I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 153 Start with 1 island

The car drove slowly into the city, and everything in sight was dilapidated and desolate.

The further Xia Qimiao drove toward the center, the fewer wandering zombies she encountered. This doesn't mean that the overall number of zombies has decreased. She has a feeling that they are just dormant.


She parked the car at the entrance of the hospital, went down to take Detective X out, and then put the car back into the toolbar.

Jiuer was using its eyes to explore the surroundings and shook its hood, meaning it found nothing.

It was so quiet here, as if they were the only ones left in the world.

This hospital was the place where the first mad patient appeared, and it was also the place where the stall owner directed her.

Its original words were: "There is an S-class zombie in the Central City Hospital, codenamed 'Doctor'. It has very powerful abilities. Maybe it can fulfill your request."

"That is not the area under my jurisdiction. I cannot set foot there, otherwise it will be regarded as a declaration of war. You should be careful, but the gods should bless you."

Xia Qimiao still remembers the meaningful smile when it mentioned the blessing of the gods, but it didn't matter, it quickly changed its face after seeing her purify the crystal core.

It helped her attract zombie followers, and she purified the crystal core for it. No matter what it thought in its heart, it at least verbally respected God No. 3 more and more, and would no longer treat it casually with a joking attitude.

She even tried to touch the zombie directly to see if she could help purify the crystal core in its brain, but failed.

Xia Qimiao walked into the hospital and found a wheelchair facing the door, seemingly waiting for her arrival.

The hospital was full of blackened blood stains, messy report papers and bottles and cans scattered on the ground.

Therefore, such a neat and shiny wheelchair looked out of place among them, as if there was something invisible sitting on it, staring at her.

A miniature version of Detective X popped out of her arm and moved his black round nose: "I seem to smell something strange."

"Is there something weird here?"

"No, it should have appeared here a long time ago, and it is almost gone now..."


Xia Qimiao heard the sound of a pen rolling on the ground, followed by a male voice: "Can you help me pick up the pen?"

Her first reaction was that there was no one in the hall just now. Where did this person come from? Why was there no sound when he walked?

Her second reaction was, didn't he have any hands of his own? It was just a pen and he had to ask her to help him pick it up. Didn't he see that she was holding a dog in her arms?

She looked for the sound and saw a man wearing a clean white coat with a crooked blood-red number on his head - 21.

Faced with the demands of rival believers, she subconsciously kicked the pen away.

As soon as she made this move, the scene froze for at least two seconds.

"Ahem." Xia Qimiao pretended to cough. While he was thinking quickly to find an excuse, Detective Then crawl back into the arms of your future owner.

The operation went smoothly. Before the doctor could say anything, the pen was closest to him, with liquid that looked like saliva still on it.

"Although I haven't received your 'thank you' yet, I want to say 'you're welcome' first!" Erha held his head high and huffed.

Jiuer made no sound, but from the way its robe shook, it looked like it was laughing.

"Thank you." These words seemed to be squeezed out from the doctor's teeth, with a taste of reluctance.

The action just now seemed to have ruined some of his plans, and the look on his face could be called wonderful. However, the doctor was a master at managing his expressions. He quickly recovered as if nothing had happened. He wrapped the pen in a handkerchief and picked it up: "You are what the stall owner said, the messengers of God No. 3, right?"


The stall owner said he couldn't interfere in other areas, but he supported them in action, helping them plan their route and sending zombies over in advance to say hello.

"To be honest, I am also a believer in God No. 3." A kind smile appeared on the doctor's face.

It seems that becoming a zombie has not affected his facial muscles, and his acting skills are at his fingertips.

If he didn't have "21" on his head, she could barely believe it.

Xia Qimiao smiled back: "Really?"

Sitting in the doctor's office, she listened to him make up many lies, such as already knowing the miracle of God No. 3 and yearning for it.

She hummed from time to time, while in her mind she was thinking about how No. 21 got her hands here.

Because it is the organizer, the rules restrict it from leaving the island within a year.

Special contact information? Or did it use some method to develop its own followers before the game started?

Is this allowed by the rules of the game? If so, then No. 21 must already have a huge group of believers. If this was the case, why would she bother to develop followers according to the requirements of the game? She could just flip the table.

Have to test it out.

"I am willing to sacrifice everything for my lord." The doctor said this, but he didn't know how sincere he was, and he didn't know which "my lord" he was talking about.

Xia Qimiao prefers the 21st.

"Do you know about Steel Island?"

The one assigned to No. 21 is Steel Island.

The surprise and vigilance flashed across the other party's eyes. Although he quickly covered it up, Xia Qimiao still caught it.

The doctor pondered the answer, trying not to reveal the information he had: "One of the four legendary safe islands? I have heard a little bit about it."

"God No. 3 is from Steel Island."

"What?" His shock didn't seem to be fake. If doubts could be turned into reality, then there would probably be question marks all over the doctor's head now.

From his performance, Xia Qimiao could judge two things.

First, he knew that what he got on the 21st was Steel Island, which meant that they had been in contact after the game started.

Second, the connection between them is not real-time, otherwise the reaction from the other party would not be so great. He is obviously doubting her.

He is doubting, which means that he cannot get the answer immediately, which means there is more room for maneuver.

"The initial guidance given to me by God No. 3 was to let me go to Central City, saying that there would be like-minded partners here. It's just that I encountered many things along the way, so I came a little late."

Xia Qimiao smiled sheepishly: "You should be the like-minded partner that God No. 3 said I have. I'm sorry that I came to find you so late."

"Now, you are not alone."

Second update! Additional updates will be released before two o'clock and will not occupy tomorrow's updated chapters.

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