A few days later, Jiang Bailu's birthday arrived, and Xiangli Mingzhu took her daughter-in-law and daughter to the East Palace.

Yuan Qi didn't want to go, he didn't want to get involved in the affairs between Jiang Bailu and Xiao Yi, let alone meddle in Xiao Yi's business.

But Xiangli Mingzhu was stunned and took her there, saying that setting up a stall would only cost thirty cents a day, and the Jiang family did not lack the thirty cents.

But it was not possible to go to the East Palace every day, so Yuan Qi had to follow them.

Today, only the Jiang family came to celebrate Jiang Bailu's birthday. Jiang Bailu was afraid that too many people would annoy the prince, so she planned to have a meal together as a family.

Jiang Bailu lived in Fengyi Palace. The huge palace was very quiet. The eunuchs and maids stood quietly without saying a word.

Yuan Qi complained: "Why are you so lifeless?"

When Jiang Bailu heard what she said, he sighed: "It's like this everywhere in the East Palace. A few days ago, His Highness saw a few eunuchs talking together and beat him up. One eunuch was beaten to death. Since then, the entire East Palace has been in chaos. It's quiet."

Yuan Qi hummed: "Is the prince stimulated by something?"

She doesn't like to be nosy, but she likes to listen to gossip and watch the excitement.

Jiang Bai gave her a white look: "Be careful. The prince is in a bad mood these days. Be careful if your words fall into his ears. He will be unhappy with you."

After Jiang Bailu finished speaking, she glanced worriedly at the maids and eunuchs around her, fearing that any talkative one might complain to the prince.

Fortunately, the eunuchs and maids all thought that they were dead and no one looked up at Yuan Qi. Jiang Bailu breathed a sigh of relief and invited a few people into the house.

Jiang Trulu and Jiang Jiulu both felt that Fengyi Palace was very grand, and they walked around the house, their eyes full of envy. The two of them were not envious of Jiang Bailu's luxurious residence, but they were envious of Jiang Bailu's good marriage.

Nowadays, the crown princess needs to be taken care of by the wind and rain. How many people in the world can be the crown princess?

In the future, she will definitely be the queen, the most noble woman in the world.

Yuan Qi also followed and walked around. The house was indeed luxurious, but she didn't feel anything, that's all. She doesn't envy Jiang Bailu's life, she just likes the days when Xianyun Yehe can do whatever he wants.

Jiang Bailu took Xiangli Mingzhu for a tour. Xiangli Mingzhu knew what her daughter's daily life was like, and she felt relieved.

It was still early for lunch, so Jiang Bailu took everyone around and walked to the garden of the East Palace.

Yuan Qi discovered that the garden of the East Palace was also designed and instructed by experts. The Feng Shui layout was very good and there was nothing to fault.

The garden was full of all kinds of precious flowers, some of which were not even found in the Jiang family. Jiang Jiulu and Jiang Truffle were very happy.

Jiang Bailu was very relieved to see that the two of them rarely quarreled, so she asked the palace servants to pick out the flower branches they liked, cut them off, and take them away when they left.

Xiao Yi was reviewing the memorial in his study, and Hong Sibao came to report that the princess was accompanying her family to stroll in the garden, and that the seventh daughter of the Jiang family was also here.

Xiao Yi stopped writing and thought deeply. After a while, he whispered to himself: "The Crown Princess is quite smart. I just said that the Crown Princess has been neglected recently. If she finds it boring, let her mother-in-law enter the palace." Come stay with her for a few days. She acted so quickly."

He finished approving a memorial in his hand, put down his pen and stood up: "Go to the small garden. I haven't had a good talk with the Crown Princess for a long time."

Hong Sibao beamed, and he knew that he had made the right bet. His Royal Highness actually wanted to see Miss Seven. Every time the Prince encountered a problem, he would go to Miss Seven. However, he and Miss Seven had been having a bit of a quarrel recently, so it was difficult to take the initiative to get together. Go to Miss Seven.

This time Miss Seven came to the East Palace, probably because she wanted to reconcile with the prince.

He has been serving the prince since he was very young. If he wants to understand the prince, it is him. Hong Sibao made everyone follow him from a distance, and he stayed with the prince.

As soon as Xiao Yi entered the small garden, he saw Jiang Bailu and the Jiang family wandering in the garden. Yuan Qi followed leisurely at the end, holding a flower in his hand and putting it to the tip of his nose to smell it.

He walked to the pavilion and sat on a round stool to rest. Hong Sibao immediately asked the people behind him to put down the tea, snacks and a long small box.

Then he left with the people.

Jiang Bailu was very excited when she saw Xiao Yi in front. Did the prince know that today was her birthday, so he waited here specially? Great, the prince has been lukewarm to her these days, and only talks with her for two or three sentences.

The prince seems to be in a good mood today, maybe the two of them can...

In this moment, Jiang Bailu thought a lot.

She was very happy in her heart, but she didn't dare to show it, and she carefully brought her family over to see the ceremony.

Yuan Qi followed at the end, her walking posture looked a bit like a fool. She followed everyone and gave gifts very perfunctorily. She did not step forward to talk to Xiao Yi actively, and just watched Xiao Yi greeting Xiangli Mingzhu.

Xiao Yi personally opened the slender box. It was Jin Buyao who asked Hong Sibao to pick it from the warehouse.

In this way, Jiang Bailu was very happy to receive the gift from the prince.

She could see that the prince was not in high spirits, so she took her family to leave.

When Xiao Yi saw that Yuan Qi didn't take the initiative to speak, he had no choice but to take the initiative.

"Miss Seven, please stay."

Yuan Qi knew that Xiao Yi was not looking for her when he had nothing to do. He must have encountered something trouble when he looked for her this time.

The corner of her lips curled up with a hint of pride, and her expression remained as expected.

After so many things, Jiang Bailu no longer doubted that the two had an affair. Only now did she know one thing for sure. That is, the prince asked her family to enter the palace because he actually wanted to meet Yuan Qi.

Sure enough, she did the right thing by asking her mother to take Yuan Qi with her.

"His Royal Highness, what do you want from me?" Yuan Qi's attitude was cold and distant. She felt that Xiao Yi was a grudge-bearing person. She should still remember the last time she dealt with Concubine Feng. Maybe she would not only ask necessary things, but also make things difficult. She took action to avenge her mother and concubine.

Before Xiao Yi asked her to sit down, she sat opposite Xiao Yi and poured tea on her own.

"I was imprisoned by Tanxi for more than four months last time, and it was thanks to Miss Seven that I rescued me. Thank you very much."

Yuan Qi looked carefree and twirled the tea cup in his hand: "Your Highness was wrong. It was the Imperial Master who saved you that time, not me."

"No, it's you, Miss Seven. Without you, the Imperial Master may not be Tan Xi's opponent. I still know what Miss Seven is capable of." Seeing Yuan Qi's attitude, Xiao Yi knew that he would not help easily this time. If you don't show some attitude, maybe your troubles still won't be solved.

Yuan Qi chuckled and directly said what he was thinking: "I thought His Highness wanted to avenge Concubine Feng."

"Miss Seventh is joking, my mother-in-law has no grudge against you." (End of Chapter)

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