I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 166 Start with 1 island

White fine roots have grown into the soil here, and Neufils dug them out without much effort.

Its beards kept squirming, like a slender earthworm, and the severed section was still "alive", twisting on the ground.

The big-headed baby on the table had woken up from a nightmare. After being accidentally splashed with juice, he closed his eyes again.

Detective X used his claws to pull at them without any impact.

Sure enough, monsters and humans are different. Tenant No. 21's ability is aimed at humans, Xia Qimiao thought.

The Devouring Rose branched out a vine and tried to get into the soil, but it quickly came out again, obviously failing.

"It's too difficult." It shook the main vine. "It's full of these things down there. It's so annoying. It blocks the berries."

All of them? It's a bit difficult to deal with. If No. 21 is strong enough to occupy the soil of the entire island, then the entire island must be blown up to kill it.

It was obviously unrealistic to blow everything up. Xia Qimiao looked through the existing props and finally took out the cypress wood: "Burn it."

A trace of flame emerged and rushed toward the whiskers, quickly sweeping away.

She just tried it and was ready to misfire, but the effect was better than she expected.

The flames had no tendency to go out, but were burning more and more intensely, threatening to extend into the soil and burn inside.


A sharp scream came from the ground, frightening the Rose that hurriedly leaned against its owner. It had seen the power of the fire and was also scared.

"Bi Bao, guard these...children, don't let them die."

Although she really didn't want to admit that these things with heads larger than their bodies were children, Xia Qimiao couldn't find a more appropriate name, so she would just use it that way.

"Okay, Master."

The main vine split the skin in the middle, wrapped several big-headed babies from bottom to top, and then hung it on the round window above the temple.

Is this really okay? Xia Qimiao hesitated for a moment, but still chose to believe it, hoping that it wouldn't suddenly get hungry and eat the children.

"Berry, are you hungry now?"

"Not hungry, not hungry."

The Devouring Rose thought its owner was going to feed it rocks again, and shook off the vines. In fact, it still had a lot of energy that had not been digested, and it would go to sleep again if it ate again.

As long as you're not hungry.

"Bo Wu, Bai Wu!" The shrill voice echoed in the temple and went straight into Xia Qimiao's ears.

"You're actually here too. Aren't you going to defend Kimura? Why did you run away and sneak across?"

Its voice was like needles, quenching endless chill and incomparable malice: "Bo Wu, let me see your hypocrisy..."

Xia Qimiao watched Tenant No. 21 emerge from the ground. It was just a thick tree stump with hundreds of growth rings rolling on it, and its body was still burning with unfinished flames.

It seemed to be strangled by the throat, and its voice stopped suddenly. It had no facial features, but the growth rings on the pile twisted, as if to express its shock.

When Neufels saw the enemy appearing, he immediately went to meet it. Although he didn't know what the "cypress witch" it was talking about was, it was not important in his eyes.

Tenant No. 21 parried his attack with roots while attacking Xia Qimiao, but was blocked by the Devouring Rose with its cane.

Its voice was still harsh, full of viciousness and unwillingness: "Why are you holding its sacred wood? Are you its spiritual substitute?" "Isn't the third owner a charlatan? How could a charlatan become its spiritual surrogate?" , go to hell, die, die!”

Bai Wu, the god Bai Xian.

Xia Qimiao immediately realized who it was talking about. Unexpectedly, she would meet Shen Baixian's familiarity here.

Dailing body, this is also a familiar term. She is not, Zhang Ying should be, but the little baby is still sleeping soundly in the coffin of the mysterious building.

She raised the "holy wood" in its mouth and calmly and decisively spoke out the spell: "Burn."

The flames rushed straight towards it, as if it had consciousness, bypassing the Devouring Rose and only attacking tenant No. 21.

Its cry was even louder, but the words behind it were mixed with twisted pleasure.

"Bo Wu! You actually made the monster become a spirit body and allowed her to use your abilities at will. You are finished, you are finished hahahahaha."

Tenant No. 21 heard clearly that the owner of No. only said one word before using flames. This shows that she is definitely its confidant and let the monster be its substitute spirit body. It is finished hahaha.

"You are right, I am its substitute spirit for the time being."

Xia Qimiao admitted it and added the word "temporarily", so that when the time came to send a message to Shen Baixian, he would be able to say that he had to obey the authority when the matter was urgent.

"However, your title is wrong. It's not Bai Wu, but the god Bai Xian."

"What?" Tenant No. 21 was in a daze for a moment, but Noelfels caught the flaw and swallowed half of the tree roots.

"God, Bo, Immortal?" It didn't care about this. It ran towards Xia Qimiao and was pulled from behind by the Devouring Rose.

It broke a few vines before I could hold it back, damn it.

Xia Qimiao was holding a sledgehammer. She found its psychological weakness, showed a kind smile, and repeated these three words one by one: "Shen Baixian."

Tenant No. 21 paused for a moment, as if to confirm the news. After the confirmation was completed, he suddenly raised his head dozens of times: "How could it have become a god? How could a place like Kimura make it possible for it to become a god?"

The unwillingness in his words came to his face, so thick that it was about to become reality.

"I am supposed to be a spiritual body that has become a god. A dead wood like this that is used as a coffin is also worthy of becoming a god?"

"I will become a god soon. When this party is over, when Alkania becomes my domain, when both humans and zombies believe in us, I will become a god. What is the witch? It deserves it." !”

Tenant No. 21 was so irritated that he went crazy and spoke out without hesitation.

Xia Qimiao was still thinking before, why was the game at the poster's gathering to judge the number of believers?

She thought it was just a cover, thinking that No. 21's real plan was to kill all the tenants and seize the core to win.

Developing followers can be used to hide its thoughts, and can also be used as an insurance to extend the game time.

Unexpectedly, this was not a pretense, this was also one of the things it wanted to do. It wanted to catch it with both hands, but failed to catch it with both hands.

Xia Qimiao still had that smile on her face and continued to stimulate it. When she said "Shen Baixian", she didn't forget to add the accent.

"I am the spirit body of Shen Baixian. It already knows all of your plans. It sent me here to stop you."

The Bian Collie shook his head. He could tell that if his future owner smiled like this, she was either playing tricks on her, or was on the way to play tricks on her.

However, some monsters have already stepped into her pit: "Stop me? What a loud statement. This world is hopeless. It's too late!"

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