But there have been so many things going on in Kyoto recently, and the Ghost King is devouring ghosts to strengthen himself. She found that there were fewer wandering ghosts on the streets, and there were no ghosts to be seen.

"He lost his soul." Yuan Qi was quite sorry. It had been so long, and I was afraid that the child's other soul had long been swallowed up.

Looking at Yuan Qi's expression, Zhu Feiling and Cao felt something was wrong.

Zhu Fei ordered: "Can I get it back?"

"Try it." Yuan Qi couldn't guarantee it, "Where were you watching the fireworks?"

"On the 12th day of the first lunar month, there are fireworks at the East City God's Temple in the city. Many people go to see them. It's a huge crowd." Zhu Feiling felt uneasy and secretly prayed that his son's other soul would come back.

Yuan Qi asked Zhu Feiling to bring a long table, put a bowl of water and a bowl of millet on it, and asked Zhu Huiquan to stand in front of the table.

The couple watched Yuan Qi take out three sticks of incense from the cloth bag, light them and insert them into the rice bowl. He also took out a piece of talisman paper and a peach wood sword from the cloth bag. She stood still in front of the table and muttered something. , walking with his feet: "Emperor of Heaven, Emperor of Earth, Lord Supreme Lord is here to help. Today, a child has lost his soul... The soul is coming back, the soul is coming back... Lord Supreme Lord is as urgent as an order!"

The talisman inserted into the peach wood sword ignited without fire.

According to Yuan Qi's instructions, Zhu Feiling and Cao called their son's name together.

Yuan Qi was surprised to find that a wisp of soul floated from the backyard.

Yuan Qi quickly led the soul into Zhu Huiquan's body. Because it had been out of the body for too long, the soul was a little weak and almost dispersed.

After that ray of soul entered the body, Yuan Qi took out a soul-fixing charm from the cloth bag and put it on Zhu Huiquan's head. He also took out a black porcelain bottle, took out a white pill from it, pinched Zhu Huiquan's cheekbones, Put it in his mouth.

This is the Guiyuan Pill. It was refined a few days ago and she kept a bottle for herself.

"It's really strange. Shouldn't it be floating from the outside? Could it be that after the soul left the body, it came back with the body?" Yuan Qi couldn't figure it out, but the soul was not eaten by wild ghosts, and she already felt very Rejoiced.

Zhu Feiling and Cao couldn't see the soul, only Yuan Qi's strange expression and movements.

After hearing Yuan Qi's words, the couple became even more happy.

Zhu Feiling asked: "Little Heavenly Master, my son is back?"

Yuan Qi hummed: "Yes, he is back, but the soul has been lost for too long, and he is a little weak. I have pasted a soul-fixing talisman on his forehead, and fed him the Guiyuan Pill to nourish the soul. But he is still It takes several days to wake up."

The two of them said oh, both very worried.

Mrs. Cao held her husband's hand, her palms were a little sweaty, and she asked worriedly: "Little Celestial Master, will my son still be stupid when he wakes up?"

"Probably not, it's just that the soul will be a little weak, and it is easy for the soul to leave the body again after being frightened. This soul-fixing talisman needs to be worn for a period of time. I will leave you with a few soul-fixing talismans. You can find a purse to put them in. He carries it with him at all times and cannot leave the body. He should be fine in half a year."

Yuan Qi patiently showed the soul-fixing talisman to the two of them: "You see that the cinnabar on it has faded, just change it. If it is used up, go to me and ask for it. Remember that the talisman paper cannot be exposed to water, especially dirty things such as foot washing water." water."

The two of them agreed, and their expressions improved a lot, and the worry on their faces disappeared.

Mr. Cao even said: "Don't worry, little Heavenly Master, I will take care of him personally."

Yuan Qi said: "Fortunately, after the soul left the body, it came back with the body. If not, it would be difficult to find the lost soul, which is also the creation of this child. Take good care of this child, the future is boundless." Couple 2 When people heard this, they were even more happy.

Zhu Huiquan had been carried into the house by his servants and lay down. Cao personally changed the quilt for her son and told her servants not to touch the talisman on his face.

Zhu Fei ordered: "My wife is three months pregnant and keeps seeing red eyes. I wonder if the little heavenly master can show me?"

Yuan Qi hummed happily. They didn't mind her young age and asked her to see a doctor. She thought Zhu Feiling was a very smart person.

Zhu Feiling asked Yuan Qi to diagnose Cao's pulse and read his physiognomy, and asked someone to prepare good tea.

Yuan Qi took a pulse and quickly came to the conclusion that Cao's appearance was not only due to physical weakness, but also related to overthinking, and the feng shui in the house was not very good.

Yuan Qi asked Zhu Feiling to get a pen and paper, wrote a prescription, and stamped his personal seal on the lower right corner.

"I see there is some evil energy in the northwest corner of the house. I wonder who lives in the northwest corner?"

Zhu Feiling frowned and quickly remembered: "The last ones who entered the courtyard are the ladies, and the northwest corner is the toilet."

Yuan Qi shook his head: "Mr. Zhu is familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics, but he has no research on Feng Shui. The northwest corner is the main place. It is best to live with the seniors with status in the family. At the end, it has to be empty. How can we build a toilet there? Change it quickly. If what I predict is true, the house will be uneasy, there will be constant disputes, and there will even be fights and bloody disasters, right?"

Zhu Feiling chuckled, can you even see this?

"Yes, my eldest brother and my second brother have been arguing about the shop for many years. They have a small quarrel every three days and a big quarrel every five days. Every two or three months there will be fist fights. My father also has a headache. The eldest brother and the second brother The daughters and sons also dislike each other, and they fight about this or that every day, without any time to rest. Oops, the little Celestial Master is laughing at it. It turns out that the disharmony in the family is also related to Feng Shui... According to the Little Celestial Master, Is it okay for my legitimate daughter to live in the northwest corner?"

Yuan Qi shook his head and smiled innocently: "Of course not, juniors can't live in the northwest corner, otherwise your family will still be in chaos and there will be no peace. You can ask the old man to move there, or build an ancestral hall."

Zhu Feiling understood immediately: "Thank you, Little Heavenly Master. If you don't want me to show you around, can you point out any inappropriate things?"

Yuan Qi followed him around the Zhu Mansion, asking him to move the kitchen to another place, and asked him to replace a few locust trees with sycamore trees.

Before leaving, Zhu Feiling came over personally with a small box: "I don't know if thirty thousand taels is enough. If it's not enough, I'll ask my father for it. Little Tianshi, I know that the Guiyuan Pill you gave my son is very expensive. , I heard that only the royal family and the Xiangli clan can afford it."

"That's enough." Yuan Qi accepted the box generously and reminded him, "If you still want the Return to Yuan Pill, you can go to Yaoguang Pavilion to buy it. The one I have here is for emergency use."

Zhu Feiling muttered to himself: "It turned out to be sold by Yaoguang Pavilion, no wonder."

After sending Yuan Qi away, he wondered if giving his son another Guiyuan Pill would help him wake up faster, so he took the prescription Yuan Qi prescribed and went to Yaoguang Pavilion.

Tu Shanang from Yaoguang Pavilion saw Yuan Qi's seal and told him the price: "Eighty thousand taels a piece."

Zhu Feiling's heart was filled with chills. The little Heavenly Master sold it to him at such a reasonable price!

This is when a man in black next to him asked: "Do you have the Guiyuan Pill?"

Tu Shanang's face darkened: "Sold out!"

Yes, you can’t buy it even if you have money! (End of chapter)

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