I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 160 Start with 1 island

Noelfels naturally knew who the "captain" mentioned by these two players was, so he was inevitably distracted and searched for the poster.

He looked where he came from. The glass was broken, sharp feathers were stuck on the wall, and the room was empty.

"Stop going around, look straight down, at two o'clock."

Although Noelfels didn't like this player, there was no need for internal strife at this time. He did as he was told and saw the energy beam attacking the feather.

He saw clearly the figure surrounded by the moonlight in the middle, and was slightly stunned. Then the strange thing caught his flaw and smashed half of the bat's wings.

"Hee." He told him to devour his own wings, and Tenant No. 9 responded with his own cunning ways.

It also took advantage of the momentum to pursue him, opened its mouth, and spit out a white beam of light to attack him. After he dodged, it immediately changed direction and fired in a circle.

Suddenly, it felt the feathers on its body itchy, as if something was sprouting from the roots. It looked at its wings and met the eyes that were blinking at it.

Its wings were out of control, and it was unable to stay in the air. It fell straight down and fell to the ground with a crash, overwhelming a large area of ​​dilapidated buildings and dense trees.

Xia Qimiao naturally noticed its situation and used a temporarily purchased prop projector to enlarge the figure of God No. 3 and project it into the air.

As a result, all the living people or zombies who were paying attention to the movement here saw the scene of the gods surrounded by moonlight appearing and knocking down the monsters.

But this mysterious figure of the god disappeared immediately, as if it was just something she didn't need to care about, just dusting it off.

Xia Qimiao put away the props and immediately rushed to the place where the strange thing fell.

Tenant No. 9 felt something was wrong and was about to launch a sonic attack, but it found that it suddenly couldn't make a sound, and its throat seemed to be blocked by something, full of congestion.

It subconsciously dug at it with its claws, grabbed a soft and tough rope-like thing, pulled it out, and found that it was a blood vessel like a leaf stem, connected with a series of eyes.

It didn't have time to be shocked, Noefels' sword had already cut off its head and devoured it with a ball of light.

Tenant No. 9's body shuddered twice and disappeared, leaving only a giant pothole.

run away?

Noelfils frowned, and when he was about to trace its direction through its blood, he saw the owner of the building coming, and reflexively went up to him.

"Are you okay?" He still remembered the scene he saw just now. He originally thought that the poster was powerless after his power was taken away, but the actual situation did not look like this.

Sure enough, the original poster’s strength is unfathomable.

But as a subordinate, he still has to care.

"I am fine."

Xia Qimiao noticed his tattered bat wings, and when he was thinking about whether to hand over the medicine produced by the Devouring Rose, the wings had returned to their original state.

Vampires have the ability to heal themselves.

Very good, it saved her a lot of medicine.

"Where's that weird thing?"

"I let him go." Jiuer said. It didn't care about Noefels' hostile gaze and remained calm and composed.

Xia Qimiao was not surprised. She could guess the reason why it did this if she thought a little more.

"You parasitize it and let it go back to the island of the owner of No. 9 so that it can lead us?"


She guessed it exactly because she always knew its intentions accurately, so it didn't want to talk too much.

It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. There will definitely be many pairs of eyes staring at this place. They will quickly move to a hidden place to rest for the time being.

"Detective X," Xia Qimiao asked, "can you find the doctor?" Bian Mu nodded: "Yes, I have memorized his breath."

"Bring him here, be careful not to be followed by other tails."

"Yes." The three-headed dog disappeared in a flash.

"The doctor is not here, there are no outsiders here." Before Xia Qimiao finished speaking, he saw Noel Fels frowning slightly.

This means negative.

She realized that the "outsiders" he was thinking of might be An Hao.

"Xiaobai, can you hear me?"

"Okay." An Hao knew that Sister Xia couldn't hear, but he still replied.

Noefels answered for her: "Throw No. 33 into the grid that lifts the ten-day sound restriction. It's the ninth day now."

"Then let me tell you what I have discovered in the past two months."

Qi Lixing quickly recorded the information in his notebook: "In general, human beings have long carried out crystal nucleation experiments. The crystal nucleation may be the reason why humans mutate into zombies; No. 21 may be the mastermind behind the zombie crisis. We need to report to the zombies Spread the faith?”

His pen paused: "Crystal nuclei are carriers of aggregated energy. I always feel that this description is somewhat similar to that of strange rocks."

It's a pity that he can't get the crystal core at the moment, otherwise he would be able to determine whether it is the same thing as the stone.

Xia Qimiao heard the retelling and took Qi Lixing's description of the crystal core to heart. Detective X had said something similar.

She always felt that this direction would be a breakthrough, but she couldn't find a starting point for a while.

She almost described the situation here, and then looked at Noel Fels: "What's the situation on Scholar Island?"

She originally wanted to ask him why he came to her. After all, when she first met him, he looked like he was specifically looking for her.

Then I thought about it, it wasn't necessary. He was her tenant and it was normal to come to her. There was no need to divide his efforts to get two gods. It was enough to focus on developing the belief in God No. 3.

"The humans on Scholar Island united and escaped."

What a huge amount of information. This sentence is still in the past tense, so it must have been successful.

In any case, with the abilities of the vampires, they should not be able to even look down on people. She said in a statement tone: "You let it go."

"Yes, I also want to use their power to find a way to land on the mainland."

It all starts from the first day of the game.

The original place of birth of Noefels was in the temple on Scholar Island. This temple could not be said to be extremely dilapidated, but also very desolate.

The important thing is that there are many human bones under the statue, mostly the bones of infants and young children.

After he walked out of the temple, he happened to see two people carrying the dead child and throwing it into the temple. When they saw him, they were shocked and knelt down on the spot.

There seems to be a custom spread on the island, which is to throw the dead under the statue of the god. If the statue appears, it means that the deceased can be buried.

At that time, no one thought carefully about what would happen if the spirit did not appear. An Hao and Qi Lixing focused on the numbers above people's heads.

Some people had 33 on their heads, and some had 21 on their heads. Only then did the two of them realize that the initial population did not represent the number of believers, and there were still many pagans inside.

The initial plan they made was to develop the entire island into believers first, and then talk about the rest.

Second update, I’m rubbing the keyboard

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