I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 164 Start with 1 island

"Are you on top?"

What Jiu Er said before was not an ordinary arrogance. She thought it would be able to suppress Noefels, but she didn't expect that it would be more seriously injured.

"No, under normal circumstances if I don't try my best, I will most likely lose."

Noelfels understands the importance of things and can put aside any private emotions in front of the host's problem.

He will not lie to the poster, even if the answer makes him unwilling.

"How did you win?" Xia Qimiao's eyes swept from head to toe, and then from feet to head. Except for the lack of a pair of wings, there seemed to be no other abnormality, but Jiuer was hiding for treatment.

"It hesitated when it polluted me, and I took the opportunity to fight back."

The extremely dangerous scene became dull in his narration. At that time, he was parasitized and almost invaded and contaminated. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and cut off his bat wings with his backhand.

"Meanwhile, No. 33 off the field helped blow it up."

Off-court aid blew it up? It sounds like Qi Lixing's skill. Yes, it sounds like a good relationship.

"Its robe was burned, and half of its body was injured." The exposed area at that time could barely be seen as a human figure, with countless eyes crowded, next to each other, and leaning on the body.

A low-pitched sound of unknown meaning rolled out of Xia Qimiao's throat, and she asked the question she was most concerned about: "If the robe is burned, does it reveal its true face? Do you see clearly what it looks like?"

"It's all eyes."

She fell into deep thought for a moment, then raised her eyes to look at it: "If you try your best, can you kill it?"

"The worst outcome is to die together." Noefels' talent is devouring. If he gives up everything he has to activate this talent, then nothing can stop him.

"The best result is to hibernate and wake up at an irregular time."

Okay, there is another backup plan, but this plan is not cost-effective. This is a long-term tenant who has occupied her entire third floor. She will suffer the same fate, and she will lose more than she gains.

"Put this matter aside, I'll think about it again," Xia Qimiao put this matter aside, "Next..."

"Please wait a moment, something happened at the party."

Noelfils's expression was extremely serious. His eyebrows were furrowed and there were shallow marks between them, but they flattened out after a while.

He recounted the turmoil at the party: "Because the owners of No. 9 and No. 15 were both out, they wanted to give it a go and overturn the game, but they were quickly sanctioned."

"Hairball" grabbed them, and each hand tore off a piece of pitch-black stuff from them. He quickly tore them into pieces, then collected the scattered source power, compressed it into a ball and placed it on the table. As a prize in the middle.

"Building No. 15 reported the island coordinates of all the owners before it died. It has obviously already explored the locations of various places."

Xia Qimiao sensed the crisis: "There is trouble on Scholar Island."

The Scholar's Island where No. 33 is located will definitely become the target of No. 21's attack. According to the seat arrangement changed by Xia Qimiao before entering, after the death of No. 9 and No. 15, the chance to throw the dice will be passed to No. 33 counterclockwise.

In other words, number 33 can throw the dice four times a day, while number 21 can only throw once.

If things go on like this, the gap between them will definitely get wider and wider. This is definitely not the development that No. 21 wants to see, so it is very likely that it will quickly resolve No. 33.

If this goes well, then it will be able to seize five opportunities. Regardless of how the No. 3 host will develop, it can drag her to death by extending the front line.

"The troops are divided into two groups. Let's go to Scholar Island."

"What's the other way?" "I have my own arrangements for the other way." Xia Qimiao took out the communicator and sent the coordinates of Steel Island to the Namo team, and also shared the information he had obtained and what they needed to do. It was shortened into a paragraph and sent together.

Ninety-Two arrived belatedly. It was still wearing a black robe and a hood. There were no traces of burns on it. It was obviously wearing a new robe.

What is it about the shameful face and body that must always be covered with black robes?

Want to cover up.

It didn't seem to have anything to say. Even though it had just been attacked for no reason, it had no intention of asking, as if it just accepted it calmly.

Xia Qimiao sighed softly. She really didn't want to guess in that direction, but there were all clues leading her in that direction.

It's so annoying. Let's go back and dig up the graves to identify the corpses, so we don't have to worry so much here.

She buried him in the graveyard behind the orphanage. She could find his tombstone with her eyes closed.

Let her think about what she needs, gloves, shovel... Someone must look out for her, otherwise if she is seen by someone, she will be charged with insulting a corpse.

She looked at Jiuer and said, "I apologize to you on Zhaohui's behalf."

Xia Qimiao could clearly feel that after she said these words, it became tense, and the murderous intention could not be suppressed, and it was looming.

She looked away and stopped looking at Jiuer.

"You..." Noefels was full of surprise. How could the host apologize to Wei for him? There was no magic that could make her do this.

Before he could say anything, she raised her hand to block him: "We'll talk about anything later. The most important thing now is to solve the immediate crisis."

He pursed his lips, and finally followed the host's request and didn't speak, but his eyes revealed his emotions.

"Let's go to Scholar Island." She picked up Detective X, who became smaller and huddled in her arms.

As a dog with three heads, its senses are very keen, and it feels that a crisis is imminent. Even Erha will not be stupid at this time, and the three heads remain silent in an extremely tacit understanding.

"Us?" Noefels glanced at Jiuer.

"We," Xia Qimiao repeated, drew the other monster out of this range, looked at Noel Fels and added, "if he wants to, he will follow him."


Noel Fels teleported to Scholar Island with the poster and Detective X. Almost the moment Xia Qimiao landed on land, she heard the system prompt.

[You get the debuff "Pollution", your mind is affected, and within three hours, you will have symptoms such as visual hallucinations and auditory hallucinations. 】

The scene in front of her became extremely distorted, with various colors forming magical circles, twisting and jumping, disrupting her thinking.

"help me."

"Where is this place? My head hurts so much. What light is calling me... God, please save me."

"I don't want to die, I want to die."

"Why am I going through this, why?"

Various sounds filled Xia Qimiao's ears. Obviously, they were a step too late. The island had already been invaded by No. 21.

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