I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 123 But do you feel it?

This sudden knock on the door was beyond the expectations of all the monsters present.

"Owner?" Lin Jiangdan looked at her, as if asking her if she should put away the treacherous stone shelf?

Xia Qimiao shook his head.

If the person who came was not kind, he wouldn't knock on the door, not to mention that she didn't have enough space now.


"Yes, the owner." He saluted with one hand, and then walked towards the source of the sound - the gate of the Guile Building.

"Hello, I'm here to visit." Although the strange thing in front of him looks extraordinary, the visitor can tell at a glance that he is not the one he is looking for. "Is the owner of No. 33 here?"

"Who are you and what's the matter with you?" Noefels stared at this uninvited guest, his fighting state was in full swing, and he would take action as long as there was something wrong with the other party.

This landlord has obviously not been in the job for long, but he already has a loyal tenant.

This tenant is very special and has already taken the most difficult step.


"I am a friend of the Strange-Eating Rose. You can call me Detective X. It asked me to help it."

When did the Devouring Rose make friends? Why didn't she know? Xia Qimiao's ears twitched when she heard the name at the end. If she remembered correctly, it should be a name that appeared in the last painting.

It even invited her to join its team in the review, but from the sound of it, it seemed like it was the only one who came.

She became interested.

"Please come in."

Noelfels heard the voice of the building owner and stepped away to make way for it.

Even though Xia Qimiao was a very good pretender, she almost couldn't hold back the expression on her face when she saw the strange thing coming in.

She saw a dog that was at least two meters tall, walking upright and wearing a suit and tie.

The quantifier "one" may not be accurate because it has three heads. The one in the middle looks like a border collie, the one on the left looks like a golden retriever, and the one on the right looks like a husky.

The husky's blue eyes had been staring at the treacherous rocks since he entered the door, and his saliva was drooling. He was hit hard on the head by the border collie in the middle, and then he put away his stupid look, but his eyes were still looking at the source. Turn on the stone shelf.

It had been looking at this treacherous stone shelf from the big hole outside the building. Unexpectedly, it was even more spectacular when viewed up close. Detective X knew that he had come to the right place today.

Even though it was placed on the sofa that had half disappeared, it did not feel dissatisfied at all. It sat upright, hoping to show its best posture to this person who was likely to be its future owner.

Xia Qimiao felt very strange. Although it came to visit as a friend of the Strange-Eating Rose, it had not gone to see how it was doing. Instead, it kept staring at her with a slightly nervous expression. Came to apply for a job.

She looked up at the hole and found the topic: "Looks like a bit of a disaster, doesn't it?"

No, it only saw rocks, and rocks were rocks.

"Fortunately, although repairing the guileless building is a big project, it must be easy for you."

It seems to have blind trust in its own strength. How does the Devouring Rose usually introduce itself to it?

Xia Qimiao looked at it: "Rose asked you for help?"

"Yes, it said that it felt that it had eaten too much and was not feeling well," the border collie in the middle said, "I just saw it and it is in good condition now and is in the process of evolution. It will be over soon. "Do you have a good relationship?" she then asked.

"It's a friend I chat with often. Not long ago, he was asking me how to write a review," Bian Mu saw her thoughtful expression, "However, we won't talk about your specific information, so you can rest assured. .”

Erha and Jinmao nodded.

That vine has been praising its owner all day long, which are all useless compliments and have no effective information at all.

Seeing that Bian Mu was lingering and not getting to the point, Erha squeezed him out of the way and took up the middle position: "Master, I am your lost dog!"

Its loud voice shocked Sun Buchou who was standing at the door. It actually had such a trick?

Finish the ball. The border collie closed his eyes. Before he came, he gave Erha a lot of warnings not to grab the right to speak and reveal his true nature. As a result, he couldn't walk when he saw the food.

Xia Qimiao laughed: "I have never raised a dog."

Hearing this laughter, Bian Mu opened his eyes again, feeling that something was going on?

"It's okay, you can raise it now. One is better than three, and one is better than three! We will take care of ourselves and will never let you worry about Ding."

"I already have a pet. If I keep one more, I'm afraid it won't be happy."

"It's okay. We already discussed it before we came here. It has already agreed and said it would ask your opinion for us. But it may have fallen asleep soon, so it hasn't had time to tell you yet!"

Xia Qimiao suddenly felt the breeze, glanced at it, and found that its tail was wagging.

Although they have three heads, they only have one tail, which is spinning happily at this time.

"So, what are the conditions?"

Erha's head was stunned for a moment, and then he very consciously made way for Bian Mu's head.

When the other party shows an intention to cooperate, the next step is to negotiate. If it can't do this, it still has to be left to a professional dog.

"We want to sign a Class A contract with you."

Xia Qimiao looked outside, and Detective

"You should know that the contract I signed with it is an S-class one."

"Yes, I know," Bian Mu admitted frankly, "but we can bring you greater benefits."

"I believe you should have heard of the reputation of

"I have indeed heard of you." I even received an S-level evaluation from you.

Xia Qimiao stretched out her hand in front of the golden retriever who had not said a word since the beginning, and then was rubbed by it. The touch was warm and soft: "However, I only have one fundamental requirement when choosing a pet, and that is not to Will betray me, so I will only sign an S-class contract."

This is a non-negotiable condition and she will not let go.

Bian Mu thought for a moment and then said: "My last owner was also the owner of Happy Home. He was divided up in the building evaluation not long ago. Do you think you can survive smoothly?"

Xia Qimiao's heart skipped a beat, but the expression on her face remained unchanged: "The key is not whether I feel it or not, but whether you feel it or not."

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