I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 195 Spoiler Story

"Why, why, I obviously didn't do anything. It wasn't me who killed you, and I wasn't the one who betrayed you!"

"Betrayal, betrayal, hahahaha betrayal, so the first one to die is Jin Beipan, it's her."

"I know, I know, none of you can escape, you..."

Before Lang Ren could finish his words, Jia Shuhai blocked his mouth with something.

His expression was uncertain: "If you want to lock him up, lock him up quickly and listen to what he says!"

Brother Ye glanced at him and was about to reach out to take out the thing, but was stopped.

Seeing that there was going to be a quarrel, Yu Yan's family felt a headache. He didn't want to deal with this kind of thing, but one of the two women stayed as far away as possible, while the other watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal.

None of them could do anything, and he could only step in to stop the behavior that might turn into violence: "I'll drag him over with you."

"The devil knows what he is going crazy about. Most of what this werewolf says is just disturbing the audience, and there is nothing pleasant to hear."

Xia Qimiao laughed, but didn't it mean that Wei knew what he was going crazy about? It was probably the appearance of Wei that scared him into this state.

Langren's eyes opened wider and his pupils dilated, then he rolled his eyes and passed out.

It’s okay this time, I don’t have to listen anymore if I want to.

Ye Xiongshou and Yu Yan's family stopped arguing and worked together to drag Jin Beipan into Jin Beipan's room, lock all the windows and doors, and then go back.

Yu Yan's family suggested: "Should we sleep separately tonight and let's all squeeze in together in the living room?"

"To make it easier for werewolves to attack?" Jia Shuhai snorted coldly. He knew that no one would believe his suspicion, but the result was like this, which still made him feel extremely aggrieved.

Especially what Lang Ren said just now reminded him of bad memories and made him feel even more unhappy.

His eyes were fixed on Ye Xiongshou: "I will not squeeze together with you and live with werewolves. I really don't know how I died."

Yu Yanjia took a deep breath. Now he even doubted whether the test results were wrong? If not, will Jia Shuhai defect to the werewolves but still be a good person?

How on earth did he manage to sound like an iron wolf in every word and every action?
"I made this suggestion because maybe this way everyone can prevent..."

Before he finished speaking, Jia Shuhai turned around and left.

The living room fell into an extremely strange silence. Yu Yan glanced at Lvwu. She seemed to be thinking about something and was chewing her fingernails.

The traveler noticed his gaze and put down his hand.

Their eyes met, as if they were thinking something tacitly, and this atmosphere completely excluded Ye Xiongshou and Xia Qimiao.

"Since someone is not cooperating, then there is no need for us to stay together."

Traveler stood up and left the scene. She didn't pay attention to her steps before leaving. She tripped over a wine bottle that fell on the ground and fell.

Yu Yanjia wanted to help her, but she shook her hand away.

This scene seemed familiar. Xia Qimiao discovered that Traveler seemed to hate physical contact with people. Oh no, she hated being touched by men.

When she reached out to hit her, she didn't behave like this.

Yu Yanjia sneered, as if he had cursed an unpleasant word, but the people present did not care about his mood.

Anyway, the people were almost dispersed, but the doubts in his heart were not dispelled. He was wary of Shang Di and also wary of Ye Xiongshou, so he left with him.

"Want to chat?" Ye Xiongshou looked at the other remaining person and extended an olive branch.


When Xia Qimiao entered his room, he deliberately opened the door wide.

Ye Xiongshou thought that she was giving him a chance to escape, so he said: "I won't do anything to you." Xia Qimiao did not follow his words, but smiled: "This way, it will be better to prevent eavesdropping. .”

He was stunned and didn't answer in time. The words fell to the ground and the place became cold.

He tried to warm up the scene, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and shook out half a cigarette: "Do you want to smoke?"

"No smoking." Xia Qimiao is not sensitive to all meaningless consumption, let alone such addictive and harmful things.

"My sister doesn't like smoking either."

It's coming, it's coming, and the familiar plot begins. Xia Qimiao remained silent, sitting by the bed, waiting for his next words.

Brother Ye paused for a moment in collecting the cigarette box, but quickly continued, his black eyes staring at her: "Shang Di smokes, who are you?"

Xia Qimiao blinked: "I don't smoke, who do you remember me as?"

She knew that the most taboo thing about this kind of scene was inconsistent words. She could doubt it in her heart, but it was best not to immediately refute what she said.

The other party is most likely a test.

She didn't think it was a problem caused by saying she "doesn't smoke" because there was a sentence in between.

He became suspicious of her because she was too cautious and did not continue to ask about her "sister".

"You have changed a lot. You would never ask me such a question before."

"You were not the kind of person you are now." Xia Qimiao responded fluently.

"What kind of person can't he be?"

"Marry someone like Jin Beiwan."

"I let you down?"

"A bit." It didn't matter to Xia Qimiao at all. She didn't care who he was at all. She only cared about her mission and power.

But for Shang Di, she should be disappointed. After all, everyone has beautiful fantasies about first love.

She added: "But when a person dies, it is like a lamp going out. The past cannot be recalled. It is a pity."

"Then I have to put out the lamp that killed her so that I can express my condolences," Brother Ye Shou said with a calm look, "Who do you think is the murderer among them?"

The "she" here probably doesn't refer to Jin Beipan, because his murderous intention is not fake.

"I think every one of them could be."

Xia Qimiao gave a vague reply, but she didn't expect that the other party took it seriously.

"What a coincidence, I feel the same way," Ye Xiongshou nodded, "So, it is better to kill by mistake than to misplace."

Xia Qimiao thought that the plot was not unfolding in front of her, so she played a few more rounds of Tai Chi to get rid of Brother Ye, and then left.

When he came out, he bumped into Yu Yan's house.

"What were you talking about just now?" He thought about eavesdropping, but the door was too open for him to do such a thing.

"Some small things, such as Brother Ye and his sister don't like smoking." Xia Qimiao responded.

The Yu Yan family frowned: "How can Brother Ye have a sister?"

This question made her heart skip a beat: Does Ye Xiongshou really have no sister, or does he have one but these plastic friends don't know about it?

Moreover, judging from his performance just now, Shang Di knew whether he had a sister or not.

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