I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 103 The Bloody Castle

Chapter 103 The Bloody Castle (End)

"Why do you always have to go against us?"

Phoenix was blown to pieces and cursed the fried ice cream angrily.

"What are you so crazy about? When you encounter someone who can control blood worms, you think they are with the vampires and attack them?"

Fried Ice Cream has long seen the vines guarding the big and small mosaics. They are definitely on the same team as the captain. In other words, they are on the same team.

"The second team reported just now. Weren't you deaf? Didn't you hear that bloodworms are tools used by vampires to control humans?"

"They are not!" Da Mosaic retorted, but she did not elaborate.

The sisters saw the man who was helping the defense "accidentally" reveal his bracelet, which was a thin green vine. They could tell the difference between friend and foe at once, and Amei immediately put a buff on him.

The fried ice cream threw out a few treacherous rocks, hoping to use the dust and sand blown up by the explosion as a cover to lead people to escape.

Three against twelve, no fool will run away.

However, a blazing fireball hit him directly.

"I never thought that the hunter I selected would turn against a vampire." A man with a silver badge on his chest descended from the sky, and Song Qiaoting followed him.

"Your parents died at the hands of vampires, and now you actually want to help people related to vampires escape?"

"You disappoint me, fried ice cream."

At this time, the importance of a witty nickname came to light. When he heard the name of the food, he was instantly separated from his serious mood.

He recalled his identity description in severe pain, and suddenly he felt light. It turned out that Xiao Mosaic used healing skills on him, and his mind became much clearer: "There are doubts about the death of my parents, do you think I don't know about it?"

"Another human being bewitched by a vampire."

The president sighed. Just as he was about to take action, he suddenly felt a strong sense of oppression.

The surrounding area instantly darkened, and a three-hundred-meter-tall giant stood between the sky and the earth, as if trying to poke a hole in the sky.

"Be good." Da Mosaic sighed with emotion. She thought that the basement was the limit of the giant, but she didn't expect that it would also limit its performance.

"I knew you were back." Compared with it, the president was as short as an ant, but he was not afraid, but his blood was boiling. He recalled the glorious past when he was seriously injured, and recalled the past three hundred years. Years of glorious life, no, divine birth.

At that time, He was also so aloof, looking down on all living beings with compassionate eyes...

The president was stunned, because this time what he saw in his eye sockets were densely packed eyeballs, and those pupils turned to him in unison and stared at him.

"Sure enough, you are not a god at all, you are just an evil vampire. Look at what you look like now!" The president was so excited that he took out the silver gun that had hunted him before, and his body ignited with a dazzling light.

The target is so huge that he can't miss it even if he shoots with his eyes closed, and the bullets carrying his power pour on the giant's legs.

The giant finally made a sound, a mixture of various tones that sounded extremely harsh.

It waited for a while until the white mist rose, and then swatted the long shot into the white mist with its backhand.

The thick white fog spread extremely quickly, and Big Mosaic took the opportunity to hide in the place where he had just come out with the fried ice cream.

"Why is there such a thick fog suddenly?" He touched the bracelet made of rattan and received a slight response.

"Are you a teammate of that vine player?"

"I am, captain, am I with you?"

"She was there just now, but I don't know where she has gone now," Xiao Mosaic said. "Since you are in the same team, it should be okay to tell you the information I promised to tell her." They saw the white mist also spreading underground, Take him deeper and talk as you go.

The fog outside was so thick that you couldn't see your fingers, and only a little blood shone in the sky.

Xia Qimiao in the castle spat out a mouthful of blood.

If she had known, she would not have put Noefels back so early, otherwise now would be the time to let him out to fight.

She still remembers Liviu's shocked eyes when she said she couldn't call him back. Everything was ready except Dongfeng, but Dongfeng was let home by her.

He was definitely murderous at that time.

Fortunately, Bilsa appeared just in time, and she thought of another way to take advantage of the special features of the castle.

The reason why Bilsa restricted Noefels to this old castle built on a high tower was because it was a "crack in the realm" that could lead directly to the strange world.

Xia Qimiao may not be able to name Noel Fels now, but she can use this crack and contract to lead the fake sun into the sly building, so that they can meet.

Moreover, Bilsa seems to have a very good understanding of the defense mechanism of the mysterious building, as if she had just broken into a certain building.

[Warning, warning, warning! 】

Reminders lit up in Xia Qimiao's eyes, and a mechanical sound was heard in her ears. It was rare to hear a feeling of urgency from it.

[A mysterious god has been detected invading your mysterious building. A mysterious god has been detected invading your mysterious building. A mysterious god has been detected invading your mysterious building! 】

[In case of emergency, activate the Guilou backup plan and unlock the Guilou store and control panel. 】

[You have purchased lv2 defense array x10, which has reached the superposition limit. 】

[You have purchased lv2 attack array x10, which has reached the superposition limit. 】

[The defensive array is being consumed, and the offensive array is being consumed. 】

[You have purchased...Consuming...]

[The invading ghost god has been killed by the tenant "Noefels". 】

【Alert lifted. 】

"The deal is over." Xia Qimiao stood up from the ground. For the first time, she knew that using the contract as a navigation would hurt her heart.

"Thanks you."

[The copy - Bloody Castle has ended, please check the copy rewards. 】

"Captain?" The [Feiniao] team members all looked at Song Qiaoting, but the latter also frowned.

"I will leave voluntarily soon. We will wait until we get out."

She looked into the endless white mist and disappeared into it.

As the white fog cleared, Moriel was greeted by clear, cloudless skies.

 There will be another update later, which will be sent out about two o'clock, the final sorting out and a new beginning.

  (End of this chapter)

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