I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 106 The fourth floor has nothing to do with the fifth floor

By the time the bowl of noodles was finished, Xia Qimiao had already gathered all the information.

The owner's surname is Yang. Although he comes from out of town, he has lived here for more than 20 years. He knows everything about the surrounding area. It can be said that he knows everything about it.

She was very enthusiastic, so when Xia Qimiao only ordered a bowl of noodles, she also gave her a poached egg.

The noodles taste good, and after taking it with the soup, I feel a lot warmer.

She told Xia Qimiao a lot about what happened in Building 7, 401, the house she wanted to look at.

The second-to-last female tenant of this house was mute and seemed normal, but she committed suicide by jumping off the building six months ago.

"I heard later that the place where she jumped was not high, and she was still breathing on the ground. If she was sent to the hospital in time, she could be saved," Yang Suzhen lowered her voice, "But she jumped in the middle of the night. At that time, everyone Everyone has gone to sleep, who is still hanging out?"

"Didn't anyone hear the sound of the heavy object falling and come out to see it?" Xia Qimiao felt something was wrong. What fell was a person, not a feather. With such a loud sound, how could no one come out to see it?

"What's strange is that here, the police asked everyone around, and no one said they heard noises at night."

"Although it was finally found out that it was because we were angry with the landlord and couldn't think of committing suicide for a moment, we always felt frightened in our hearts. During that time, everyone walked around there."

"A month ago, a young man moved in. I paid attention to his situation, but he disappeared soon. No one could tell where he went. Some said he was missing, some said he was killed, and some said he was killed. He said he would commit suicide by drowning himself in a river."

"You call me sister, and I call you sister. Sister, I'm not afraid that you'll think I talk too much. I tell you from my conscience, if you don't rent this house, don't rent it." Yang Suzhen's eyes were wary of the outside. He was afraid that others would suddenly come in and find out that he had disturbed his business.

"Because it's evil?" Xia Qimiao asked.

"That's one thing. I've heard that people who commit suicide are those who have not yet reached the end of their lifespan. Even if their souls float to the underworld, the King of Hell will not take them away. They can only return to the place where they died and commit suicide over and over again. They will not be reincarnated until their lifespan is over. ."

After hearing this, Xia Qimiao's eyes suddenly froze, and she was absent-minded for a moment, and then quickly regained her attention: "What about the other side?"

"Oh, on the other hand, because of this incident, the house price of that building has been lowered a lot."

"Someone, I don't know who it is, I'm just talking nonsense. I don't know where the person is. They pour glue into the keyhole of this house and throw garbage at the door."

"These are all trivial matters that no one cares about. It doesn't hurt if the landlord doesn't live in us. But wouldn't you suffer if you move in?"

This reason is more convincing than the previous one.

"Okay, thank you, Sister Yang, I will think about it again."

Yang Suzhen was waiting for her to ask if she knew any other suitable houses for rent, but before she could wait, she saw her getting up and leaving, and immediately said: "Actually, my relative has a house for rent, in the same neighborhood as that house. Community.”

It turned out to be waiting for her here. Xia Qimiao pretended to be surprised, sat back again, and then said with some hesitation: "I know Sister Yang is well-intentioned, but my money is a little short..."

Yang Suzhen thought to herself that she could see it from the moment she walked in. There are too few young people who just order a bowl of Yangchun noodles now. They have to add toppings and some side dishes.

"What's the monthly rent that company told you?"

"One thousand," Xia Qimiao deliberately reported low, "and no deposit is required, and I am allowed to stay for only one month."

Yang Suzhen cursed in her heart, but still greeted her with a smile: "401 is a bit low, but it comes with a price. You don't want to wake up in the middle of the night and see someone standing at the window jumping, do you?" "I It costs one thousand and fifty, which is a bit high, but it’s guaranteed.”

One thousand and fifty, this price is not high.

"Sister Yang, can I ask where this house is?"

Yang Suzhen paused and said without covering up: "In Building 7, 501."

Isn't that just upstairs? No wonder she is so enthusiastic. Xia Qimiao repeated what she just said: "Aren't you afraid that one day you wake up in the middle of the night and see someone standing at the window and jump?"

She noticed the girl's joke and cleared her throat: "She jumped on the fourth floor and has nothing to do with the fifth floor."

"Sister, I'm not good at bargaining, so I won't push you back and forth. What do you think of a thousand and two?" Xia Qimiao smiled shyly, "I have all my documents and everything. If you think the price is right, we will sign the contract today."

Seeing that the other party was hesitating too obviously, she followed and said: "But I have already made an appointment with the landlord in the afternoon. If this person finds out that I passed up his property and turned around and rented yours, he will not hold a grudge against me. Give it to me." Is this a stumbling block? Otherwise, I’d better rent 401..."

"Why are you renting a house? It's obviously my distant niece who is here to play!" Yang Suzhen made a final decision, made a phone call, handed over the store to the employees who came over, and took people to see the house.

Maybe it was because of the daytime, but Xia Qimiao didn't feel that this building was any different. The sunshine was warm and made people feel very comfortable.

It has good lighting, complete furniture, and is very clean. There is a chain lock behind the door.

After the contract was signed, both parties were quite satisfied. Since there was no deposit, Yang Suzhen asked her to transfer half of the money first, and then transfer the remaining half when it expired.

"Here is the key. To the outside world, you are my relative. If you want to renew the lease, tell me half a month in advance. If you don't tell me, I will continue to rent normally."

"Okay, Cousin." Xia Qimiao was kind and gentle.

Yang Suzhen felt a pity that after hearing a few words, sister became aunt again, but she felt a little more relaxed after solving the problem: "Okay, I will add poached eggs to my niece next time."

She walked downstairs and let out a sigh as she passed 401. If that incident hadn't happened, her tenant would have to give out the lease, so so many things wouldn't have happened.

"Hao'er, I'll rent out my house for a month. If you want to help me find it, please find someone willing to rent it again next year."

Shang Hao listened to a few words and said subconsciously: "This price is too low. Last time you were not willing to rent it out for two thousand, why did you agree to it this time for only one thousand and two thousand?"

"Go on, you think I don't know that the young man you introduced last time is using your money to do things. Your sister is very handy and there is no need for you to help me with money."

Yang Suzhen rolled her eyes, remembered something and warned: "I told the public that she is a distant relative of mine, so don't let it slip."

Xia Qimiao, who had more relatives, was standing in front of the window, looking at the concrete floor below, thinking about what she had just heard.

She came back to her senses, took out her mobile phone, dismissed the afternoon meeting, and continued her busy day.

Someone dies, someone has to move on.

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