I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 184 Profile of No. 33

Xia Qimiao was choosy and briefly recounted her revised version to the two of them.

An Hao concluded: "In other words, Auntie thought you could help her keep Lizi alive, so she appeared in front of you and told you her experience?"


Although Li Mu's request is to help her leave Alcania, her core demand is to let her daughter live. And the thing she used to trade was intelligence, wasn't it what she had experienced?

Xia Qimiao felt that there was nothing wrong with what she said, and today was a day where she would not tell lies.

"Players turned into monsters," An Hao's face wrinkled, "Is there any precedent for this?"

"This is the first case I know of. I haven't seen any news about this before."

At least it hasn't happened in the forum. If it had, it would definitely cause a lot of noise.

"Just thinking about it, I get goosebumps, turning into something like that..." An Hao shook his head quickly and rubbed his arms.

"Does she really not know how she became a monster, or is she a monster who doesn't want to say it?"

Qi Lixing's keenness corresponds to his suspicion. He actually doesn't believe in the words of the monster. He even has some doubts about her identity, but the captain should have a way to confirm it, so he assumes that she is.

"It's all possible, and we can't be sure now whether she really turned into a monster after death, or whether she thought she was dead."

Li Mu's memory is fragmented.

"Captain, you just said that Li Zi's mother has something to do with Happy Home?"

"Well, on the one hand, she died at the hands of the monster from Happy Home. I wonder if this has something to do with her turning into a monster."

"On the other hand, she has revealed that her destination is a happy home."

Li Mu Bengui is in Xia Qimiao's building, and this month's rent has been paid.

"Because my source of information is a bit biased, I'm afraid that speaking out now will limit your ideas, so I want to hear the clues you found at the party first."

"Which one of you is coming?"

An Hao and Qi Lixing looked at each other, and she volunteered: "I'll do it."

"It starts with that party."

One of their mission requirements is, "Don't let the monsters discover your true identity."

An Hao felt strange at first, because after the party started, the hosts could not hear each other's voices and could not communicate, let alone be exposed.

But she soon realized that she thought too simply, because No. 9 started a group chat, yes, a group chat, the kind where you can send messages to each other.

It said there was nothing to talk about except this party game.

Qi Lixing's first plan was to wait and see what they were talking about and whether he could get any valuable information from them.

However, they soon discovered something was wrong. They were coming for them. No, it should be No. 33.

The reason why they did not tell Xia Qimiao about this on the spot was because they had to rely on Zhaohui to convey the information at that time, and Zhaohui was the tenant of No. 33 and did not want him to know.

"Those weird things want to know two things," An Hao pulled the whiteboard over and drew a mind map. "First, what field did No. 33 belong to before."

She drew a lot of non-intersecting circles after this one and wrote "Copy" inside.

"In the current common understanding of players, dungeons are independent worlds one after another, unrelated to each other."

"Different dungeons have their own worldview settings. We thought at first that Happy Home was just the setting of this dungeon, but later we found that it was not." An Hao had prepared for this part in advance, but saw Sister Xia staring at her as if she was confused. Si's appearance was inevitably a little nervous and slightly stumbling.

However, after typing the manuscript many times, she gradually relaxed and became more fluent.

"In the eyes of monsters, there is no 'copy'. They call the world a 'realm'."

"If we treat dungeons, worlds, and domains as different words to describe the same thing, it will overturn players' previous perceptions."

"It is very likely that the copies will intersect, and Happy Home is the place we heard at that time that it would intersect with other copies."

An Hao drew a long oval, half-wrapped and half-wrapped the small circles, and wrote "Happy Home" and "Crooked House".

As she wrote, she thought, what a really funny name. How could she be happy in a home full of strange things?

Then, she extended outwards and marked 33: "We don't know how many mysterious buildings there are in total, but the largest number we know is 33, so there should be at least 33."

"No. 33 is the person we play, and we also profile it."

Her profile? Why did it sound like he was describing a criminal suspect? Xia Qimiao became interested and wanted to hear what these two had to say.

"It is very mysterious. The other monsters know nothing about it and have never even seen its face, so they are extremely interested in it."

This is because she just got the Guilou not long ago, she is considered a new arrival, and the only owner who knows her skipped the party.

"And, it's powerful."

Xia Qimiao raised his eyebrows, how could you tell this?

"On the one hand, Zhaohui bowed to him. Captain, you didn't see it at the time. The scene of him controlling and rescuing thousands of people was really shocking."

Saving people is much harder than killing people.

"I once asked him in a roundabout way what he thought of No. 33, and he..." An Hao paused, seeming to be looking for a suitable sentence to describe it.

Qi Lixing took over: "He used all the complimentary words that could be used, which were too broad for us to extract valuable information from them. The only thing that can be determined is that he surrendered to No. 33 from the bottom of his heart."

Although they didn't see eye to eye, he still recognized the strength of this strange creature.

Xia Qimiao nodded calmly, thinking that it was not in vain that she tried her best to help him recruit followers, which was not bad.

"What about the other side?"

"On the other hand, it involves the second question that those people want to know," An Hao changed the line and continued, "147 South District."

This number looked familiar. Xia Qimiao remembered that it was the place where Sun Buchou and Lin Jiangdan snatched the treacherous stone. They were also chased into the castle dungeon because of this incident.

"According to what they said, this place is next to Building 33. Recently, the Devil King there went crazy and killed many Devil Kings in other areas. Ask him if he knows what's going on?"

"We speculate that there is also a ranking of strength between the King of Tricks and the King of Tricks. No. 33 should have friendship with such a powerful King of Tricks."

Well, a fatal friendship.

When Sun Buchou and the others ran away, they ran in another direction, and they did not use props with the mark of the Guiliao Tower, so 147 The Guilty King did not suspect her yet.

Xia Qimiao thought to herself that it felt like it would be a matter of time. It was time to repair the shady building. Otherwise, there was no difference between leaving the hole open and opening the city gate.

Qi Lixing's cell phone suddenly lit up: "The doorbell is calling."

Code for a while and take a look at the remote control

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