Bai Youli said, "Father, aren't toads usually placed at the door of shops? Isn't it appropriate for us to put them at home?"

Mr. Bai scolded his son: "What do you know? The gods themselves said it, just put it right opposite the door. Only if you put it in our home, can we protect our family from getting promoted and make money. If you put it in the shop, it can only protect the shop from making money." Different."

Bai Youli nodded frequently: "What father said is that if we offend Huang Xian, we will be hopeless. It's all bullshit! Fortunately, father went to Wuji Palace to ask Master Kong Qing, otherwise we would have been killed by the seventh lady of the Jiang family. You lied. This little girl is not very young and has quite vicious thoughts."

In front of the screen wall facing the main entrance, there is a lotus base made of stone, and the gilded toad statue is placed here.

One of Mr. Bai's aunts had already prepared the tributes as instructed. The servants placed the tributes in front of the toad statue, including a chicken, a pig's head, a sheep's head, and several plates of cakes.

After placing the three sticks of incense in the incense burner, Mr. Bai and his whole family knelt in front of the toad statue and bowed devoutly three times and nine times.

Mr. Bai silently recited his youngest son's name, and murmured in a low voice that he was willing to sacrifice ten years of his youngest son's life, asking the gods to bless the Bai family with prosperity, bless him with a prosperous official career, and bless his sons with success.

No one else could hear what he was mumbling, they just knelt down and worshiped devoutly.

The toad essence is hidden in the toad statue, greedily absorbing the incense and the ten years of life of a five-year-old child.


Xiangli Mansion.

Xianglilin was wearing loose black clothes, and the hood on his head was also very wide, covering not only his entire head, but also most of his face.

He lifted a little of his hood, took off the mask on his face, and looked at his face in the bronze mirror, which was full of pits. There were black scabs on his neck, hands and even all over his body. He hadn't seen anyone with his true face for three or four months.

Compared with a few months ago, he was no longer a human being, more like a ghost.

Ghosts will still see people in the same way they were when they were alive, so they are not as good as ghosts.

But having said that, he was lucky to survive as the spell backfired on him.

During this period, Kong Qing would send him a pill every three days. The ulcers on his body slowly healed and scabbed, and the pain in his internal organs, as if being gnawed by ants, gradually eased.

There is nothing wrong with his body now, except that he is too ugly.

He looked at the pits on his face in the bronze mirror with a gloomy expression. Although he was already middle-aged and didn't care about his appearance, he still felt uncomfortable looking at it, even disgusting.

Suddenly, a man's figure appeared in the bronze mirror. He turned around and was very dissatisfied: "You are finally here. How is the thing I asked you to do?"

Kong Qing saw his terrifying and ugly appearance and didn't want to take another look. He held a cloth bag in his hand and spread it out in front of Xianglilin.

Inside was a book with a palm-sized iron block placed on top of the book. The iron block exuded bursts of black evil aura and looked quite powerful.

A strange smile finally appeared on Xiang Lilin's face, he took the iron block in his hand and looked at it with satisfaction for a long time.

"This is the technique "Ten Thousand Ghosts Chao Lin" that can quickly change your appearance. Using ghost sword fragments to assist you in practicing, within half a month, your appearance will be restored to its previous appearance, and your cultivation will also be restored. It will be greatly improved, and it will be more than enough to deal with Yuan Qi when the time comes!"

Xianglilin hated Yuan Qi when he thought about it: "That's right, when I master the magic skill, I will kill that little girl first. If it weren't for her, how could I become like this?"

He stared at Kong Qing viciously: "Is your Kung Fu that powerful? That little girl is not simple, her cultivation seems to be higher than yours." Kong Qing stared at him with contempt for a moment, and then told him confidently He said: "Don't worry, this technique can not only be achieved quickly, but also invincible. When the time comes, let alone a little girl, even the national master will not be your opponent. You will be the strongest person in the world."

Xianglilin was not a three-year-old child, so he laughed coldly: "Since this technique is so powerful, why don't you practice it?"

Kong Qing was stunned for a moment, then twitched the corner of his lips to fool him seriously: "I practice orthodox Taoism. This is a technique of ghost cultivation. I am not suitable for practice."

Xianglilin was dubious about him: "Okay, if I can't restore my original appearance and see people within half a month, I will let you become like me."

A trace of killing intent flashed in Kong Qing's eyes. This Xiang Lilin is not as easy to deal with as Xiao Zhen. Xiangli Lin is too shrewd.

"I won't lie to you. Just practice hard. Not to mention being the head of the Xiangli family, it won't be a problem to be the master of the world. However, don't forget to agree to my conditions."

After drawing the pie, Kong Qing handed a pill in his hand to Xiang Lilin and left with the teleportation talisman.

Of course, Xianglilin remembered the condition he agreed to Kong Qing, which was to wait for him to recover and help Wuji Palace develop believers, so that the people would invite the Sanqing statues specially made by Wuji Palace to come back and worship them, so that some people could gain the power of faith and gain the power of faith. Quickly improve your cultivation level.

He also knew that these specially made statues of the Three Pure Ones were different from those enshrined in the main hall of Wuji Palace and were somewhat evil.

He didn't bother to ask what Kong Qing wanted to do, as long as both of them could achieve their goals.

As for whether others are unlucky or good, what does it have to do with him?
People are not killed for their own sake.

Xianglilin looked at the elixir with black mist in his hand and filled it into his mouth without hesitation.

This elixir was made by the Ghost King by refining thousands of ghosts, and it was extremely sinister.

Yuan Qi didn't know these things.

She had just settled her marriage to a girl under the big locust tree.

The girl gave ten cents and left with satisfaction.

There was no one around at noon in summer, so after counting the three hexagrams today, Yuan Qi closed the stall and prepared to go home.

An old woman with gray hair walked towards us from a distance, taking three steps and kowtowing. Yuan Qi knew that some religious believers would do this to show their piety. This was the first time she saw her after coming to Kyoto, and she felt a little... curious.

Mei Zi also walked over curiously and talked to Yuan Qi: "There are often people like this these days. They are very pious. They hold the statue of the Three Pure Ones, kowtow every three steps, and mutter something. I heard that those three statues of the Three Pure Ones It seems that the person who invited the statue from the Wuji Palace has to take three steps and kowtow in order to go home. You haven't been here for the past few days, and I see several people like this every day."

It's the Wuji Palace again. Although the Wuji Palace is considered a royal Taoist temple and is very popular, there has never been such a situation before.

There's something wrong with this treat.

Yuan Qi pinched his chin and asked doubtfully: "Is it really so effective?"

Mei Zi shook her head: "I don't know."

When Yuan Qi returned to Jiang Mansion, Jiang Bailu blocked her way and asked arrogantly: "Why are you going to the teahouse with the Crown Prince?"

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