Chapter 213 Mass Grave

Yuan Qi looked at Zhu Quanhai's serious explanation of what happened to Tu Tu, and felt it was unnecessary, but she didn't stop him. Instead, she and Wen Zhujun searched for traces of evil spirits in the woods.

Yuan Qi was sure that an evil spirit had done this.

After a period of study, Wen Zhuyun also discovered the traces left by evil ghosts: "It's really strange. If evil ghosts harm people, why do they only harm the bride? The souls of other people are also good cultivation resources for evil ghosts. Why? Don’t eat together. The living body is of no use to evil spirits, right? Why did they kidnap the bride?”

Yuan Qi stared at Wen Zhuyun and felt that Wen Zhuyun had indeed gained a lot of nourishment and was indeed smart.

"What do you think?"

Wen Zhuyun held his chin and thought for a moment: "I think this evil ghost may know the bride. He abducted the bride not for cultivation, but for the bride as a person."

Yuan Qi nodded appreciatively: "I think so too. Now let's see where those evil spirits get the bride."

The two walked towards the land.

Over there, Zhu Quanhai was crying and begging Di Di to think again and provide some clues.

Yuan Qi also mocked that land: "You usually enjoy the worship of the people, why don't you deal with such a little thing? Be careful, I will file a complaint to the Jade Emperor, so that the Jade Emperor can save you from your errand."

The land was indeed panicked. He begged Yuan Qi with a humble attitude: "Master, don't be like this. I remember that a very handsome ghost abducted the bride and went to the southwest. There is a mass grave a hundred miles away. , It is said that there are many evil spirits gathered there, so the Heavenly Master might as well go there and take a look."

"That's pretty much it." Yuan Qi glanced at him and warned him, "You should be more careful when you are on duty in the future. Other Celestial Masters are not as easy to talk to as I am."

Tu Tu was so frightened that he quickly thanked him: "Okay, okay, Xiaoxian must remember what the Heavenly Master said."

Zhu Quanhai didn't believe in the theory of strange power and chaos, but after seeing the land today, he couldn't believe it. However, when he thought of his bride being kidnapped by evil spirits, he was afraid: "Taoist priest, my bride really let Were they kidnapped by evil spirits?"

Zhu Quanhai was a little at a loss, looking like he was in a state of confusion.

Yuan Qi hummed, feeling somewhat sympathetic to Zhu Quanhai. Not only did this man lose his bride on his wedding day, but he was also very likely to be cuckolded by his bride.

Zhu Quanhai knelt down in front of her: "Please, Taoist Priest, help me find my bride. I will pay for the sesame oil as much as I want! Hui'er and I have been childhood sweethearts since childhood. We have already promised each other that we will only love each other in our lives. Without Hui'er , I can’t survive.”

It's quite infatuated. Okay, get up, let's go find your Hui'er now. "

Jiang Junyu also came over and muttered to Yuan Qi in a low voice: "He is right. Brother Zhu is a person who values ​​feelings. For the sake of his sweetheart, he did not even have a room with him. He is a very rare good man I have ever seen. Seventh sister, I Seeing that you seemed to have discovered something in the woods just now, I just want to ask you, has something happened to the bride? "

Yuan Qi stared into Jiang Junyu's eyes. Did he mean he lost his virginity when he got into trouble? According to her judgment, the relationship between Zhu Quanhai and the bride should not be that good, right?

"Probably not. Evil ghosts and humans can't do that..."

Jiang Junyu nodded repeatedly: "I understand..."

He felt as if he had asked questions he shouldn't have asked. His seventh sister was only ten years old, so it didn't seem right to ask her these questions. He looked at Yuan Qi, as if he didn't care about the question he just asked.

His sister cannot be seen by ordinary people. Several people mounted their horses and went to the mass graves in the southwest.

Yuan Qi used the technique of shrinking the ground into an inch, but it only took a stick of incense to reach the mass grave.

This is a small locust tree forest. The people buried here are either people who died in a foreign land, or childless orphans from several nearby villages. There is even a deep pit farther inside, and some bones are also thrown in it. , no one buried them.

As soon as he entered the locust forest, Yuan Qi felt a gloomy atmosphere. Perhaps because of her arrival, the evil spirits sensed the danger and hid. Yuan Qi did not see the shadow of the evil ghosts, but felt a strong Ghostly.

Yuan Qi sensed that the evil spirits in the dark were about to move, so just in case, she gave each of Jiang Junyu, Zhu Quanhai, and the servants of the Zhu family who were meeting him an amulet.

Yuan Qi walked at the front, and Wen Zhuyun walked at the back to ensure everyone's safety.

Wen Zhuyun also reminded everyone: "Be careful, the ghost atmosphere is very strong here."

Zhu Quanhai followed Yuan Qi closely, and he also felt the coldness of the surrounding environment. Logically speaking, it was almost June, so even if it was cool in the forest, he couldn't feel the cold, but he felt it. I couldn't help but worry about Hui'er.

"Taoist Priest, will Hui'er be okay?"

"Aren't we here?"

The ghosts hiding in the dark were trembling with fear, and no one dared to come out.

The golden light of merit on Yuan Qi's body was so dazzling that no one dared to come out and die.

Yuan Qi walked to the edge of the pit and saw that there were many bones inside. He didn't know how many people died and were thrown here without burial. There was so much resentment here, no wonder the evil spirits were hiding here.

"Come out!" Yuan Qi took out a whisk from his bag and waved it casually, and clouds of black mist emerged from the dark corner.

Zhu Quanhai and Jiang Junyu were back to back. Jiang Junyu was a little better. This was not the first time he saw dirty things. He still held the amulet in his hand. He was not very scared, but a little chilly.

But this was the first time Zhu Quanhai saw dirty things. He was so scared that he pulled Jiang Junyu's sleeves tightly and asked him: "There are so many ghosts and they don't know where my Hui'er is. Are you afraid..."

Jiang Junyu calmly comforted him: "Don't worry, as long as my sister is here, she will be fine. My sister is very powerful."

While speaking, Yuan Qi waved his whisk lightly, and a strong wind blew by. The ghosts stood tremblingly in front of Yuan Qi.

Yuan Qi found that the ghosts here were ordinary ghosts without ghost power and were incapable of abducting a living person. She asked, "Did you abduct a bride yesterday? Where is it?"

"Inside!" A ghost pointed at a stone as high as a person lying across the bottom of the mass grave. The stone was full of holes and looked dark, and there were black fog drills to drill through it. go.

Yuan Qi could see clearly that although these ghosts had no ghost power, they were not good things and had harmed people over the years. She swept the dust with a gust of wind and wiped out the evil ghosts.

Yuan Qi understood clearly that the stone at the bottom of the pit was an entrance, and there should be a larger space inside. She hit it with a strong wind and shouted: "Hand over the person! Otherwise, your lair will be destroyed!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the black mist on the stone became even thicker, almost covering the stone tightly.

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