Chapter 187 Unruly

Yuan Qi looked at Hong Sibao with a half-smile but not a smile. Hong Sibao was smiling but not smiling at all, and he was not at all polite and respectful as in the past.

Hong Sibao pointed at the carriage forcefully: "Miss Seventh, please—"

Yuan Qi calmly packed up the things on the table and asked casually: "Isn't it okay if I don't go?"

Hong Sibao gave another cold smile: "Miss Seventh agreed long ago, why is there so much trouble?"

Yuan Qi's face was cold, and he raised his eyes and asked him: "Do you think this is trouble for me? No one who can threaten me has been born yet."

Hong Sibao's face turned dark and he reminded displeasedly: "Miss Seventh, it's better to think twice before speaking. After all, you only have one life."

Yuan Qi was horrified, a eunuch dared to threaten her, okay, she wanted to see who was looking for trouble this time. She's not used to it.

Yuan Qi got into the car obediently. Hong Sibao showed a look of disdain, but Yuan Qi pretended not to notice. After all, he was a bitch and there was no need to compete with such a person.

When he arrived at a nearby teahouse, Yuan Qi found that the teahouse was quiet. Even the waiter and the shopkeeper had been kicked out, let alone the guests.

Yuan Qi felt that the person inside was not the prince Xiao Yi, and Xiao Yi would not make such a big statement.

After entering, I saw that the person drinking tea in an elegant manner was indeed a woman. She still had the charm of a mature woman. Her face was thickly smeared with makeup, her red lips were like blazing flames, and she was quite imposing. She didn't want to go to Yuan Qi at all. While watching, he probably wanted to give her a kick.

Yuan Qi didn't listen to her, and walked over directly to sit in the empty seat opposite the woman.

Sure enough, the palace maid next to her said: "You are so impudent that you are not polite when you see a noble concubine. Come and ask her to kneel down."

"Noisy." Yuan Qi raised his hand and snapped his fingers. The palace maid found that she could not speak. She touched her neck in fear.

Concubine Feng glanced at the palace maid and was not surprised. She winked at the guard not far away, and the guard drew his sword and walked towards Yuan Qi.

But before he took two steps, the guard found that he was nailed there and couldn't move, and couldn't even speak.

Only then did Concubine Feng's expression show some reaction: "You are so bold, you dare to touch even the people of this palace? Who gave you the courage?"

Yuan Qi poured a cup of tea by himself: "I came here to express my attitude to the noble concubine. I will not become a concubine and marry into the East Palace. You should give up on this idea. If you continue to pester me, I will let you know. I’m not that easy to mess with.”

Concubine Feng angrily placed the teacup in her hand on the table, hoping to frighten Yuan Qi and make her afraid.

But Yuan Qi didn't react at all, he just looked at her with disdain.

Concubine Feng got angry, stood up in person, waved her hand towards the other side and hit her.

Yuan Qi didn't move, but suddenly another version of himself ran out of her body, reached the other side at a very fast speed, held Feng Guifei's hand unceremoniously, and gave Feng Guifei a slap in the face.

"No one in this world can force me to do anything. Concubine Feng, I just want to teach you a lesson today. If you dare to do it next time, I won't be polite."

Concubine Feng's face was in burning pain. She didn't see clearly how the other party came here, and she was very frightened. Only then did she know that Yuan Qi was really capable. No wonder her son had to break the engagement with the Jiang family. Get this person around.

However, this girl is too arrogant. If she is waiting for her to agree to this marriage, she must be dealt with carefully and let her know that she, Feng Guifei, is a more noble being than the queen, and no one can afford to offend her. Let her taste the consequences of offending her, Concubine Feng.

She said in a low voice: "Yuan Qi, you don't know how to appreciate someone."

Yuan Qi stood up after drinking a cup of tea. She didn't care what the other person was thinking. She just wanted to get rid of this trouble as soon as possible. She had no patience with these people, and there was no need to give them a good look: "I just don't know how to praise, can you What will happen to me? None of your people can move. If I kill you now, they can only watch. Concubine Feng, you are no match for me."

The maids and guards who could not move around stared at Yuan Qi angrily, but they could do nothing. Concubine Feng was taught a lesson by a child today, and she will definitely lose her temper with them when she returns.

Everyone was angry and worried.

Concubine Feng's eyebrows were raised and her almond-shaped eyes widened: "You are the first one who dares to attack me. Aren't you afraid that the emperor will punish your nine clans?"

"Then you will definitely die before me. If you don't mind, I will ask the prince to wait for you on the road to hell, so that your mother and son can be reunited, and you will never be reincarnated. If you feel lonely, let the whole Feng family be buried with you for your mistakes. It’s not impossible.”

Yuan Qi turned around and left. When she passed by Hong Sibao, she found that he was glaring at her angrily. Yuan Qi lightly patted him on the shoulder. With a "plop", Hong Sibao fell to the ground. No one could see him. See clearly what Yuan Qi did to Hong Sibao.

Hong Sibao's eyes widened and he found that he could not move or speak.

Concubine Feng was so angry that she trembled all over and scolded Yuan Qi's back: "What a strong tone. If I don't punish you today, I won't have to see anyone in the future. Come on! Catch her."

But all the people she brought could not move or even speak.

Yuan Qi stood with his arms arrogantly, standing three steps away from her: "I'm right here, come here. Concubine Feng, you should know what I'm capable of, why didn't you bring a few Taoist masters to deal with me?" It’s really boring, I don’t even have an opponent.”

Concubine Feng was so angry that she was shaking all over. She had never thought about it at all. Who would have expected that Yuan Qi would be so unruly and unruly that even the royal family would not take him seriously?
When she imagined the situation, Yuan Qi knelt down and kowtowed to her, begging her to marry the prince.

But the reality was completely different from what she thought. People didn't look down on such wealth at all.

Yuan Qi waved his hand: "Goodbye Concubine Feng, the spells on your bodies will lose their effectiveness in twelve hours, don't worry."

When she returned to the bottom of the big locust tree, Xiangli Youming was waiting there.

"Feng Guifei didn't make things difficult for you, right?" Xiang Li Youming looked at Yuan Qi calmly, "If the Feng family or the Xiao family dare to bully you, I will help you teach them a lesson."

"Why do you need to take action for such a small matter?" Yuan Qi sat in front of the stall and laid out all the things needed to set up the stall.

Xiangli Youming sat down next to Yuan Qi: "I am willing to help you. I heard that Xiao Yi named you to marry into the East Palace as a concubine? Do you want my father to put pressure on the emperor?"

"I will ask you for help when I need it. I can still handle it myself." Yuan Qi didn't think it was a big deal.

Xiangli Youming hummed, then looked at Yuan Qi expectantly and said, "Do you want me to go to your house to propose marriage? Once we are engaged, no one will have any ideas for you."

He was very nervous, fearing that Yuan Qi would refuse without thinking.

"I think this is a very good idea, would you consider it?"

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