Chen Xiangyin quickly realized that it was not that his vision went dark, but that he fell into a completely black abyss.

In my ears, Master Zhuang's voice became more and more distant, "One day on earth, one year in hell, agarwood, take care."


One day equals one year? !

In the strong sense of weightlessness that keeps falling, Agarwood's ears are filled with all kinds of distant mournful wails.

After changing through eighteen realms, he fell to the ground like a feather, unscathed.

It was so dark that I couldn't see my fingers, and the surroundings were so quiet that I could hear my own heartbeat.

Before he could react, there was a bang and a torch lit up a few meters away.

Under the dark red firelight, a man wearing a white ghost mask on his head, holding a cold iron chain, and wearing a horse-faced skirt slowly approached.

It was Ah Bang. He froze when he saw Chen Xiangyin, and said in a slow Beijing accent: "What the hell, why are you here?"

"Ah Pong?!" Chen Xiang frowned. She also wanted to know why she was here.

Ah Pong shook off the yellow paper in his hand and said, "Come and see for yourself."

When Chen Xiangyin first saw the yellow paper in A Pang's hand, it looked like the talisman paper that Master Zhuang had just burned, and in an instant it transformed into a white paper filled with words.

It clearly says:

The gods of heaven and earth are above:

Chen Xiangyin was bewitched by evil spirits, which indirectly caused the death of six innocent people. He hereby writes a petition to plead with the gods in the underworld for a fair trial to comfort the souls of the dead and calm the anger of the living. If justice can be upheld, there will be light in the world.

This state reaches the highest level.

Signed: Zhuang Shuhuai.

When Chen Xiangyin saw this, his heartbeat was beating like a drum, all the strength in his body was drained, and he couldn't even breathe.

Yes, taking another person’s life is just a matter of salvation, right? There is no such thing as easy redemption...

Under the paper, a line of small words gradually appeared.

Chen Xiangyin felt ridiculous and was so dizzy that he was trembling all over.

The master said that she can go back in ten days at most, which means she will stay here for ten years at most!

In his mind, horrific images of hell flashed through his mind.

He was thrown into the boiling oil pot alive and suffered from torment and burning, with big blisters all over his body.

Or be forced to climb a mountain of sharp knives, suffering cuts and stings at every step, tearing flesh and blood.

Or grind it in a huge stone mill until it is ground into powder, which is extremely painful.

Or soak in a blood pool, the blood corrodes the skin, the pain is unbearable but the consciousness is clear...

which type?
Which one is she going to go through? !

If others go to hell, atoning for their sins can cleanse their future, forget everything, and gain new life.

She can't.

Ah Pong's voice sounded hollow in my ears, and I couldn't hear it clearly. The agarwood caused ringing in my ears.

"I think it's a good thing. Because you are immortal and your karma has not gone away, it will be your retribution in this world. Now someone with the power to reach heaven and earth will send you down to suffer the sufferings of the netherworld and hell. You won't die anyway, you will just suffer some pain."

"What - Netherworld Hell?" Chen Xiangyin came back to his senses and looked at the paper in A Bang's hand in a daze.

What appears clearly at the bottom is: living hell, the land of the netherworld, suffering and punishment, three years.

Three years is not a long time.

"Ouch!" Ah Pong saw the time clearly and said to himself in a different tone, "Someone saved the time for you, you are really quite capable."

Chen Xiangyin murmured: "Master Zhuang really has some magical powers." "Master Zhuang?" Abang raised an eyebrow and said lightly: "She doesn't have this kind of skills."

Chen Xiangyin then asked: "Who is that? What do you mean by pressing time?"

Ah Pang shrugged, "You knowingly committed a crime, and you have six lives to complain to. Why don't you start a century ago? It's only been three years. Someone must have taken the blame for you."

"Can this be replaced?" Chen Xiangyin regained some awareness and his brain began to function.

Ah Pong picked at his nails carelessly and said, "Well, my family can do it."

Chen Xiangyin asked again: "Family?"

"Yes, dear." Ah Pong replied simply, with a nonchalant Beijing accent.

"Relatives?!" Chen Xiangyin was extremely shocked, and at the same time he was confused and had many unrealistic guesses in his heart.

Ah Pong seemed to be in a good mood today, and explained patiently and calmly: "Have you ever heard that a person can achieve enlightenment, like a chicken or a dog, and ascend to heaven? If a person commits a sin, he can also have retribution on his family."

Chenxiang Yinxin was anxious and wanted to know the reason for all this, "But I no longer have any family members alive."

"I don't know." Ah Pong ignored it indifferently, and then asked her with a bit of joking: "Chen Xiangyin, you don't have any immortal relatives, do you?"

"It's impossible..." She was puzzled. If she really has any immortal relatives, is it related to her immortality?
Thinking of this, Chen Xiang's heart was filled with ups and downs, "How can a relative do this? Can a distant relative who is beyond our reach do this?"

Abang snorted lightly, "Parents, children, married couple."

Chen Xiangyin thought about it one by one. Her parents were ordinary people, but she herself had never been married and had children.

"Nothing is impossible."

Ah Pong didn't want to continue chatting and folded the paper.

"Then I don't know. Everything has its own cause and effect. I don't know whose good result you have inherited. Just enjoy it secretly."

Still secretly having fun... She has suffered in the human world for hundreds of years and will not be reincarnated. She is both physically and mentally damaged and is about to make a mistake.

One moment, he was guarding He Chongtian's bedside, telling him to come back soon. The next moment, he fell into the living hell and served three years in prison...

Master Zhuang didn't give any warning in advance, which caught her off guard.

Sure enough, when fate brings disaster to you, it will not tell you in advance.

This can be regarded as a lesson Master Zhuang taught her...

However, if she had known in advance that it would be so long before seeing Crane in the Sky, she would have said goodbye properly.

For him it was three days, for her it was more than a thousand days and nights.

Ah Pong said that someone was punished for her, so these three years were more like a small punishment to her.

Even so, it was still hard to accept for a while.

Fear of the unknown, resistance to the cage.

Chen Xiangyin asked urgently: "Ah Bong, what is the underworld like?"

Ah Bang waved his hand and swept around the current space, "It's right here. In your current words, it's a small dark room."

Ah Bang said it lightly, but Chen Xiangyin knew clearly that if a person is locked in a closed darkness, he will go crazy in a short time.

The infamous "sensory deprivation" experiments, in which participants are left in an environment without any external stimulation for days to weeks, will develop hallucinations and severe psychological stress reactions.

Even astronauts who do not suffer from sensory deprivation and have strong psychological quality will experience cognitive function decline, sleep disorders, emotional problems and other problems within a few months after experiencing the stress of loneliness and isolation during long-term space missions.

Abang saw the fear in Chen Xiang's eyes and said, "Okay, let's do this. I'll leave this everlasting fire to you."

With that said, Ah Pong turned to leave.

"Wait, will you come to see me occasionally?" Chenxiang called out to Ah Pong, causing the panic god to stop him. He felt panicked when he thought that he would have to face the long-term ghost world after Ah Pong left.

"No." Ah Pong was a little absent-minded and added: "By the way, there is no food or drink here. Please be careful and don't go crazy again."

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