Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 85: Aristocratic Family, Poor Scholar

Be steady at the critical moment, Jia Rong kept admonishing himself, and looked at Zhang Li who walked in with a smile.

The scolding that Jia Rong imagined did not come, but after Zhang Li came in, he bowed and said: "Greetings, my lord!" His words were very respectful.

The ancients paid attention to sticking to the end, and changing jobs would only make the world ridicule. From the moment Zhang Li worshiped Jia Rong as the master, Zhang Li's life was decided.

Jia Rong hurriedly helped Zhang Li up, "Brother Zirong, you are welcome, just call me Zhiyuan."

Zhang Li straightened his face and said: "My lord, this matter is absolutely unacceptable, how can I go against your lord's gift." His tone was firm and unquestionable.

Both of them agreed very tacitly without mentioning what happened yesterday.

Zhang Li said: "My lord's previous recruitment order can be described as shocking, and the eyes of scholars from all over the country are all focused on Beidi County."

Jia Rong said in surprise, "Oh, what's the explanation? Is there something wrong with the recruiting order?"

"My lord, do you know the difference between a scholar from a poor family and a child from an aristocratic family?" Looking at Jia Rong's puzzled face, Zhang Li explained: "A scholar from a poor family must have the recommendation of a great Confucian in the world if he wants to enter the court, that is, he must worship under the great Confucianism. It is possible to get the approval of the imperial court only under the sect of the Han Dynasty, and this is also the selection system for talents in my Great Han Dynasty."

"My lord's order to recruit talents subverted the talent selection system of the big man. To be serious, you are blatantly violating the system of the big man and provoking the majesty of the royal family; even if the emperor of Han doesn't pursue it, the lord is still with the big man. The aristocratic family has moved to the opposite side, and the recruitment order has greatly weakened the advantages of the aristocratic family, and many aristocratic families will definitely alienate the lord because of this."

Jia Rong was in a cold sweat, painting a tiger could not be an anti-dog. He originally wanted to use Cao Cao's old recruiting order to recruit more talents. At first, he was complacent about his cleverness, but he didn't expect the consequences to be so serious. It seems that what to do in the future You need to think more about things, think twice before acting, "Brother Zirong teach me what to do?" The most important thing for a big man is the aristocratic family, and the aristocratic family plays a leading role. Jia Rong, who comes from the future world, how can he know so much? This is the approximate direction of history.

Zhang Li seemed to have expected that Jia Rong would ask him for advice, so he said in a leisurely manner: "My lord's recruitment order has been issued, and I can't take it back if I want to accept it; in fact, my lord's original intention is not wrong. The emperor specifically stated that Xiaozhi used emotion to reason, and believed that Emperor Han would not pursue it. Today's Beidi County is a barren land. No family is willing to take this position. None of the officials who fled before came back. The Han court did not send officials to come, and the position of long history has been vacant."

"Although the lord's recruitment order has pushed the lord to the opposite side of the aristocratic family, there are so many underprivileged people in the world, and the educated people among the underprivileged are like crucian carp crossing the river. As long as the lord persists in the edict, there will be unexpected benefits "It is extremely difficult for poor scholars to enter the court and become officials, and the lord's recruitment order is also an opportunity for them. Such an opportunity for hundreds of years will definitely squeeze the heads of those humble scholars who are disheartened about official careers."

Zhang Li's talk calmed Jia Rong's anxious heart a lot. After Zhang Li's analysis, Jia Rong found that his recruitment order was still a mistake. What happened to the children? Could it be that there are those poor people who have worked so hard to travel and study, and constantly ask others for advice, who are capable, and they are blessed by misfortunes and blessed by misfortunes.

Jia Rong's poetic feeling surged up, and he looked up to the sky and sighed: "There are tens of thousands of mansions in An De, which shelters the world's poor and happy!" Jia Rong only thought of the moment, and blurted out an eternal classic poem.

This sentence is different when it reaches Zhang Li's ears. It is clearly comparing the whole world to tens of thousands of mansions, and then collecting all the poor people in the world.

Regardless of how classic this sentence is, Zhang Li persuaded, wiping the sweat from his brow: "My lord, don't say such words in the future. If it spreads to the court, it will be detrimental to the lord, and what's more, it will make the lord guilty of treason."

However, Zhang Li admired the heroism in Jia Rong's poems. How many people in the world can have such lofty ambitions.

Jia Rong listened carefully to Zhang Li's suggestion, and Jia Rong also understood his own shortcomings, so he insisted on learning from some literati, so he uttered a few sentences to enjoy himself for a while. \\..\\

If you look into it carefully, who can match Jia Rong's talent among the big men? After all, Jia Rong has wisdom that surpasses them for thousands of years, and a simple chemical reaction can make these old masters who are all about people all day long.

The next political affairs will be handled by Zhang Li. Jia Rong named Zhang Li the meritorious officer and master book of the prefect's mansion. The reason for the establishment is that the students who have just come out of the academy need a lot of tempering, and they also said by the way, "Jade can't be cut, it can't be used."

Zhang Li was not disgusted with Jia Rong's job as the hands-off shopkeeper, on the contrary, he was very excited. He was the second in command when he handled the appointments of the prefect's mansion. Tired, but also worth it.

How could Jia Rong have thought of this, since he became the prefect of Beidi, Jia Rong has lost a lot of weight. To do other things, the military system must be implemented as soon as possible.

There is still one month before the autumn plowing, which is a big event. The food in Beidi County has to rely on the Han court every year to survive, and now there is not much food in stock. One letter, but no rice or grain has ever arrived, and every time the Han court sent it on the grounds that the treasury was empty.

Beidi County has just experienced war, the people were displaced, and the countryside was destroyed. This winter is even more difficult. Now Beidi County is sitting on the mountain, and all these problems have made Jia Rong's anxious temples have gray hair.

The political affairs were temporarily handed over to Zhang Li, and Jia Rong was not idle. These days when the army was stationed in Beidi County, Jia Rong seldom went to the military camp to check, and now it happened to tidy up the army.

There are 300 cavalry in the camp of Beidi County, 200 of which are Jia Rong's personal soldiers, and [-] infantry. The training of the infantry is led by Li Li. After following Zhang Wei for so long, he has learned a lot. Eighth, the training of the cavalry was naturally undertaken by Jiang Yu.

The soldiers reacted fiercely to Jia Rong's inspection of the camp today. Jia Rong is the soul and pillar of this army. Without Jia Rong, the Qiang and Han people who were still eating politely together last moment Maybe the next moment they will start working with real knives and guns. It is entirely due to Jia Rong that they can walk together so harmoniously. Jia Rong's position in their hearts has reached an irreplaceable position.

Standing on the high platform of the school field, Jia Rong seemed to have returned to the scene when he was training young soldiers in the Hechi County school field in the past. The difference was that the soldiers below were so quiet, giving off a chilling air, from the past What they see in their eyes is something called fanaticism.

Jia Rong said loudly: "In the days since the army was stationed in Beidi County, thanks to everyone's hard work, there has been stability in Beidi County's law and order, and the people's living in peace. On behalf of the people of Beidi County, I thank you, and thank you even more. Support me." After finishing speaking, Jia Rong bowed sincerely.

All political affairs are empty, the most important thing is to hold military power firmly in the hands, and political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

The soldiers are innocent, so they don't think about whether Jia Rong is showing off or is sincere. Four thousand and five hundred soldiers kneel down. Kneeling is such a magnificent scene. What is commendable is that those Qiang people can also kneel with the Han people. This is something that cannot be filmed in any film and television.

Looking at the soldiers kneeling quietly, Jia Rong couldn't help but feel confident. With so many loyal soldiers following him, he can't go anywhere in the world!

After the three armies stood up, Jia Rong said: "Now Beidi County is in a difficult time, and we should overcome difficulties together! Do you have confidence?"

"Yes!" [-] soldiers let out hysterical roars from their throats, and the roars soaring into the sky continued for a long time in the world of Beidi County.

People with blood and iron like Jia Rong and Jiang Yu are also full of blood. With such elite soldiers with such high morale, it is so difficult to be victorious in every battle.

"Share weal and woe, overcome difficulties together!" Jia Rong clenched his right fist and shouted loudly.

There came waves of roars, "Together through thick and thin, to tide over difficulties; to share joys and sorrows, to tide over difficulties together..."

Jia Rong inspected 4000 infantry and [-] cavalry separately. The school grounds in Beidi County are very large, let alone more than [-] soldiers, even [-] soldiers are not crowded.

The performance of the soldiers was very good, especially the infantry who had improved the most. In Zhang Wei's absence, Li Li copied Jia Rong's way of training and trapping the camp. To reward these soldiers, Jia Rong took part of the money and food that was not too abundant to improve the lives of the soldiers.

For these soldiers who silently supported him, Jia Rong would not be stingy.

The place where Jia Rong handles military affairs in the barracks is actually under the parcel of houses where soldiers live.

Sitting in the top position of the barracks, Jia Rong realized that it was not a kind of showing off, but a heavy responsibility. The hope of the three armies rested on the owner of this position. the meaning of the sentence.

Looking at the military general standing upright in the room, Jia Rong said solemnly: "You all performed very well, I see it in my eyes and keep it in my heart, but the next day is just like what I said in the school today, Difficulties and hardships, what we soldiers do is to defend our home and country."

"What is a family and what is a country? A country is made up of families. The responsibility to protect the people of Beidi County lies on us."

Jiang Yu stepped forward and clasped his fists and replied, "I am willing to be driven by the general, and I will go through fire and water."

All the generals agreed one after another.

Jia Rong nodded and said, "There are blessings and hardships. Now that I am the prefect of Beidi County, your official positions will naturally have to be promoted."

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