu Zhun with envy in their eyes. They didn't expect this silly boy to go to the prefect's mansion and get such good treatment. Don't look at it. It is a small commander, which means that Hu Zhun is already a member of the government, and has been branded by the government.

The same thing happened in many places in Fuping County. It was the people who went to the Recruiting Hall of the Taishou Mansion in the afternoon. The benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees wisdom. I turned around and tried my luck, but those aristocratic families and literati didn't see it that way. Even an ordinary person who is only good at farming and blacksmithing can be appointed by the prefect's mansion. What kind of treatment will he get if he goes by himself? .

This night was destined to be a sleepless night, and countless poor scholars kept thinking about where they belonged.

The next day, the prefect's mansion ushered in a distinguished guest. This person was elegant and dressed in white, giving people a feeling of being out of mud and unstained. Even if he stood there without making the slightest movement, he still gave people admiration.

Jia Rong, who was notified by the guards, kept laughing all the way, and finally came to something decent.

Seeing the person in front of him, the laughing Jia Rong immediately froze in place with a dull expression.

The scholar in white laughed and said, "Could it be that the prefect Jia doesn't know the old man?"

Jia Rong took the scribe's hand and walked into the mansion, and ordered the guards to hold a banquet quickly, making the prefect's mansion go crazy, there were no maids in the mansion, it was just a group of elders.

"Brother Zirong, you can't see the end of the dragon, so you think of me." Jia Rong said kindly, holding the scribe's hand.

The scholar in white was none other than Zhang Zirong from Hechi County in the past. Recently, Jia Rong's reputation has spread among the scholars, and Zhang Zirong who got the news rushed to Beidi County overnight.

The scribe said with a smile, "what's the explanation? It should be said that it's not easy to meet the prefect Jia."

Jia Rong said with an unhappy expression: "What is the eunuch who doesn't keep guard too much? You are my brother Zirong, and I am your brother Zhiyuan." Zhang Zirong's help to him in the past, Jia Rong It can be seen that it is completely sincere, and Jia Rong is also very kind to this old man.

The scribe's slightly frowned brows relaxed a lot. After many years, Jia Rong still remembered the original friendship. The scribe was deeply moved, and said with a smile: "So, I will take the liberty, Brother Zhiyuan." The hypocritical, downhill donkey.

Jia Rong laughed loudly and said, "That's all. After so many years, you and my brother won't be able to see each other. We'll have to get drunk tonight."

The scholar withdrew his hand indiscriminately, and said, "Zhiyuan, isn't your recruiting hall recruiting talented people? How can we leave you?"

Jia Rong patted his forehead and said: "Look at me to remember, I only entertain brother Zirong at night, brother Zirong don't take offense, please rest in the mansion, and come to accompany me after I finish dealing with the Zhaoxian hall. "

Brothers and sisters, for the iron ride, stand up!Favorites, red tickets, rewards, come to the cavalry!

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