Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 95: Asking for food [Seeking for harvest and red]

The next day, all counties in Beidi County had porridge sheds. Although the porridge in the bowls was so clear that people could be reflected, the people did not complain at all, because the magistrates of the counties were next to the porridge sheds, drinking the clear porridge. Rice porridge, eating thick and dry noodles.

Even if you are frugal, the rice grain in Beidi County can only last for four days. The whole Beidi County is completely out of food. Now the warehouse in Beidi County is empty, and all the grain and rice are sent to the counties. No news came, and the soldiers sent to nearby counties to ask for food did not return. Could it be that all the soldiers and refugees drank the Northwest wind?

Hearing Jia Rong's call, Zhang Li put down his business and hurried over. Seeing Jia Rong sitting on the chair with a calm expression, Zhang Li couldn't help admiring him. If he faced such an embarrassing situation, his shoes would be worn He was able to twist a few pairs, remembering that Jia Rong mentioned a few days ago that he should be prudent in handling things, Zhang Li straightened his sleeves, and after saluting, he sat down on the lower seat under Jia Rong's signal.

It seemed that Jia Rong was extremely relaxed, but in fact he was already anxious inside, so he went straight to the point and said, "Zi Rong, now that there is no food in the city, what should we do in Zirong's opinion?"

Zhang Lilue pondered and replied: "My lord, the four great families in Beidi County, my lord should know?"

Jia Rong asked puzzledly: "It wasn't Zirong who mentioned those aristocratic families before, but they were actually on the opposite side of us. Why are you mentioning the four great aristocratic families now?"

Zhang Li said slowly: "My lord, so far, we have no conflicts with the four great families. As long as the lord is willing to lower his stance, the four great families will still sell the lord a favor, and we can wait until Mi Zhu's rice arrives." .”

Jia Rong picked up the teacup in front of him and turned it back and forth in his hands. After a long time, he put the cup gently on the table and said with a long sigh: "In Zirong's opinion, as long as you can save those victims, no matter how much you pay The price is not hesitating.”

Zhang Li was very moved. If all the officials of the Han Dynasty are like this, why worry about the uncertainty at home and the disobedience of the barbarians? Zhang Li also understands that the current Beidi County cannot shake the family of the Han Dynasty. The officials of the Han Dynasty are basically family members. The aristocratic family is an important class of the great Han. Jia Rong's series of governance plans have greatly weakened the interests of the aristocratic family, but there is no conflict between the two. Zhang Li, who is well aware of the influence of the aristocratic family, naturally hopes that the relationship between Jia Rong and the aristocratic family will ease. , It's easy to talk after I return to the family. . .

A sedan chair carried by four people left the prefect's mansion and walked slowly towards the area where the four great families lived not far away. The four great families lived in the four directions of the city's east, west, north, south, and east. Jia Rong sat upright in a black official uniform. In the sedan chair, he repeatedly stroked the Qingzhi sword in his hand expressionlessly. Jia Rong didn't know when he developed the habit of touching the Qingzhi sword whenever he had something to do.

Jia Rong first went to the Wang family, one of the four great families. The Wang family was the eldest of the four great families in Beidi County, and was above the other three great families in terms of financial resources and connections.

The four great families have been rooted in Beidi County for generations, and any disturbance can't be hidden from the eyes of the several masters. The master of the Wang family, Wang Gu, who got the news, was waiting outside the door and opened the middle door to welcome Jia Rong.

Jia Rong is the prefect of one side, the chief official of the frontier, and the Wang family is just a family in Beidi County. Although the edict issued by the former Jia Rong harmed the interests of the Wang family, the two sides still get along very harmoniously. Now Jia Rong came to visit in person, which means Seeing that the prefect had sent a signal of He Jie, Wang Gu, the Patriarch of the Wang family, was naturally very happy.

The sedan chair moved very slowly, and it took half an hour for a quarter of an hour's journey.

Jia Rong opened the sedan chair curtain and walked down. The guards had already informed Jia Rong of the behavior of the Wang family.

"Wang Gugong welcomes the prefect!" With the sound of thumping, dozens of members of the Wang family knelt down on the ground. Looking at the kneeling people, Jia Rong was also a little flustered. It's not about three kowtows and nine obeisances.

Jia Rong pretended to help Wang Gu up, and said with a smile, "Patriarch Wang doesn't have to be so polite!"

Wang Gu enthusiastically welcomed Jia Rong into the house. The layout of the courtyard is unique, and the architectural style is a bit like that of a small bridge and flowing water. . .

After welcoming Jia Rong into the mansion, Wang Gu immediately ordered his family to host a banquet.

The Wang family's banquet was really sumptuous, allowing Jia Rong, who hadn't seen fish for a long time, to feast on it, and his mouth was full of oil without realizing it. All the Wang family members toasted, and Jia Rong always refused to come.

A junior of the Wang family toasted, took a bite of the chicken leg with his left hand, took a drink from the cup with his right hand, smashed his mouth, and looked unsatisfied. Looking at Jia Rong's appearance, the members of the Wang family put down their drinks one after another. Chopsticks, quietly watching Jia Rong perform alone.

Jia Rong didn't feel embarrassed, and the most important thing was to have enough food. Anyway, these aristocratic families were not right with him. Eating and drinking more made them feel distressed. Jia Rong thought of a weak reason to comfort himself.

The banquet was finally over. Except for Wang Gu and Jia Rong, the others quickly fled the banquet scene. The big man claimed to be a state of etiquette, and it was hard to find such a top-notch prefect.

Jia Rong seemed to be drunk, and he spoke incoherently. Wang Gu chatted cheerfully with Jia Rong, and his tone was so respectful that no one could find any faults.

Suddenly, Jia Rong grabbed Wang Gu's hand and said, "Patriarch Wang, does your family hate me as the prefect?"

Looking at Jia Rong's drunken eyes, Wang Gu smiled secretly and said, "The prefect is joking, the family supports the prefect!"

"Really?" Jia Rong asked.

"It's true! It's just..."

"Just what?"

Wang Gu sighed and said: "Don't say anything!"

Drunk Jia Rong was aroused by Wang Gu's curiosity, how could he give up, he held Wang Gu's clothes tightly, and said: "Don't say no, you and I are both from Beidi County, we should support each other, what's the matter?" Just say what you want." Jia Rong's military general's demeanor was revealed.

Wang Gu felt a little joy in his heart, he hesitated and said: "The edict of the eunuch... the lord... makes... us... these aristocratic families... in Beidi County... it is difficult to move an inch!"

Jia Rong staggered and shouted, "This is easy to handle! The prefect's mansion will not participate in your family's business in Beidi County and other matters, as long as you don't contradict the prefect's mansion." Jia Rong finished speaking With a big wave of his hand, he was extremely heroic, but the smell of alcohol coming out of his mouth was unflattering.

Wang Gu let out a long sigh of relief. The recent contraction of the family is because Jia Rong will take the opportunity to attack the family. He has to bow his head under the eaves. The county is an empty shelf, and there is no shadow of aristocratic family among the officials. This is the only special place of the big man.

The words "people are under the eaves" are also suitable for Jia Rong now. Now that Beidi County is out of food, soon these aristocratic families learn that they will pay a higher price if they sit on the ground and raise prices, so they have to compromise temporarily. Jia Rong also said vaguely, what? Don't sing against the prefect's house, just use any reason to rectify them.

Wang Gu thought that Jia Rong drank too much, and there was nothing wrong with what he said clearly. After being overwhelmed by surprise, he was no longer as smart as before, so he kept flattering Jia Rong. There was a look of contempt in Gu's eyes. Everyone said that the prefect was arrogant and unreasonable. Now, looking at it now, it's a piece of cake, just a reckless man.

"Your Majesty the Prefect, feel free to ask for anything in the future, the Wang family will definitely support you!" Wang Gu said with a smile.

Jia Rong grabbed Wang Gu's shriveled hands and asked, "Patriarch Wang's statement is true?"

Wang Gu hesitated for a moment, but still nodded.

Jia Rong said: "Patriarch Wang's loyalty is commendable. Before that, there was still a shortage of food and grass in Beidi County. I wonder if the Patriarch can help some?"

The four great aristocratic families are involved in the trade of grain and rice. Naturally, there will be no shortage of rice and grain, but Jia Rong can't let Jia Rong catch the pigtail. ..."

Jia Rong laughed and said, "Nowadays, there are still a few meritorious officials in the prefect's mansion..."

Wang Gu was very excited when he heard that, it would be of great benefit to the family to allow members of the family to hold positions in the prefect's mansion, and immediately said: "Don't worry, my lord, the Wang family will definitely do their best!"

"Then how much rice and grain does the Master Wang want to donate to the Prefect's Mansion?" Jia Rong asked with drunken eyes.

Wang Gu thought for a while and replied: "The Wang family is willing to donate five hundred shi of rice!"

Seeing Jia Rong staring at him blankly without saying a word, Wang Gu thought it was because Jia Rong disliked too little donation. For the future of the family, Wang Gu gritted his teeth and said, "The Wang family is willing to donate a thousand shi of rice grain!"

Jia Rong was not satisfied that Wang Gu donated too little, but was surprised that Wang Gu donated so much rice at one time. Hearing Wang Gu said to donate a thousand shi of rice, Jia Rong still didn't react.

Wang Gu said with a bitter face: "My lord, the Wang family can only donate so much."

Jia Rong patted Wang Gu on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Patriarch Wang is generous and loyal. In a few days, the Patriarch will let the younger generation of the family report to the prefect's mansion."

Wang Gu knelt down excitedly and said, "Thank you, Lord Prefect!" Looking at Jia Rong, he became more and more pleasing to the eye.

Jia Rong deliberately swayed from side to side a few times and said with a smile, "I drank too much today."

Supported by the maid of the Wang family, Jia Rong stepped onto the official sedan chair with three shakes, and the four big men carried the sedan chair towards the prefect's mansion. Seeing the official sedan chair going far away, Wang Gu turned around happily and walked into the house.

Inside the sedan chair, Jia Rong's eyes were clear, and he didn't have the drunken steps, incoherent speech just now, his brows were tightly frowned, and he kept thinking about the trip to the Wang family just now.

After this trip to the Wang family, Jia Rong’s heart was once again turbulent. The power of the family is too strong, so strong that it is unimaginable. Only a family from the border county can export a thousand stones of grain and rice. If it goes against these aristocratic families, even if the world is unified, it will be difficult to govern. 90.00% of the local governance officials of the Han Dynasty are from the aristocratic family. The clothes were soaked, such a situation made it difficult for Jia Rong to develop resistance to the aristocratic family.

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