I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 176 Start with 1 island

"I want to see my mother again." Li Xide said decisively, saying that he could grant her one wish. It was such a big statement that he had the ability to make the dead come back to life to talk to her.

"Isn't she right behind me?" The other person quickly answered, "Can't you always see her?"

She choked on these words. She never thought that she would step into the hole she dug to scare people.

This woman must be too smart. She curled her lips and said, "Then I want to find the murderer who killed my mother."

"Where's the reward?"

"After I find it and kill it, I can give you all the props on me."

She was ready to die anyway, and these props couldn't go to hell with her, so it didn't matter if they were all given away.

"Can you kill it?"

"I entered the dungeon so many times just to kill it."

"it is good."

Li Xude was confused by this crisp sound. She couldn't be serious, could she? She didn't believe it, so she returned to her crazy look: "Godmother, are you trying to trick me?"

"Well, I'm coaxing you."

I can’t talk any more today! She turned her back and poked holes in the ground with her knife to vent her anger.

Xia Qimiao stood up. It didn't matter if Li Sansui was not capable enough on his own. She didn't ask her to challenge him alone. Why challenge him when he could be surrounded?

The mainland scene will be broadcast to the party through the tenant's eyes. If she wants Noel Fels to help her teleport and fill the channel in a short time, then this scene may be seen by "Hairball", and he will never May keep eyes closed forever.

Judging from Li Mu's information, the emergence of these passages is definitely related to the "hair ball" and the strange thing behind it. If she is discovered by it, she will have endless troubles.

It is better to strike first and kill the "hair ball" before taking action.

The premise of all this is——

[Alkania has given you three million source power, do you accept it? 】

Xia Qimiao subconsciously replied "yes", and then came back to her senses after saying this. How long had it been before the three million was received?

How could it be delivered directly without worrying about her packing up and running away? How should I put it? There is a clear sense of consciousness in this field...

Well, after all, he was the guy who had just given her a large amount of power, so I won’t use the derogatory words.

[Arcania excitedly expressed that it had used a little tactful means to raise resources! 】

At the same time, the leaders of major bases and zombie leaders tragically discovered that most of their crystal nuclei had disappeared silently, and a note with the words "Alcania Take" appeared out of thin air.

In addition, there are many potholes in the ground covered with plants.

[Alkania asked you, can we continue to talk in detail? 】

"Not in a hurry."

Li Xide heard her voice and thought he was talking to her, so he turned around and said, "Why are you not in a hurry?"

"Get ready, the murderer is about to appear."

Is this something that is not urgent? In the past, only Li Xude could make others speechless, but after meeting this woman, she would often be choked and speechless.

"Can I trust you?"

"You don't have to believe it," Xia Qimiao stretched his waist, "I'll go get ready too."

As soon as she left, Li Mu's slightly anxious words rang in her ears: "What did you mean just now..." Xia Qimiao did not answer directly, but said: "Don't you see? Your daughter is going to die. ”

"You want to leave, let her leave here too, but I think it's written all over her body that she wants to die here, otherwise she wouldn't have said that the reward was all the props. She never thought about leaving here alive."

"As her mother, can you really not think of something that even an outsider like me can detect?"

Or are you deceiving yourself and others and not daring to face it?

There was no sound in her ears, and Xia Qimiao did not continue to poke her heart: "This is a knot she can't get around. Don't worry, if she really can't beat her, I will take her away."

She said in her heart: "Noefels, what do you think is the probability of killing the host and taking away the three host source groups?"

"Just in case, we have a few more backup plans."

The "hair ball" followed No. 33 into the Alkanian continent. Its body was enlarged several times, reaching two stories high, and turned into a veritable "meat ball."

The arms, legs and feet on its body became normal sizes and twisted in all directions: "I really don't understand you, why do both of you want to come down?"

It noticed that the surroundings were eerily quiet, and the "Twin Strangers" who came down first had gone somewhere. Suddenly, a strange wind passed through its body.

A crazy voice suddenly sounded: "Let me see, how many people have you killed?"

As she finished speaking, a dozen arms and legs also fell to the ground, and dirty liquid gushes out from them, making them dirty with soil.

"Meatball" was not afraid, but laughed: "If I kill someone, I will insert that person's arm or leg into my body once. If you look at how many people are on my body, you will know how many people I have killed, hehehe."

"Maybe you can find something familiar in there!"

It remembered this brat, the weakling who watched it kill her mother but could do nothing, and it didn't take her to heart at all.

Li Xide was not shaken by its words. She had imagined this scene countless times, and now she was calmer than she thought.

"Judgment." She activated her talent, and a scale appeared in front of her.

"Hairball" sensed a dangerous aura from it, but it found that it had fallen into a trap and was held in place by some kind of prop.

"Do you think you can control me like this?" It shouted and struggled to break free.

Xia Qimiao was dissatisfied when the prop was scrapped just after he bought it. It seemed that he couldn't use this when dealing with Jiuer because he had no control.

"Can we really not help?" An Hao asked in a low voice.

They watched the battle from a distance, far enough to a safe distance that would never be affected.

"She said she wanted to take revenge alone, and no outsiders were allowed to interfere." When Xia Qimiao offered to help, Li Xun rolled his eyes so hard that he almost drew his sword and chased her away.

"Her ability should be related to the number of enemy kills. The more the enemy kills, the stronger her ability will be."

When Qi Lixing left, he threw a prop miniature camera nearby, and what he was watching now was the picture transmitted.

Li Xide on the screen saw blazing flames rolling out every time he swung his sword. The "meat ball"'s body had been set on fire and was rolling.

Then, hundreds of blades appeared above her and penetrated its body from all directions. After finding the weakest point, she split open the thick shell with several knives.

There was actually a child sitting inside, who looked about seven or eight years old: "I, I, I..."

Maybe normal people would be soft-hearted when seeing a child, but Li Xide's knife was not soft. He chopped it into mud with one knife and turned it into source power and dissipated.

She lit those arms and legs with fire, burning them from the inside out until only ashes and three Source Power Balls were left.

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