I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 121 You actually covet my master

There are two modes of player transactions. One is to put products on the mall, which is open to all players. You can set the amount at will, and you can set it to 1; the other is to sell one-on-one privately, and the price cannot be lower than the mall price.

Xia Qimiao could still make a lot of money even if she paid five times the bid for the rocks. Without further ado, she immediately sent a private message to An Hao and Qi Lixing.

"Have you slept? If you haven't, don't sleep. Get up and work, and I'll share the dividends with you."

A hot reply post quickly appeared on the forum - "If you receive unknown stones, you can raise the price if the quantity is large." The person who posted the message was: the charterer.

1L: The mall charges "unknown stones" at twice the listed price, and charges as much as they come. The marked price is more than , and the price is increased by privately stamping "fried ice cream" and "four, seven, twenty-eight".

2L: Front row photo.

7L: I, I, I, I have it!

15L: is really from the charter team. I thought that post was fake and was made to scare us.

27L: Reply to 15L, what kind of post is it?

35L: Reply to 27L, the "Warning, there are cult members hunting players offline" posted on the popular website.

44L: Is this kind of stone the one mentioned in the live speech? It is said to be worth yuan, but the recycling price is yuan?

51L: Reply to 44L, right?

67L: Then this housewife is no better than the system. The system offers a % discount. She said it was twice as much, but it was actually a % discount. Who wants to pay for her, but I won’t pay for it anyway.

97L: Reply to 67L, no one forces you to do it, you can’t do it if you like it, you really think of yourself as a rich person, I wonder if your resources are as much as others?

132L: Reply to 97L, why is there a dog guarding you? Hey, I wonder if she is willing to throw two bones for you?

167L: Can I ask the poster what he does with so many unknown stones?

189L Charter Wife: Reply to 167L, feed the strange pet.

256L: Reply to 189L, a secret pet? I also encountered a very powerful player in the last dungeon who had a trick pet. Is this a standard equipment for big players? Admired.

Xia Qimiao replied once and then stopped reading the post and concentrated on trading stones.

She doesn't care if anyone quarrels under her post, just quarrel. It won't hurt her in the slightest, and it will help her support the post, and it won't hurt her to influence her.

What is the concept of 100,000 players?

Even if the probability of encountering a treacherous rock in the dungeon is one percent, there are still a thousand players who can encounter it.

Even if only one tenth of the people here can get the stone, there are still a hundred people.

What's more, judging from the number of people who came to her, the number far exceeded what she had estimated.

If she only had more than 200,000 source power, it might be a bit difficult for her to collect the rocks.

However, now that she has a capital of more than one million in guile stones and a pet that can eat guile stones and return 90% of her power, the situation is completely different.

The process is very simple. The Rose eats the rocks to give her the source of power; she accepts the source of power and buys more rocks for it to eat, and it continues to give her the source of power...

Xia Qimiao no longer has time to look at the growth of her source power. She is now a ruthless machine that collects sources of power, buying rocks, feeding rocks, and repeating the cycle of collecting sources of power.

She really didn't expect the effect to be so good. Could it be because the post she asked An Hao to post had an effect and established a good image for her that considers players?

It's possible, that's why they chose to trade with her.

She took the time to look at the game group of the rent collection team. She had just entered the game group, but there were already 99+ unread messages in it.

The latest one is——

4728: Ah, there has been an explosion of news here. Many people came to ask me. I have sorted out a lot of news, and I am so tired from typing. Do we want to have a video chat?

Xia Qimiao is currently in Guilou and cannot go out to play video games. Once she goes out, her work will stop.

Just when she was thinking of an excuse, a piece of news popped up first.

Fried Ice Cream: It’s not convenient for me to video now. How about we consolidate the news first? If it’s urgent, post it in the group first. If it’s not urgent, we’ll talk about it tomorrow?

Charterwoman: Yes. She made up her mind and looked towards the small window.

Fried Ice Cream: Feiniao came to ask you. They came to ask me if the person they met last time was the charterer.

Charter wife: Just say yes, I have been a good friend for seven or eight years.

Fried ice cream: They also came to ask about the purpose of this stone.

Charterwoman: Don’t they know?

Xia Qimiao felt strange, it was impossible, wasn't Feiniao already a year old? How could it be possible that he didn't even know something as important as the source of the stone?

Fried ice cream: We can’t rule out the possibility that they came here to test how much information we know.

Charterwoman: You said I wouldn’t tell you until tomorrow, so let her ask again tomorrow.

Fried Ice Cream: Do you really want to tell me tomorrow?

Charterwoman: I really tell you.

After Xia Qimiao finished speaking, she continued her mechanical work. Although it was mechanical, she was making money and was very happy.

The Devouring Rose feels like it has become a ruthless stone-eating machine. It vomits its source power while eating the rocks, and it has to digest its own part of the source power into energy as quickly as possible.

Its vines continued to spread all around, covering the hall and reception area, even climbing up the gap on the second floor, and were still heading towards the third floor.

"Yeah." It felt like it would explode if it continued to eat, but it didn't want to let down its owner, so it had to continue eating.

While eating, communicate with everyone using the trick core.

[Southern District-F Department Spooky Pet Complaint Exchange Group (13)]

Little Rose: I feel so uncomfortable.

When will the master go? x: What's wrong with you?

[Group Leader] Detective X: Have you been punished to write a self-criticism again?

Awaiting adoption: Haven’t you finished the previous article? Why is there another one?

Little Rose: No, it’s because I felt uncomfortable. The master gave me a lot of rocks. So many, I felt like I couldn’t eat any more. Hiccup.

When can I eat: Plant-type trick pets have a small appetite. Unlike me, I can eat half of my owner in one meal.

Little Rose: I have a big appetite, mainly because I was given too much this time. I have eaten almost 200,000 source of rocks.

When can we eat:? ? ?

When does the master go to x: How much? Two hundred thousand? Did you say ten more?

Little Rose: No, it’s more than 200,000 yuan. The master is still feeding me. I really can’t eat anymore.

Little Rose: Does anyone know what to do in this situation?

Little Rose: There is no reply from the cheating pet, is it because you don’t know? Could it be that your master has never fed you so much?

The Cunning Rose found that no Cunning Pet was willing to reply to it as soon as it said this, but a message flashed in the private chat window.

【Private chat window】

Detective X: I have a friend who would like to ask if your master is short of trick pets.

Little Rose:?

Little Rose: Could this friend you are talking about be yourself?

Detective X: Cough.

Little Rose:! I regard you as a friend, but you actually covet my master!

Thank you for your support!

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