Chapter 164 Collusion with Yin Zha
The Feng family has a good environment. It is laid out according to Bagua Feng Shui, which hides the wind and gathers Qi. Not only is there no problem with Feng Shui, it is also very good, which is very conducive to the development of the family and future generations.

The Feng family was very big, so Yuan Qi walked around and found nothing wrong. An hour and a half later, Yuan Qi stood still in front of the Feng family's temple.

Feng Aotian, his wife, and Feng Caiyi all beat small drums in their hearts. The three of them looked at each other, and they all suspected that there was something wrong with the family temple, that is, the ancestral hall.

Many people in the Feng family heard that the head of the family and his wife were accompanying a guest around, so they figured that another master had come to the house, and they all came out to watch the fun. Everyone stood at a distance. When they found out that the person who was reading Feng Shui today was a child, they started talking to each other. Ask who this is.

Feng Caiyi asked tentatively: "Seventh sister, is there something wrong with the ancestral hall? You've been looking at it for a long time. Do you want to go in and take a look?"

Yuan Qi hummed and then asked a very abrupt question: "Who are the people enshrined in the ancestral hall?"

This time the Feng family was confused. Feng Aotian replied: "Of course they are the ancestors of the Feng family."

Yuan Qi looked at Feng Aotian: "Are there no outsiders? For example... someone in the Feng family doesn't have a son, so he adopts someone to adopt him."

"Hiss—" Feng Aotian felt furious in his heart. He felt very bad because such a person was really enshrined in the ancestral hall, but...

"Why would Miss Seven ask this? Is there really something wrong with the ancestral hall?"

Yuan Qi shook his head gently: "You can't tell yet. I have to go in and have a look, and I have to go in at night to have a look. I won't go in now. It won't be good if I am alarmed."

These words made the Feng family feel numb. The Feng family had been having troubles in recent years. The children of the Feng family also valued the ancestral hall very much. They wanted their ancestors to keep the family safe and their heirs prosperous. Could it be that the ancestors are causing trouble?

"Is the Feng family's ancestral grave far away?" Yuan Qi asked again. She already had doubts in her heart, but she was just not sure and wanted to take a look.

"It's not far. We'll be there in an hour out of the city." Feng Aotian looked serious, "Are you going now?"

Yuan Qi raised his hand: "No, go back tomorrow. You can find some tough servants and prepare to dig the grave tomorrow."

Feng Aotian was astonished. Although he was the head of the Feng family, he still had to discuss such a big matter as disturbing the ancestral graves with the clan elders. They said tomorrow would give him half a day to convince the clan elders.

"Okay, but this matter is important and I need to discuss it with the clan elders. Why don't Miss Seventh stay here first?"

Yuan Qi hummed: "Thank you."

Mrs. Feng and Feng Caiyi took Yuan Qi away to the guest room. As soon as Yuan Qi turned around, he saw a pregnant woman among the people watching the excitement not far away. He took a closer look and saw that there was indeed something faint about the woman. The ghost spirit.

Yuan Qi didn't say anything, he walked over and took a closer look at the woman.

Feng Caiyi said: "This is my sister-in-law. She came in the year before last. She was already seven months pregnant. She was still feeling unwell a few days ago and almost had a miscarriage. So I gave her your eldest brother's peace charm and raised her. It’ll be fine in two days.”

"Sister-in-law, this is the seventh young lady of the Jiang family. She has some Taoist skills."

Bai Magnolia showed a kind smile, and there was a bit of surprise in her eyes. She became the head of the family's guest at such a young age, so her methods must be very powerful: "Hello, Miss Qi." Yuan Qi looked at Bai Magnolia's face and she also had a kind face. , she also has some luck, otherwise how could she get Jiang Juncai's amulet?

The baby in her belly should be safe, so she smiled sweetly and said, "I wonder if Sister-in-law of the Feng family is interested in chatting with me for a while?"

Magnolia touched her belly, glanced at Feng Caiyi and her mother-in-law, and agreed.

Mrs. Feng was worried about her daughter-in-law's unborn child, so she also went along.

No matter how talented Yuan Qi is, he is still just a child. Mrs. Feng asked people to prepare melon and fruit snacks, dried meat and other snacks, and brought them out one after another. Yuan Qi was not polite and stared at him while eating. Holding Magnolia's belly.

She touched it curiously and found that the fetal movement was normal and the child in her belly was healthy.

Mrs. Feng felt a little inappropriate when she saw a little girl touching the belly of a pregnant woman. Could it be that this little girl also knew about women's affairs?
Yuan Qi swallowed the snacks in his mouth and asked, "Sister-in-law of the Feng family, have you ever had any weird dreams at night?"

Magnolia touched her belly and thought for a while: "A few days ago... the day before my sister got married, I did have a nightmare. I dreamed that an old man came to my room and wanted to take my son away, but I didn't let him. , and even scolded the man. The next day I had abdominal pain and some redness, so I couldn’t even marry my sister.”

Mrs. Feng quickly agreed and said, "Yes, I was worried for the past two days, fearing that the child could not be saved, so I asked the master to invite the imperial doctor from the palace. I also watched and cared for it myself, and then I barely managed to save it. However, Yulan still complained of abdominal pain. It wasn't until her son-in-law sent someone a peace talisman, and Yulan took it with her, that she no longer had abdominal pain. At that time, she didn't think the peace talisman was effective, and thought it was the medicine from the imperial doctor. "

Yuan Qi confirmed what he was thinking. The Feng family's children were dying one after another, and it was probably a certain ancestor in the ancestral hall who was causing trouble.

"Do you still remember the appearance of that old man?" Yuan Qi asked Bai Magnolia.

Magnolia shook her head: "I couldn't see clearly in my dream. His face was very blurry. I could only vaguely see that he was sixty or seventy years old. Miss Qi, is it possible that someone really came to claim his life?"

"It's not about killing people, it's about arresting souls." Yuan Qi's face also turned cold. Anyone who can arrest the soul of a fetus must be related to Yin Zha. This is not a trivial matter. There are more than a hundred Yin Zha in Kyoto, so it will be a bit troublesome to investigate.

The expressions of the three people in the Feng family changed, especially the wife of the Feng family, who felt chills running down her spine and felt scared when she thought about it: "Miss Qi, do you mean that all the children who died in the Feng family in recent years have their souls imprisoned? "

Yuan Qi didn't say yes or no: "We have to wait and see at night, but don't worry, this person's cultivation level is not high, otherwise he wouldn't be able to stop him even with a peace charm. As long as he appears, I can catch him."

Mrs. Feng was a little restless. She still couldn't believe that this was the truth about the death of the Feng family's children. It was really unacceptable.

She felt that the clan elders must know about this matter, otherwise, the clan elders would probably not agree to touching the ancestral graves.

"Yulan, Caiyi, you two stay with Miss Qi, I have something to do." After giving some instructions, Mrs. Feng left.

Yuan Qi didn't stop her. She could guess what Mrs. Feng was going to do and what kind of deal the Feng family ancestors could make with Yin Chai. There must be something wrong with the ancestral tomb, so the matter of the ancestral tomb must be discussed.

Both Bai Magnolia and Feng Caiyi found it incredible, especially Bai Magnolia who was very worried about the child in her belly. She took out the amulet she had on her body and showed it to Yuan Qi: "Look, the color of the amulet is lighter. Can it still be used?" ?”

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