I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 149 Start with 1 island

Xia Qimiao walked through many bases, but she didn't know where the crystal nuclei in her brain came from, as if they were coming with the end of the world.

It's just that the doomsday is huge, but the crystal core is silent, getting into people's minds when they don't know it.

Every time he thought about this, Xia Qimiao wanted to open his head to see if there would be an extra crystal core inside.

Or maybe she should cut her heart out and take a look. She hasn't forgotten that when she used the contract to locate the position in the last dungeon, it was her heart that hurt.

If that day comes, she will have to find someone trustworthy and highly skilled.

Whether she is opening her skull or cutting her heart, she will die if she is not careful. Even if she has the treatment medicine, she will inevitably encounter accidents caused by intentional people or tricks.

Xia Qimiao pulled back her thoughts and continued to look at the communicator. The latest topic was that Namo's team suspected that they had found an island, and they were about to go there to have a look.

The news stopped here. She had asked them about their situation, but there was no reply.

When Jiuer came back, his voice was still ugly, and he reported half-deadly: "There is not a single zombie around here."

It inserts its two arms into each other's wide sleeves. It likes this action very much, and it looks like this nine times out of ten.

"Has it been cleaned?"

"There are very few bodies."

When Xia Qimiao first started walking and felt like she had stepped on something, she would look down.

After being frightened by human bones countless times, she has learned not to lower her head and run over them without changing her expression.

There are very few corpses, which means that there are very few dead humans or zombies here.

"Exotic beast?" Xia Qimiao guessed in a different direction.

They had experienced a siege by a pack of mutant dogs not long ago, and a war was about to break out, but after Detective X tore off his clothes and became taller, he slapped the leader to death with one paw.

The rest dispersed and fled. Even in the last days, animals know better than humans who can and cannot be provoked.

Ninety-two shook his hood.

If it has not been cleaned up by superpowers or driven and preyed on by alien beasts, then there is only one possibility left. There are A-level zombies here that have developed sanity and can control zombies.

"Are you looking for it?" Detective X clearly thought about its future owner and stood up tremblingly.

As a dog, but also as a detective, looking for people to find zombies, they are both professionals.

"No, you should rest first." Xia Qimiao stretched out her hand and touched each head to comfort her.

Detective X snorted and lay down again. Compared with the previous owner, this future owner is really good.

I will not force them, I will take care of their condition, I will pet them as if they are three dogs, and I will feed them three portions of the rocks.

Unlike the previous one, who only fed one head with rocks, and threatened that if they felt it was not enough, he would not mind cutting off the other two heads.

The border collie rubbed the golden retriever and bumped it again. Fortunately, the thing that was worse than a dog was dead, so they didn't have to suffer anymore.

Detective X sincerely prays that this owner can live longer.

Xia Qimiao didn't know that she was already more than half way through the process of conquering the strange pets. She was building a bonfire with the dry firewood she had picked up.

Fire will attract zombies, and she used this trick to trap many crystal nuclei.

The crystal core she got from the zombie's head was mostly blood red.

When she touches the contaminated crystal core, the system will ask her whether she is willing to spend 1-10 source power to destroy it, depending on the size of each piece.

Xia Qimiao still hasn't figured out what the silence here means, so she temporarily regards it as purification.

Part of the crystal core she obtained was purified by her as a "gift from the gods", and part of it was carried with her for experiments.

These crystal nuclei would contaminate superpowers and drive them crazy. Xia Qimiao used his own body to test to see if the crystal nuclei could affect him. She also gave some to Detective X and Jiuer to see if the strange things would be affected.

the answer is negative.

Apart from the weight of the crystal core, Xia Qimiao felt no other burden, and there was nothing strange about the other two.

Is it because the energy systems of this continent and the strange world are different, or is it because they are outsiders and their brains do not have a crystal core that can "resonate" with them?


Anyway, monsters and zombies are two different things. Even if a monster is bitten, it will not turn into a zombie. The unlucky Detective X confirmed this.

The wood burned, crackling, the flame swaying red, its shadow blending with the human shadow.

There was an eerie silence.

Xia Qimiao was sitting against the car. She had to put her back against something to feel at ease.

She held the hammer in her hand and looked towards Jiuer. Fang Chu was standing not far away, with his hood facing the other direction, seeming to be looking at something.

During this period of time, Xia Qimiao made five plans based on its revealed abilities, striving to cover everything and kill it with one strike.

Apart from being expensive and requiring a lot of effort, there are no other drawbacks. She is still working on her sixth set, and she can still succeed with a reduced budget.

However, its attitude was very subtle. It never released its murderous intention towards Xia Qimiao. The whole monster seemed to be in an extremely stable state. It worked when it needed to work and stayed quietly when it wasn't working.

It seemed as if everything that happened before was just Xia Qimiao's illusion. It's a pity that she is a person who does not suspect that she has an illusion and only thinks that it is intuition.

It stared in that direction for too long.

Xia Qimiao stood up and put his hand on the handle of the hammer.

"You said, is someone watching us?"

"Not just now."

The implication is now there, and it was discovered by Jiuer.

Xia Qimiao waited, and not long after, a neatly dressed humanoid appeared in front of them.

If you ignored its blue-gray skin, Xia Qimiao would have thought it was a human being and not a zombie.

It spoke, suppressing its voice, but its words were very clear: "Why are you here?"

"Because I want to take up a little of your time to introduce you to my supreme God No. 3."

The person on the other side was stunned, and then he let out an obviously mocking laugh, pulled down his mask, revealing his half-eaten face: "To the zombies?"

"Facing the zombies." Xia Qimiao looked at it unmoved and continued firmly.

"The brilliance of God No. 3 is like the bright moonlight in the sky, shining equally on this continent."

The zombie looked up at the sky, then looked back, staring straight at her: "Why the moon?"

Being able to ask such a strange question, Xia Qimiao felt that its brain was not broken and it could think normally like a human being.

"Because you don't seem to want to see the sun."

Her eyes fell pointedly on the mask that was pulled back.

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