I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 155 Start with 1 island

Where did the core of No. 21 come from?

Xia Qimiao raised her eyelids. She didn't know where the core was found at first, but now she knew that the doctor in front of her must understand.

Then, all the fabricated lies and lies are meaningless and will only be exposed and guarded against.

"In the field."

This is the word that the monsters like to talk about the most, and it is also a word with a large enough scope. Alkania is considered a domain, and places outside Alkania can also be considered a domain.

Without giving him a chance to continue asking questions, Xia Qimiao raised the corner of her mouth and asked, "You don't even know what the field is, do you?"

The doctor really didn't know. He had only heard the Lord God mention this word, such as "bringing out the final value of this field" and "this field is on the verge of collapse", but he never asked.

She acted like she knew something, and she looked like that adult's confidant, a confidant...?

The doctor suddenly discovered an important question: "Are you an indigenous person from Alkania?"

"Of course I'm not from here," Xia Qimiao saw that he didn't ask further questions and relaxed his grip on the hammer. "Didn't God No. 3 tell you that he would send his men over after the game starts?"

She has been using God No. 3 to refer to "my lord" in his mouth, and her idea is to subvert one's strengths and weaknesses.

He said so.

But no one has contacted him, so he forgot about it.

"Then you also came from a higher level?"

She noticed the change in his title, recited this sentence silently, and roughly guessed where he was talking about, the mysterious world.

"God No. 3 and I come from the same place, a happy, beautiful and harmonious place."

The doctor grabbed the key word "happiness". Yes, the adult told him that he would be taken to the "country of happiness".

Xia Qimiao observed his expression. When she said "happiness", she noticed that his eyes widened and his pupils trembled.

In addition, the previous question revealed that he had received a promise from No. 21, so the specific content could not be that he could go to Happy Home to be a monster, right?

"The gods told you that as long as you help it win the game, it will take you to a place called happiness."

The first time the doctor asked her about her promise was to determine whether they were from the same camp.

He thought that she said she didn't need to make a promise, and was just talking about it. She didn't know the specific content. He didn't expect that she really knew it, was really high-minded, and was willing to give everything to that adult regardless of any reward.

In comparison, he fell into the inferior category.

Xia Qimiao tried to speak in a declarative tone. Seeing that he not only did not refute, but also showed uncontrollable excitement, he closed his eyes.

Why are there still people these days who want to be a trickster instead of being a good person?

Oh, maybe he didn't know what kind of strange place it was, maybe he thought he was going to heaven.

Xia Qimiao was a little curious. She didn't know what the doctor would think when he really entered Happy Home and saw the strange things all over the building.

It's a pity that I can't see his reaction with my own eyes, after all, he and No. 21 will not live until that time.

This does not prevent her from giving him a piece of cake: "After the game is over, I can open the way to that world."

She finished the order, and the doctor had to figure out the rest. When Xia Qimiao deceives people, he will never tell lies if he can tell the truth. She didn't say she would take him there, she only said she had the ability.

She didn't tell a lie, but when these words were put together, the meaning that fell into the doctor's ears was that she knew the promise made by the adult to him, and was the envoy sent by the adult to help him complete the task, and he was also responsible for it. After the mission is completed, send him to a higher level.

"I don't know your identity. I offended you." The doctor said with a sincere apology.

Bian Mu was relatively restrained, while Erha watched the whole process of how his future master deceived the doctor into a fool, with his mouths wide open in shock.

It won't be fooled like this one day, right? Erha was worried for a while, and then rubbed the border collie's head. It didn't matter, IQ was still here, and the big head would be in front.

"No need to apologize," Xia Qimiao waved his hand, "Actually, your behavior makes me more reassured. It is a good thing to be vigilant, and you will not easily fall into the enemy's language trap."

"After all, we have four enemies."

The doctor heard the quantifier "four" and matched it with the number that the adult had told him. There was no mistake in all of them, which made him more convinced that they were in the same camp.

His expression was firm: "I will clear all obstacles for my Lord and pave the way for His victory."

Xia Qimiao looked at the unchanged number above his head, bent his little finger and thought: "You should know now that we believe in the same god, God No. 3. Don't say the wrong name of the god when you are developing followers."

"Okay, I have always been a loyal believer of God No. 3. We want to spread the name of God No. 3 to the mainland."

Even if he admitted this, the number above his head did not change, it was still 21.

Is it because he believes in No. 21 from the bottom of his heart, or is it because once he chooses his belief, he cannot change his camp?

"So, show me what you've accomplished so far."

Xia Qimiao followed the doctor to the morgue, and a cold feeling crawled up her back. She paused at the door, glanced at Jiuer, and found that it had no reaction, then she raised her legs and stepped in.

The zombies were piled together with their hands and feet twisted like puppets with their strings cut off. It was roughly estimated that there were about a hundred of them.

Each has the number "21" above its head.

"that's it?"

Seeing that his efficiency was not high, Xia Qimiao felt relieved. She had nothing to worry about as a believer who had only reached less than 100 in more than two months.

The doctor noticed subtle emotions in her words and thought it was dissatisfaction due to the small number. He explained: "Zombies evolve too slowly, and the probability of sane zombies appearing is too random, so currently I have only developed these believers. .”

He added: "When our plan is completed, we can develop believers in large numbers."

"Ah, that plan," Xia Qimiao agreed, actually not knowing what it was, "How do you plan to complete it?"

"The United Nations has developed a sane group of zombies. On the one hand, they besiege humans, and on the other hand, they raise, tame and breed humans, and use them to evolve the zombies."

Xia Qi had a question mark in her mind. She was a little confused about the logic of this plan, but she didn't speak and continued to listen.

"Before you came, I was planning to go north. I heard that there were a large number of B-level and above zombies gathered there. According to my guess, there should be a powerful zombie king there."

There will be another update coming out before one o'clock.

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