I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 137 Start with 1 island

Chapter 137: Starting with an Island ()

"Since you are my believer, let this be considered as a meeting gift for you." God No. 3 threw the crystal core in his hand.

The deputy base director took it. She just saw it was a blood-red crystal core.

Crystal nuclei have two qualities, one is pure and the other is polluted.

People with superpowers can extract energy from pure crystal nuclei, or absorb it directly to improve their level of superpowers; while contaminated crystal nuclei cannot provide energy, and after being absorbed, they will affect the brains of superpowers and make them go crazy. .

The redder the crystal nucleus, the higher the degree of contamination.

What God No. 3 picked up was a crystal core with a pollution level of at least level . The base would take such things and destroy them uniformly.

However, this was a gift from the gods, and she definitely couldn't handle it like this. It was a trouble.

The deputy base commander opened his palms tangledly, and was shocked to find that the crystal core inside was not red, but an extremely pure blue.

Did she just get dazzled? No, not possible.

She raised the crystal core high: "You, me, this..."

She couldn't say a complete sentence, but God No. 3 understood what she meant and smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I just purified it."

"You just said that you are all my believers." The god placed the emphasis on "we" in his words.

"Yes, I am also your believer!" The person behind her looked at the crystal core raised in the deputy base director's hand, and when he looked at God No. 3, his eyes were full of fanaticism.

God No. 3 saw the word "" appearing on his head, so he moved his fingers and threw another purified crystal core to him.

Others quickly followed: "We are all your believers!"

"Me too!"

The sounds came and went.

"Yes, Lord God No. 3, please allow us to lead you and welcome you into the base."

Seeing that she did not refuse, the deputy base commander made a gesture behind him, and immediately one of his subordinates received her intention and went in to make arrangements.

Suddenly, a huge monster appeared out of thin air. Just when everyone was about to pick up weapons and fight, the monster began to shrink. It didn't stop changing until it was more than three meters high, and it lay down in front of the god submissively.

God No. 3 did not explain, but everyone present understood that this was just her mount.

After inviting the god in, the deputy base commander quickly sent an SSS-level emergency signal to the boss.

When the base director Zhao Tianyun received it, his heart dropped.

She had received an S-level signal not long ago, which indicated that the zombie wave was attacking the base.

SSS is the highest level contact signal. As long as the person who receives it is not dead, he must drop everything and rush back to the base as soon as possible.

The situation became more critical, and she rushed back without stopping. She had already imagined the worst ending. The base might be in ruins, and her familiar teammates would become zombies...

She imagined all the scenarios, but she was still shocked by what she saw because there was no damage at all.

The gates and city walls were all safe and sound, everyone's face was beaming with joy, and their eyes were burning with a fire she had never seen before.

"Boss, you're back." The deputy base commander came over to greet her.

"Xiao Yue, you're not dead...?" Zhao Tianyun looked at the familiar figure, a little stunned, and even suspected that he had mistakenly hit the enemy's spiritual attack and entered the illusion.

"If you can't speak, don't say it," Xiao Yue rolled his eyes at her, "It sounds like you're expecting me to die."

This eye roll and this tone are definitely from a real person.

Zhao Tianyun took a breath with relief: "Isn't it okay? How can you send an SSS message to ask me to come back?"

"The gods have arrived."

"What has come?" "God."

"How can there be a god in this world?" Zhao Tianyun looked in disbelief, wondering if her comrade had lost his mind and how could he start to believe in God.

"She burned thousands of zombies with a wave of her hand."

Zhao Tianyun frowned: "If you are a ninth-level fire element user, it is not impossible to do it."

"She can purify crystal nuclei," Xiao Yue continued in response to her shocked gaze, "I saw it with my own eyes and gave the crystal nucleus to the research team. I just received a report that the contaminated crystal nucleus has really become pure It’s quality.”

"Besides, she's very... coaxing," she said with a look, "As long as you call yourself her believer, she will think you are."

Zhao Tianyun, who had often fought alongside her, immediately understood what she meant. This guy who claimed to be a god was easy to deceive.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" She interrupted displeasedly, "What does 'calling myself a follower of hers' mean?"

"Obviously we are really her loyal believers, hurry up, hurry up, take me to see the gods."

Xiao Yue's mouth twitched slightly. He was originally worried that she wouldn't be able to accept it, but he didn't expect that she would change so quickly. She was worried in vain.

Zhao Tianyun listened to a simple report on the road and prepared himself mentally. As soon as he entered the door and saw the "god" surrounded by the moonlight, he burst into tears for a second.

She knelt down on one knee in front of the god and sobbed: "I knew you would not abandon us."

Xia Qimiao looked at the strong woman crying sincerely in front of her and thought that this could be regarded as actress-level acting skills.

"I pray to you all the time. Although I never hear your reply, I know that it is just because I am not pious enough."

"I thought I would never be qualified to see you in this life. Your Majesty, God No. 3, please forgive me for my gaffe. I was lucky enough to see your extremely noble and holy face, and I forgot about it for a moment."

Zhao Tianyun wiped away the tears on his face, his eyes still red: "God, you have come here, is there anything you want us to do? As your loyal believer, I am willing to risk my life for you to fulfill your instructions."

Xia Qimiao blinked and thought, here comes a smart man.

She didn't say what she wanted, only what she was willing to do for her. If she was really a god, she would probably like her very much. She is not a god, so she also likes such smart people.

"I wanted to see Alkania, your mother goddess, but she ignored me and I couldn't find her."

"So, I want my followers to spread across the entire continent to find her for me."

Zhao Tianyun lowered his eyes. Now there are zombies, strange plants and strange beasts outside. Even for high-level superpower users, it is extremely dangerous to go out.

Moreover, how could it be possible to find an illusory “god”? If there really was a god in Alkania, humans would not be in this situation.

Finding God is obviously an impossible task, so she can only make a fuss about the first half of the sentence.

"I understand. I will definitely spread your reputation and let your followers spread across the continent."

Xia Qimiao smiled and took the bait.

"So, what do you want in return?"

"Being able to do something for you is already a supreme honor for me. How dare I expect any extravagant reward? But..."

Zhao Tianyun was afraid that this stupid, bah, simple "god" would take her rejection seriously, so he immediately made a twist: "Can I ask you how to purify the crystal core?"

————One of the equipment of God No. 3————

[Props-B-level Moonlight Girl’s long skirt]

Details: Silver moonlight surrounds you when you put it on, don't worry about the size, it will fit.

Comment: The moon puts a veil on you (from an unknown clothing store owner).

Anonymous follow-up review (posted half a year ago): I thought I didn’t have to worry about the size, because this skirt can change size according to my body. As a result, it directly turned me into a girl. Do you know how weird my men looked at me*&^%$%^&%% (expletives have been blocked).

 One more update!



(End of this chapter)

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