I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 101 The Bloody Castle

Chapter 101 The bloody castle (forty-nine)

Xia Qimiao turned on the flashlight, returned to the old place, and arrived at the door of the vast basement again.

But the man stopped at the door, and she stopped too.

"What do you want to ask me?" He turned around. Although his face was still the same as before, his temperament was very different from before, as if he had become a different person.

"Don't be surprised. I am him and he is me. You can think that we are brothers, or you can think that we are one body."

"...You don't seem surprised." Liviu stared at the calm hunter, but he was a little surprised.

"It's still a little bit." Xia Qimiao's voice was steady. She inexplicably remembered a sentence written by Bilsa in the book "Teaching You How to Deceive Human Emotions" -

"Their blood won't taste bad because they have a disease in their brains, but it will be easier for them to control it."

It turns out there are no twin brothers, they are dual personalities. Is this considered schizophrenia?

"You have an expression that says, 'Everything is under your control,' just like hers."

"Her, Gray?" Xia Qimiao asked.

"No, Bilsa," Liviu laughed, "You are not surprised by this name. It seems that you know more than I thought."

She followed suit: "It seems you know a lot more than the mayor."

"Because he didn't want to accept this fate, so I showed up. He threw everything to me, and I became Liviu before him. No, it should be said that I was Liviu from the beginning to the end."

"He represents escape, cowardice, and does not acknowledge the past between him and Bilsa. I am his other side. I will do things he doesn't want to do, and I will cherish the feelings he doesn't want to face."

"Aren't you afraid that your memory has been added or deleted by Bilsa? Don't you feel that you have been deceived by her?"

"So what? She discovered and acknowledged my existence, she was considerate of me, she cared about me, and she didn't regard me as another person's vassal. She thought that although I used the same body as him, I was still independent. Man, for this reason alone, I am willing to give everything I have to her.”

Sure enough, it echoed what Bilsa said in her book. People with sick minds are more controllable. He will definitely die for her without hesitation.

No wonder she was willing to tell him her identity.

Liviu looked at her: "I can master all his memories. I saw that you never directly promised him to kill the vampires. You always cleverly avoided making promises. You should also be on the side of the vampires, right?"

Xia Qimiao was not someone who would take sides easily. She thought of a better way to say it: "At least, Noah Fels stands with me."

"Noefels, our dear child," Liviu said with a loving expression on his face, "What is your relationship with him?"

"He gave me the castle."

When he heard this, he put away his original attitude that was not quite respectful. He obviously knew the second prophecy: "Please be kind to our children. If you have any questions, I am willing to answer them for you."

His attitude changed so quickly that Xia Qimiao didn't want to waste any more words and went straight to the point: "How much of what the mayor said is true?"

This is asking about another personality.

"Everything he said was what he believed to be the truth. He did not lie on this point, but as you said, what he believed was not necessarily the truth."

"So what's the truth?"

"Have you seen the murals in this room? That is the truth, but it was the truth more than three hundred years ago." Xia Qimiao recalled the five murals, the first one where the moon broke into starlight and was received by humans, the second one In one picture, the sun rises and occupies a large wall. In the third picture, humans build a statue of the god and kneel down to worship it. In the fourth picture, humans smash the statue of the god with a silver gun. In the fifth picture, the statue of the god is restored but there are still traces.

Originally, she had been paying attention to four to five murals. She was thinking about the replacement of the God of the Sun, and felt that these murals were the focus.

But now that I think about it, the first three paintings are also very important. They tell the story of the emergence of the Sun God.

The most abrupt thing in it should be the change from the first to the second picture, where the moon breaks into starlight, and then the sun rises.

In addition, the fourth statue was broken, revealing the blood-red inner shell. Xia Qimiao already had relevant conjectures at that time, but he just didn't dare to believe it. Now was the time to find the answer.

"The original sun god was a vampire?"

"Yes, a vampire named 'Sang' gave power to humans who were not yet fully civilized at that time."

It really is. Xia Qimiao had read the book "Belief in the Sun" and did not expect that the positive continent refers to the continent of vampires, while the negative continent is the continent of humans.

That's right, he took the "sun" to the opposite continent, and only then could he become the "God of the Sun" after receiving the faith from the opposite continent.

Now it seems that the "sun" metaphor is a powerful force.

"Why did he do this?"

"I also asked Bilsa this question, and her answer was that no vampire can understand his ideals, and no human being can understand his ideals, so neither of the two races can know the reason why he did what he did."

Well, let's just assume he had a temporary brain problem.

Xia Qimiao thought, after all, he was replaced by the human being who gave him power.

"Human beings have gained his power, and most of them are grateful, worship him, and dare not look directly at him; a small number of people cannot see his contribution, but can only see the people who are grateful to him, and see the power behind it, which breeds greed. desire."

"The ancestor of Coriad was a genius. He was able to develop a power system unique to him based on the abilities given by San."

"He has developed a power that is completely opposite to the power of the vampires. He is the natural enemy of the vampires."

"After he mastered his power, he formed a team to explore the secrets of God."

"Then he discovered that the god was actually a vampire and seriously injured him."

"Human beings will not believe that the person who gives them 'light' is a blood-sucking vampire. They will only think that this is another conspiracy of vampires."

"Cryad's team members wanted to expose the 'Vampire Conspiracy' to the world, and were killed by him."

"Because Coriad saw that vampires became gods and stood at the supreme apex. Since vampires can become gods, why can't he?"

"So, he killed everyone who knew about it, stole the identity of the Sun God, and accepted the beliefs of believers."

"He was afraid of being discovered by the vampires and wanted to kill all the vampires first, so he made the prophecy."

 This copy will end today.

  (End of this chapter)

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