Xiangli Youming took a whip handed over by Yuan Qi. The whip was purple and was braided into three strands. It was very smooth and about three feet long. The piece of rope in his hand was also red. I don’t know what the rope was. After soaking, it was very moist and shiny, and he couldn't tell what kind of special smell it had.

"It's a good thing." Xiangli Youming could feel the spiritual power flowing on it when he held it in his hand, "It must be quite powerful, right?"

Yuan Qi smiled slightly and said: "Of course, this was collected from the monsters in Tushan. It fought with the monsters guarding it for a day and a night. This resurrecting grass is at least seven or eight hundred years old. It absorbs the essence of the world, the sun and the moon, so the spirit is The power is extraordinary. It is most effective against ghost cultivators and soul-snatchers. It can also deal with those ghosts. People like you who have some cultivation can use it even more easily. "

Xiangli Youming looked carefully and saw that the cane on the whip had its sharp thorns polished and smoothed. He stretched out the whip. It was very tough. Even if he tried his best, he could not move it at all.

It can be seen that the material of this rattan is very tough, and it must be very difficult to polish. He couldn't help but praise: "You made it, right? It's not easy."

Yuan Qi hummed: "I made it. This Resurrection Whip is shorter and less powerful than my one. But you still can't underestimate it. You can't treat it as an ordinary whip. He is A magic weapon needs to be used with care.”

Xiangli Youming admired it very much: "I can't tell you can also make magic weapons. What else can't you do?"

Yuan Qi is a bit arrogant.

Next to her, Xiangli Baoyu also touched the resurrecting whip, and she played with the whip next to Xiangli Youming.

"Let's find a spacious place and I'll show you how to use this whip." Yuan Qi stood up and walked out.

Xiangli Baoyu followed and asked curiously: "I can also do some boxing and kicking. Can I also use this whip?"

Xiangli Youming followed up with a whip and was very curious: "Yes, everyone in the Xiangli family knows some martial arts. Even if my sister is not in good health, she can still do it a little bit."

Yuan Qi said: "It is possible, but the power it exerts is not that great."

Xiang Liyou thought about something: "What would happen if my second uncle took this whip away?"

Yuan Qi shrugged: "If he can use it, it will become a sharp weapon, even more powerful than a tiger, so you have to keep it well and not let him get it."

Xiangli Youming said "Oh" and handed the Resurrection Whip to Yuan Qi.

Yuan Qi held it in his hand and poured spiritual power into it. The Resurrection Whip immediately glowed with purple light and snaked its entire length. In the blink of an eye, the whip grew several times longer, like a swimming dragon.

Xiangli Youming and Xiangli Baoyu sighed at the same time, and even the four guards exclaimed, saying it was magical.

The resurrected soul kept swimming around, and the purple light looked very bright in the sunlight, making it look very powerful.

Yuan Qi shook lightly, up and down, and the bluestone bricks on the ground were shattered.

She swung the whip, and the whip seemed to have eyes. It wrapped directly around a rockery in the courtyard. Yuan Qi flicked it, and the rockery fell apart.

Yuan Qi withdrew her spiritual power, the light of the whip dimmed, and she handed the whip to Xiangli Youming.

He also explained: "If you hit a person and the body is injured, the soul will dissipate. Even if the soul cannot dissipate, you will become a stupid person. Even if you meet someone with strong spiritual power, you can make him The soul body is injured, so don't use it unless you are facing the most evil person." "Okay." Xiangli Youming took the whip and imitated Yuan Qi's moves to inject spiritual power into the whip. The whip became bigger. But it was only one third as big as what Yuan Qi had transformed, and the length of the whip only changed from three feet to six feet.

Xiangli Youming felt very unfulfilled and felt the gap between himself and Yuan Qi.

Yuan Qi chuckled and said with great interest: "It's already good. You can make a whip double in length when you are only thirteen years old. You are already very powerful. By the way, you must be careful when using it. Don't If you hit yourself, you will become a fool."

Xiangli Youming felt embarrassed in front of Yuan Qi. He was eager to express himself, so he whipped the ground hard. As a result, the bluestone brick only cracked a big gap, and did not fall apart and scatter debris.

He was disappointed.

Yuan Qi didn't think it was anything, and comforted him: "This is a magic weapon, it cannot be controlled by ordinary people. It is already very good that you can have such an effect when you use it for the first time. Practice more in the future, and you will become more comfortable using it over time. It will be much more powerful. You can practice the whipping technique with an ordinary whip first, and then practice with the Resurrection Whip when you are sure that you can't hit yourself."

Xiangli Youming nodded repeatedly: "You are right, but you are only ten years old, younger than me..."

Yuan Qi stared at him seriously for two seconds and explained: "My age is not calculated in this way. I am much older than you. Don't worry about it. As long as you practice hard, you will be able to master the skills."

At this time, Xiangli Baoyu was already testing the whip. The weapon she usually used was the whip, but she was even more proficient in using it than Xiangli Youming. Although she couldn't make the whip longer, the power she used made her use it. The bluestone tiles fell apart.

Xiangli Baoyu was overjoyed: "Sister Yuanqi, you think I am also very powerful, right?"

Yuan Qi nodded in surprise: "Yes, you can exert such power without spiritual power. It's really surprising."

Xiangli Youming heard the movement and looked over, feeling very bad. He walked over, took the whip, and whipped it hard towards the ground. Sure enough, the whip not only lengthened, but also shattered the ground.

He finally smiled.

Yuan Qi said: "I said you can do it if you practice more, don't be anxious and take your time."

Xiangli Youming hummed.

The three of them returned to the house, Yuan Qi said: "You gave me so much Kunlun jade last time, this whip is my return gift, you don't need to pay me."

After hearing this, Xiangli Youming still felt a little unhappy in his heart. Yuan Qi hadn't regarded him as one of his own, so he gave him something as a return gift. If he was one of his own, what would he say as a return gift if he gave him something?
He felt that he still had a long way to go, and he didn't know how long it would take for Yuan Qi to fully accept him.

Xiangli Youming called his personal guard Xuanyu: "Find a box and put it in a safe place. This is my most precious thing."

The master got something good, and Xuanyu and the other four guards were also very happy. They looked at the resurrecting whip for a long time before finding a slender and delicate box to put it in.

Xiangli Youming said sincerely: "I also have a magic weapon, Yuan Qi, I want to thank you very much." (End of Chapter)

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