After Princess Xuanxue came down from the mountain, the whole capital was in chaos.

Chapter 139 Six people deny their relatives and are greedy for money

Not long after, a sound like a killing pig was heard from next door.

Yuan Qi looked like this.

Wen Zhuyun, Lu Zhu, Sequoia, and several second-class maids all went next door to watch the fun.

Yuan Qi was indifferent and just went to watch the fun together with Wen Zhuyun.

Several people were holding the door of someone else's house and watching Jiang Jiulu trying to hit the wall, but they were pulled away by the maid.

Jiang Jiulu is hopeless. Now that the lover's poison has been driven out, she has returned to normal. Although she thought His Highness Five was very good before, she still confessed to him and insisted on marrying him regardless of face, even if she wanted to die. His level.

Now that she knew what she had done, she wished she could just hit the wall and die.

Seeing her pain, Yuan Qi kindly stepped forward and asked her, "Are you confused about why you would do such a shameful thing?"

Jiang Jiulu hummed: "What's going on? How could I be like this?"

Yuan Qi told her the truth: "That's because Xiao Zhen has poisoned you with a lover's poison. The person who is poisoned by this poison will think that the person who cast the poison is perfect, and want to marry him, in order to do something embarrassing to marry him. Everything can be made.”

Jiang Jiulu said "Wow" and cried: "Even you said what I did was embarrassing. If I don't live anymore, how can I have the face to see people in the future? It's embarrassing, so I might as well die."

Yuan Qi patted her shoulder and comforted her: "You shouldn't hate yourself, you should hate the person who poisoned you. Don't seek death and survival. You have to cheer up and avenge yourself."

Jiang Jiulu was still very broken: "But the person has been lost, and even revenge cannot save him."

A maid had already told Concubine Li that Jiang Jiulu was seeking life and death. Concubine Li hurried over with her people. When she saw her crying daughter, she was furious. As soon as she entered the room, she scolded: " I said I wouldn't let you go out, but you insisted on going out in search of death, and even threatened death, how about now, okay?"

Yuan Qi sighed and shrugged, spread his hands, and made a helpless expression at Jiang Jiulu. He explained the lover's poison to Li Guiyu, and specifically said that she had given anthelmintics to help Jiang Jiulu. The Gu worm was taken out and then exited.

In less than an hour, the news that Jiang Jiulu was poisoned by the lover's poison spread throughout the Jiang Mansion.

Jiang Junjing also personally sent Yuan Qi a thousand taels of silver.

Early the next morning, when I was paying my respects to the old lady, Jiang Jiulu was nowhere to be seen, and not even Jiang Truffle came.

The bright pearl kept looking at Yuan Qi.

Everyone in the family has been very abnormal these days. First, she was obsessed with the Three Pure Ones. She chanted sutras and prayed for five or six hours every day. She spent basically all the time without sleeping, chanting sutras and praying.

She somehow realized that something was wrong, and now she was no longer obsessed with the statues of gods. However, there was one thing that was even more troublesome than her obsession with the statues of the Three Pure Ones.

That is, when Jiang Truffle met someone, she said that she was in love with His Highness the Fifth Highness, and even promised her with her body. When Xiangli Mingzhu heard about this, she felt it was abnormal, so she went to see Jiang Truffle. Jiang Truffle looked like he was dying to live. She also said: "Mother, you go and propose marriage to His Highness the Fifth. I will never marry unless His Highness the Fifth in my life."

Xiangli Mingzhu knew that Jiang Truffle also wanted to marry into the royal family like Jiang Bailu. She had thoughts about His Highness the Fifth Prince, but she had never shown her feelings so directly and acted without shame before.

As a normal person, anyone would tell everyone they liked whom they met, so she felt that Jiang Truffle was abnormal and had gone crazy.

She secretly invited a doctor to see her, and the doctor said there was nothing wrong with her.

Last night, news came out that Jiang Jiulu had fallen under the love poison, and she suspected that Jiang Truffle had also fallen under the love poison.

No need to ask, Lover Gu, as soon as you hear the name, you know it is not a good thing. Xiangli Mingzhu decided to ask.

"Qi Yatou, come with me. I have something to ask you."

Yuan Qi had long known that Xiangli Mingzhu would be looking for her, and she had even prepared deworming medicine.

Thinking about the last time she secretly removed the evil formations from the Sanqing statue for Xiangli Mingzhu, she didn't ask her for any money. Afterwards, she always felt that she was at a huge loss. So this time she planned to ask for more money from Xiangli Mingzhu.

Losing money cannot be done.

If you do it too much, it becomes a habit, and the other person thinks this is what they should do, so you can't let them get used to it.

She followed Xiangli Mingzhu to Xiangyue Yuan. Xiangli Mingzhu asked Rang to bring Jiang Truffle over.

Ever since Jiang Truffle behaved abnormally, she locked Jiang Truffle in her yard and was not allowed to go out.

Yuan Qi also knew about this, and sometimes he could hear Jiang Trulu banging on the door desperately.

"What does mother want from me?" Yuan Qi asked knowingly.

Xiangli Mingzhu sighed softly: "Your sixth sister has been grounded by me. You must also know about this."

Yuan Qi nodded obediently: "I heard, I wonder what wrong thing Sixth Sister did to be grounded by mother?"

Yuan Qi pretended not to know that Jiang Truffle had to marry Xiao Zhen life or death.

When Xiangli Mingzhu heard this, she felt that Jiang Truffle's matter had not been revealed, unlike Jiang Jiulu's matter, where everyone knew about it.

However, no matter what, Jiang Jiulu is embarrassed, and the Jiang family's female family members are also embarrassed. It is obvious that Jiang Jiulu and Jiang Trulu are being plotted by others. No matter who the other party is, if they dare to plot against the Jiang family's daughter, they must do it right. Be prepared to endure hardship.

Not long after, Jiang Trulu ran in crying and shouting. As soon as she came in, she knelt in front of Xiangli Mingzhu and begged: "Please mother, let me go to see His Highness Five. If you don't marry His Highness, I can't live." .Please ask mother.”

After saying that, she banged her head on the ground hard and said, "If mother doesn't agree to this, I will knock myself to death here today."

Xiangli Mingzhu was helpless and had a headache: "Xiao Qi, look, your sixth sister is like this, is she also infected by something?"

Yuan Qi walked over, took one of Jiang Truffle's wrists to check for pulse, and soon came to the conclusion: "She has indeed been poisoned by the lover's poison, that's why she is so crazy. I have medicine here, three thousand taels a piece, mother, do you want it?" purchase?"

Xiangli Mingzhu stared at Yuan Qi in astonishment: "My family, you actually want money?"

Yuan Qi grinned: "Brothers, I have to settle the score. I also have capital for this medicine. That elixir is hard to come by. I'm already paying a friendly price. If someone else buys it, it will cost at least ten thousand taels a pill. If you don't believe me, go out and ask around." , even the imperial doctor can't cure the lover's poison, right? If not, you can go to Wuji Palace and ask how much they charge you."

Xiangli Mingzhu looked down upon Yuan Qi's six relatives who refused to admit that they were greedy for money, but the junior said it out, and she was not without money. Besides, she did hear that Jiang Junjing sent money to Yuan Qi last night.

Yuan Qi continued: "My mother was obsessed with the Sanqing statue a few days ago. She kowtowed and chanted sutras all day long. Don't you think it's abnormal?"

Xiangli Mingzhu hummed: "It's a little abnormal. In the past, even if I prayed to Buddha, I wouldn't be so obsessed with it. I also wonder why I am so obsessed with it?"

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