I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 125 Go write a report for me

"You will follow me when the time comes, and the Devouring Rose will follow Noel Fels."


Before Detective

"Yes, two people will pass in my name. You can help me follow them and try to ensure their safety."

"By the way, Jiangdan and Sun Buchou remember to avoid them if they appear in the mysterious building."

"Two?" Detective


Xia Qimiao had previously took the time to fill in the code of the two teams. The system said that it had come into effect. Since the game agrees, there is nothing.

The big deal made Qi Rose wrapped Qi Ling into a weird pet, and it was quite time to see it last time with him.

"Someone will come in your name, then you...?"

"I will go there in the name of the owner of Building No. 3." As soon as she said this, Detective X's tail stopped wagging immediately, Erha shrank her head, and her eyes began to dodge.

A guilty conscience.

"Why, you know her very well?"

"Two heads, that is, this one," Bian Mu glanced at Erha's head, "I used to remove her leg bone."

It is worthy of Husky, and the ability to demolish the family can be upgraded into a bone disassembly.

"But you can rest assured that we have made compensation. She has a lot of weird and not care about us. The two heads have not been in trouble for a long time."

Xia Qimiao was briefly worried about her strange building, but then she thought about it, if she could demolish her home, how could it be compared to Noefels biting off half of her building in one bite?

She looked at the King of House Destroyers and found that he frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

"Since you are going to the banquet soon, we should go back and prepare. We look forward to seeing you again."

Before Bian Mu finished, he was crowded by Erha: "Master, you can't forget your dog, I miss you all the time!"

While it was fawning, it looked at the treacherous stone shelf.

Xia Qimiao was silent, raised her hand, took a piece and fed it to it, whether feeding one head or three heads, just feed them all once, without favoritism.


"Thank you. Let's take our leave now."

After Detective X left, the other monsters also left one by one and went back to their rooms.

"Noafels, stay for a moment." Xia Qimiao stopped him.

The vampire, who was shouted, jumped inexplicably. He didn't know what, and felt a little nervous.

It was obvious that the poster's expression was not serious, and there was a slight smile on his face, but he couldn't help but become nervous.

If he has been to school, he will know that this is like the gaze of the class teacher, asking other students to leave first, leaving him alone to talk.

"sit down."

Norfels sat down according to the order, but her body stretched straight and looked at her without squinting.

"I've never asked you why you want to become a god?"

Zai Xia Qimiao thought she would get an answer such as it was her mother's wish, but she didn't.

"Because I haven't seen the sun."

This sentence is out of her expected. "Do you know the legend of the god of the sun?"

"Yeah." Not only did Xia Qimiao know, but the God of the Sun was in her friend list.

"When I was young, I read a book called "Belief in the Sun" and I was greatly shocked. 'Sang' pulled the sun from the front to the back, and the sun came."

"There is no difference between day and night in the castle, so I long to see the sun."

"However, slowly, I understood one thing. I can't wait for the sun to come."

"Instead of waiting for the sun to come over, I should go and pull the sun over, to a place where it cannot shine. Therefore, I want to become a god."

Three hundred years are not simple numbers, but over 100,000 days and night superposition.

Noelfels used to read to kill time, but when he memorized all the books on the bookshelf, he no longer had the last resort.

The tall tower was both his hometown and his prisoner. It was not a curse who closed him, but the love of his mother.

He never told the landlord that he once wanted to go out crazily and use the knowledge he had learned to open a passage, and then his mother disappeared in front of him.

He thought he killed her.

She used her own death to become the last shackles, sealing him on a high tower that would never see the light of day.

It wasn't until the host told him that his mother was still alive that the chains on his body were removed.

It's good that she's not dead, it's good that she's fine, it's good that he didn't kill her.

As for the future... He has flown out of that castle and will not go back again. He has already embarked on his own path, no longer burdened with anyone's responsibilities and expectations.

Xia Qimiao rubbed his fingers. He had his own ideas, which were good.

Since this was his own wish, not forced to him, he would take the initiative to complete it instead of pushing it, and he moved.

"Write a report to me."

"Report?" he asked doubtfully.

"Well, the report is divided into three parts."

“First, what kind of god do you want to be, and what goals do you need to achieve to become this kind of god? Second, what preparations have you made, and what are your specific plans for the next step? Third, list the points that you find difficult. "

"At least three thousand words. Give it to me before the next party and go write it."


Noelfils took a deep breath, and somehow he had three thousand more words to write, and he still finished them in two days.

Time was very tight, but he still had extremely important things to finish, so he didn't dare to waste any more time, so he hurriedly said goodbye and went to do his homework.

After he left, Xia Qimiao immediately opened her friend list and sent a message to the Sun God.

The content of the message can be summarized in one sentence: "What steps are needed to become a god? Waiting online, urgent."

By the way, she sent a message to Shen Baixian.

She first "accidentally" mentioned its substitute spirit body, and Zhang Ying had a lot of fun playing with her props; then she lamented that it was not easy for a baby, so she sent her a red envelope; and finally told it tactfully that she had recently Very distressed, a tenant wants to be a god, please give it to teach.

After that, she clicked on the unread message of the owner of No. 3. There was only a short sentence in it: "The person who went to the party with you is the 9th floor."

If Xia Qimiao remembered correctly, there was only one tenant on the ninth floor of Building 3, that big eye.

Second update!

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