Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 87: Tired down 【Seeking for red】

All the generals were discussing buzzingly, apparently what Jia Rong said about asking them to pull the land greatly stimulated them.

"Each of you is in charge of a piece of land. In the end, whichever unit has cultivated more land, the soldier with less cultivated land will wash clothes for them for a month." Jia Rong played a little trick to stimulate the generals.

Sure enough, these men couldn't stand such a stimulus, and they clamored to let their usual opponents wash their clothes. Looking at the clamoring generals who were divided into four camps, how could they have the demeanor of a general? Enjoying the success, he was a little proud of his own thoughts, and smiled happily from the sidelines.

At this time, Ulan asked in a blindfolded manner: "General, are you also in this competition?" After being in the Han army for such a long time, Ulan also admired Jia Rong very much, but this Qiang The National People's Congress speaks without thinking.

Jia Rong nodded firmly, "Yes, it's the same if the general loses."

The careless Ulan couldn't see the cannibalism in Jia Rong's eyes, and the generals became even more excited.

After the meeting was over, the generals of the Han army in the army immediately became fragrant buns. The Qiang generals kept asking them how to pull the ground and the skills of pulling the ground. Under the instructions of their superiors, the Han generals pretended to be With an inscrutable look, he repeatedly molested those Qiang people's bosses.

As long as the task of opening up wasteland can be completed, Jia Rong is very happy even if it is washing clothes for two months, but for that kid Ulan, it seems that he needs to be rectified. secretly thought.

I didn't expect such a big problem to be solved by Li Hu's simple words. It really answered the sentence "A wise man will lose a lot of worries, and a fool will gain a lot of worries!"

There is a talent from Yingchuan College under his command. Of course, Jia Rong wants to discover his greatest value, but looking at Zhang Li's bloodshot eyes and tired face, how can he be as handsome as he just came to the prefect's mansion? He also felt a little sorry, and said: "Brother Zirong has worked hard, you must pay attention to your body, and don't be too tired."

Zhang Li nodded excitedly, the master cared so much, no matter how hard he worked.

After discussing with Zhang Li about land reclamation and listening to some of his opinions, Jia Rong started working in a hurry.

The third fire was lit, and Jia Rong issued the third edict: "People, whether they have land or not, can come to the prefect's mansion to register. Everyone has one, and only ordinary people!" The news spread throughout the six counties of the Northland.

After Zhang Li's recent personnel adjustments, the other five counties in Beidi County have arranged for county magistrates and county magistrates. After receiving Jia Rong's edict and Zhang Li's detailed instructions, they will be fully implemented.

After the order was issued, the monk Zhang Er of the four great families of Li Wang, Liu Yao, and Zhang Er couldn't figure out where the prefect's mansion came from. Wang Gu, the head of the Wang family, seemed to have remembered something, and shook his head after a long time, noncommittal to Jia Rong's edict. The Four Great Aristocratic Families even suspected that Jia Rong was going to start attacking them. For a while, the Four Great Aristocratic Families were in turmoil, and the soldiers of all the prefectures were on standby.

The common people didn't care so much. After hearing about this, they cheered and ran to the prefect's mansion.

In order to prevent people from the four great families of the North from coming to claim the territory, Zhang Li ordered the officials in charge of the registration to check carefully, but anyone who found the four great families would be severely punished immediately.

Hu Zhun also came to the prefect's mansion with an excited face. He was very happy to be summoned by Jia Rong. Before going out, he kowtowed three times and nine times to the ancestral tablet.

Jia Rong motioned Hu Zhun to sit down, stroked his prickly beard, and said, "I've called you here this time to talk to you about opening up wasteland. They have farm tools for plowing the land, I will send officials and soldiers to assist you, how about it?"

Hu Zhun jumped up from his seat, fell to the ground and said: "The humble job will definitely complete the task, please rest assured, the prefect!" How should I speak in front of him? For this, I have worked hard.

Jia Rong nodded, and said to the guards next to him: "Call fifty soldiers and ask Zhang Li to send an official to follow Hu Zhun. He must obey Hu Zhun's orders along the way..." The communication between the common people is the most important thing. It is the most direct. Putting on airs will only make the people feel awed and repelled at the same time.

Hu Zhun's excitement was beyond words, he scratched his head and said, "My lord, I don't know how to command people."

Jia Rong smiled disapprovingly: "No one is born to be a general, I believe you can handle this matter well."

Hu Zhun's excited neck was bulging with blue veins, and Lao Gao knelt down on the ground with a bang: "Thank you, my lord. If I can't do this well, I won't live."

It was heard that it was the prefect who summoned them, and the common people joined Hu Zhun's team one after another, but the officials sent did not have any effect.

Jia Rong divided the more than 2000 common people into four parts, and started the great cause of land reclamation.

In order to encourage the three armies, Jia Rong went to battle in person. Seeing Jia Rong, who was sweating profusely and full of energy, many people here shed tears of emotion. Never before had a court official put himself in their shoes and considered them, and they also understood , Where did Jia Rong ask them to register and receive the land at the prefect's mansion.

Under the leadership of Hu Zhun, several people with gray temples rushed to Jia Rong's side, knelt down beside Jia Rong, and said in unison: "My lord, don't do this!"

Seeing such an elder kneeling at his feet, Jia Rong couldn't bear it, and hurriedly stretched out his hands to help him, but suddenly he felt dizzy and fell unconscious. Running to the distance, the body was exhausted for a while, and then stopped suddenly, in a hurry, no matter how strong the body was, it couldn't bear it.

Jia Rong, who fainted, was honorably placed in the prefect's mansion, and soldiers personally guarded and took care of him. Although Beidi County was barren, so-called great tonics can be seen everywhere in front of Jia Rong's bed in this era.

Which of these soldiers is not an iron-blooded man, seeing their general pulling the ground himself, and fainting from exhaustion, holding back the tears in his eyes, exerting all his strength, pulling the plow and running towards the distance, looking at Bi Geng The soldiers who pull the field faster, the people hastened to master the plow.

Two lines of tears flowed down the corners of the people's eyes. They could truly feel Jia Rong's intentions. A prefect who would rather pull the land himself for the sake of the people, not to mention that there will be no successors, must be unprecedented. From this moment , the people's hearts also really accepted the prefect, this young general, the young and strong youth even spontaneously pulled the ground, and the cooperation between the army and the people was very tacit.

Jia Rong's deeds quickly spread throughout the six counties of Beidi, and even in nearby counties.

All the soldiers in Beidi County went crazy. No matter how tired they were, they refused to rest for a moment, as if the land in front of them was their enemy. One soldier after another fainted from exhaustion. They couldn't stop this trend. It was only after Jia Rong's repeated restraint that this trend was suppressed.

The people even brought all the delicious food from their homes to the land reclamation site to comfort the soldiers. For a time, the army and the people were in harmony, and the whole Beidi County was full of vitality. Soldiers are also very cooperative.

Jia Rong lay on the bed all day enjoying the care of those big bosses, not to mention how aggrieved he was, he asked to go to the land reclamation site several times, but was forced to be pressed on the bed by these usually honest soldiers. good thing.

A businessman came to the prefect's mansion. Jia Rong finally got rid of the group of elders, tidied up his clothes, and walked towards the recruiting hall. Since he became the prefect of Beidi County, Jia Rong seldom wore military uniforms. Attacking the black government is quite elegant.

In the Zhaoxian Hall, a businessman was pacing back and forth anxiously, with red eyes, messy hair, faint blood stains on his clothes, and the fabric of the clothes was also the top layer. Jia Rong guessed that the purpose of this businessman's coming was definitely not Simple.

Jia Rong gently entertained the businessman to sit down, motioned for the guards to serve tea, and squinted at the businessman in front of him.

But the businessman couldn't sit still, knelt down in front of Jia Rong, and said in tears: "Please save my son!"

"Oh, what do you mean by that?" Jia Rong helped the merchant up and asked softly.

The businessman told Jia Rong about his experience in detail, and begged Jia Rong to help him.

The recruitment order clearly encourages businessmen, but for more than a month, no businessman has come to the door. Jia Rong also knows that Beidi County is poor and cannot attract these businessmen. Finally, a businessman came, but he asked for help.

It turned out that this businessman met a horse thief on the road, not only robbed the goods, but also took away the businessman's son, claiming that the businessman would only let him go if he brought enough money. Unlike the kidnapping of later generations, the horse thief did not Don't report to the police if you say something, it's too unprofessional, and you don't have any awareness.

Jia Rong picked up the tea on the table, then closed his eyes, as if he was savoring the taste of the tea. All this fell into the eyes of the businessman, but it was not the case. The businessman thought that Jia Rong was sitting on the ground and raised the price, so he knelt down and begged: "As long as your lord To save the villain's son, the adults will give you as much money as you want, even ten thousand gold."

Jia Rong didn't explain, opened his eyes slowly, and said, "Don't worry, this matter happened in Beidi County, the prefect will definitely not ignore it, and as for the reward, I won't ask for it either."

The businessman thanked Jia Rong repeatedly, and looked at Jia Rong with strange eyes, as if it was a curious thing that the young eunuch in front of him did not accept his reward.

Only businessmen can speed up the prosperity of a county. Jia Rong was thinking about how to make the businessmen in front of him willingly contribute a little to the prosperity of Beidi County, but the current situation of Beidi County is not optimistic. There is no place to attract businessmen. Such a headache can only be left to those businessmen to think about. Businessmen are after profit. As long as it is profitable, businessmen all over the world will definitely flock to it.

Tomorrow's webpage selection, everyone mustered their energy and rushed forward to strive for the list!Our goal is to push the cavalry to new heights!Iron cavalry is always the strongest!Everyone, do your best, prepare your red tickets, collect them, and hit the cavalry as much as you want!

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