I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 134 Start with 1 island

Detective X looked up at his future master.

"Because it has been a long time, the remaining human atmosphere and emotional fluctuations on this island have almost dispersed, and I can only go back to some fragments."

"This island is used to study 'human implantation'."

This is a new term. Xia Qimiao asked: "'Plant person', vegetative person?"

"It is not the kind of immobile vegetative state in human medicine, but plants are planted into the human body."

"Researchers implant special seeds into human brains, and then use the human body and brain as nutrients. When the plants inside pierce the Tianling cover and come out, the experiment will be considered successful."

"I also heard those researchers say that some bonsai are worthless, while others can fetch a lot of money at auction."

Bonsai...? This word made Xia Qimiao's back shiver: "Are those researchers humans?"

"It looks like a human being. There is nothing different from humans."

"It's just that something went wrong in the experiment later. It seemed that some kind of 'energy' escaped, so all the experimental subjects and plants on the island were destroyed."

Xia Qimiao frowned: "Have you seen any information about zombies?"

"No, I paid special attention to it. A large number of documents inside only focus on 'human implantation'."

"Do you know how long ago these things happened?"

"Judging from the effectiveness of my skills, it should have been ten years ago."

Ten years ago, Xia Qimiao remembered this time.

For Detective

"Let's go ashore first."

Xia Qimiao took out the motorboat and suddenly realized something was wrong. Why was there only 18 hours left on the prop countdown?

It obviously didn't take long.

She raised her head and saw that the sun was still high in the east when she entered Alcania, and now it was approaching the west of the sea.

The sky has darkened, not because of any strange events, but because the sun has simply set.

"It seems that the first day is almost over." Detective

This is too fast.

But speed also has its advantages. She can't really stay here for ten years, so Xia Qimiao forces herself to adapt.

"Jiuer, you will help me point the way later."

Jiuer was silent, not agreeing immediately, as if he was weighing whether to wait to remind left and right, or to just go ahead and get it done once and for all.

It wasn't a difficult decision, it was decided quickly: "I'll do it."

It comes as it comes, and Xia Qimiao feels relaxed and hands over the driving right to it.

This motorboat is enclosed, so she doesn't have to worry about getting a headache from the wind. The overall riding experience can be rated eight points, with two points deducted for Detective X.

She never thought that strange things could cause seasickness.

It shrank itself down to the size of two palms, then curled up together, whimpering all the way.

Xia Qimiao didn't feel dizzy at first, but this experience seemed to be contagious. She also felt nauseous and nauseated later on, and when she got off the boat, she retched and almost vomited out stomach acid.

Jiuer was not much better, Xia Qimiao could see that its steps were stiff.

Maybe it was also dizzy, but it was just holding on to its dignity and not vomiting.

She wanted to drink some water, but there was no clean water source at the moment.

Xia Qimiao took a breather, put the motorboat back into the toolbar, and hugged Detective

The system prompt sounded suddenly in her ears.

[Alkania discovered you, this fragile human being. 】

Alcania, isn't this the name of this world? It even directly pointed out its identity as a human being. Xia Qimiao subconsciously looked at Jiuer, but the other party didn't respond at all, which meant that it couldn't hear the voice and it was given to her alone.

[Alkania tells you that this is an extremely dangerous place and asks you to leave as soon as possible. 】

She also wanted to leave, but she had a mission and had to win before she could leave.

[Alkania gives you 2 points of source power from its small balance. Do you accept it? 】

...What does this mean? Xia Qimiao was stunned. This was the first time she had encountered such a situation. Someone actually actively and unconditionally wanted to give her power right from the first meeting.

Thank you, but not necessary.

[You rejected Alkania’s 2 points of source power. 】

[Alkania is ashamed of his balance and forces 2 points of source power on you, asking you again to leave this dangerous place as soon as possible. 】

He was able to force it on, Xia Qimiao said that he had learned a lot.

[Arcania tells you that this world has no value anymore. 】

She still didn't stop walking inside.

[Seeing that Alkania could not persuade you, Alkania let out a long sigh and sent you the last help it could give you. 】

Xia Qimiao saw dozens of coconuts falling gently without making any violent noise, as if they were put down by a pair of invisible hands.

Erha woke up first and saw coconuts piled neatly on the beach: "Is this also a gift from nature?"


This time it's true.

"This is for humans to eat. It's like a weird thing..." Before Erha could finish his words, he saw the weird guy in black robe broke one open, picked it up and drank.

His future owner also walked towards the coconut very naturally.

"How is it generally?"

Could it be that eating human food is a new trend in the world of fantasy? Is it outdated? Erha hates being called a country bumpkin, so he plans to keep up with the trend and change his words: "I usually eat it too."


Hearing Noel Fels's voice, Xia Qimiao touched her earrings and tilted her head slightly to listen.


She thought that it would be the next day before the hosts at the party had the opportunity to throw the dice.

"Throw No. 33 to rest once, once...population +1000."

Xia Qimiao could hear the trembling in Noah Fels's voice, and his breathing was more obvious than usual: "Are you okay?"

After asking, she realized that the prop was one-way, so she could only give up and wait for him to continue talking.

“The initial population of Scholar Island is 1000, and the additional 1000 people crawled out of everyone’s belly.”

Men, women, old and young, no one is left behind.

He endured it again and again, and did not tell the disgusting scene to the poster who hated mess.

"I will try my best to protect these two groups of believers."

His voice disappeared, but Xia Qimiao's heart was still beating heavily.

This is not an island management simulation game, but a weird survival game.

She looked at the coconut in her hand, then looked up at the sky: "Alkania, I want to communicate with you directly."

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