Chapter 245 Nothing more than that
The sound of something cracking sounded. Daojun Guangcheng and Yuan Qi looked around and saw that the skeletons on the walls and domes were breaking free from their restraints. Moreover, the skeletons still had expressions, with their facial features distorted and the expressions fierce and terrifying. As if trying to swallow everything.

Yuan Qi frowned and looked at the skeletons that broke free from their restraints and rushed toward her, with faint blue flames. This was the bone spirit cold fire that specifically restrained her red lotus karma fire. However, looking at the size and color of the flames, Xuan Qing still I haven’t practiced to the extreme.

In the early stage of bone spirit cold fire cultivation, it is light blue, and in the middle stage, it is sky blue. When the cultivation reaches the top level, the flame will be a gradient blue of different shades. From the center of the fireworks to the periphery, it will appear a gradient of dark blue to light blue. It can really follow Red lotus karma fire confrontation.

In the later stage of cultivation, this bone spirit cold fire can absorb the temperature of everything in the world, and everything it passes by is covered with debris. However, Daojun Guangcheng's cultivation has reached the level of foundation building, but he is still so cold that his hair, eyebrows and beard are covered with hoarfrost, which just shows that Xuanqing's skill is only in the middle stage.

Those single blue flames rushed over at extremely fast speeds. Daojun Guangcheng quickly drew out his sword and prepared to fight the enemy.

Yuan Qi knew that this formation was closely linked to the caster. Xuan Qing used his own life to activate the formation, with the purpose of trapping the master and disciple inside and freezing to death.

She also drew her sword and killed those skeletons.

Yuan Qi dealt with it easily, killing a skeleton with one sword. Those skeletons seemed to be conscious. Seeing how powerful their opponent was, they stopped attacking and started to circle around Yuan Qi, as if they were discussing something.

Yuan Qi didn't tolerate them either, so he directly used countless balls of red lotus karma fire to kill them in all directions.

Those skeletons were not afraid either. Three or five of them circled together and began to rotate. After a few turns, the three or five skeletons turned into a bigger and stronger skeleton. The blue flames at the tail lasted longer and became darker in color.

"You still want to kill me?" Yuan Qi watched as his red lotus fire devoured countless skeletons. The color in the formation changed from blue to red, but the formation was still very strong. The walls and dome were re-painted. Newly grown skeletons burst out of them with flames.

Yuan Qi hummed, poured red lotus karma fire into the long sword, and began to attack the four walls of the formation.

The sword energy cuts through the formation barrier, and a crack is added to the barrier.

Blue skeletons are still being produced continuously. Yuan Qi doesn't think it's a big deal if he has red lotus karma fire, but Daojun Guangcheng feels colder than before.

Daojun Guangcheng has deep cultivation. Although he is cold, he can endure it: "I will deal with these skeletons, and you can break the formation."

Yuan Qi knew about this. It is said that there was internal strife in Fusang Temple a hundred years ago.

Xuanqing discovered that there were cracks in the formation barrier and was working hard to repair the cracks.

"I don't know where he learned this Bone Spirit Lenghuo. It actually integrated with the killing array, greatly increasing the power of the killing array."

Yuan Qi was a little worried: "Can you bear it?"

Daojun Guangcheng finally recognized this formation: "This is the secret book "Seventy-two Killing Formations" of our sect that was lost a hundred years ago in Fusang Temple. It records a formation that is this formation, called the ultimate killing formation. , I didn’t expect him to make it.”

It's a mess outside.

Tu Shanli was attacking the formation with the Resurrection Whip.

Xuanqing's apprentice Qiu Sheren is fighting with Wen Zhuyun inseparably.

The Qiu Snake people released many venomous snakes to attack Wen Zhuyun and others, but Wen Zhuyun's body was not a physical body, but made of spirit animal skins, and he was not afraid of venomous snakes. Xiangli Youming, Bai Youhui and others had insect-repelling talismans on their bodies, and the snakes did not dare to approach.

Bai Youhui threw a few fire charms and burned a large number of poisonous snakes to death.

The four guards of Xiangli Youming fought while protecting their master. The guards he brought fought with the disciples of Wuji Palace, and the scene was very chaotic. Both sides suffered casualties.

Tu Shanli saw that the cracks on the formation barrier were getting bigger and bigger, so he stopped attacking the formation barrier and turned around to attack Xuan Qing.

He is a thousand-year-old demon, and his strength is not inferior to Xuan Qing, and the two of them immediately fought together.

Xuanqing had to allocate part of his power to maintain the formation, and also allocate energy to deal with Tu Shanli, but he still acted very relaxed.

"A fox wants to challenge me, you're looking for death!" Xuan Qing struck with all his strength. Tu Shanli's Resurrection Whip almost fell out of his hand, and he felt a slight discomfort in his chest.

Tu Shanli opened up and rose into the air, with nine huge tails fluttering behind him. The Resurrection Whip in his hand also grew several times larger, and the barbs on it also popped out, glowing with purple light.

Along with a huge noise, the Resurrection Whip was thrown out.

Xuan Qing did not dare to underestimate the enemy and dodge flexibly, but did not care about the formation.

The cracks on the formation were getting bigger and bigger, but it took just a stick of incense to completely collapse.

"Pfft——" Xuanqing was backlashed by the formation, spurting out a large mouthful of blood. The thick resurrecting whip caught Xuanqing. Tu Shanli swung it hard, and the sharp thorns scratched Xuanqing's body black and blue, and his soul was also After being hit hard, his true colors were revealed.

The formation disappeared, and Daojun Guangcheng and Yuan Qi walked toward Xuanqing.

Xuan Qing was unable to resist and was covered in blood. He struggled to stand up, his soul a little unstable. This body was taken from him, and now he had been beaten several times by the resurrecting whip. His soul was weak and could no longer stay in this body.

Tu Shanli restored the whip in his hand and handed it to Taoist Guangcheng.

Xuan Qing's steps were unsteady, and he turned around to see a large number of his disciples falling down. The only surviving disciple had been tied up by Bai Youhui and Xiangli Youming. The remaining disciples were all covered with injuries and were no longer able to fight. .

"Impossible." He looked at Yuan Qi. He knew that Yuan Qi had red lotus karma fire, but he had never seen how powerful Yuan Qi's red lotus karma fire was, so he thought that Yuan Qi's red lotus karma fire could at best burn him to death. A mortal would never be a match for Bone Spirit Lenghuo. How old is Yuan Qi? I have only been practicing Red Lotus Karma Fire for a few years, how could it be so powerful?

He has been practicing Bone Spirit Lenghuo for nearly a hundred years, how could he lose to a ten-year-old girl?
He glared at Yuan Qi angrily: "Are you also seizing the body?"

Yuan Qi curled his lips slightly: "No, do you think I am so cruel as you, seizing the body of a living person? I was born with the cultivation base of my previous life. Don't think about it, after all, the body seizing the body is not your own, and it will naturally be used. A lot of discomfort.”

Daojun Guangcheng shook the whip in his hand and was ready to take action: "Hand over the Immortal Killing Sword and the secret book."

When Xuan Qing saw the whip, he really had a psychological shadow. He subconsciously bent down to pick up the Zhuxian Sword.

However, taking advantage of Daojun Guangcheng's unpreparedness, he picked up the sword at an extremely fast speed and stabbed Daojun Guangcheng in the heart.

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