Snowy Chang'an Road

Chapter 13: Being Caught

Chapter 13: Being Caught
  The window was only open for a moment before being closed by Wei Shao.

Pei Ying's heart had jumped into her throat. She quickly controlled her center of gravity so as not to fall onto the ice. She left carefully and quietly, and hurried to her next destination.

As soon as Pei Ying put her ear to Cao Quan's window, she heard a burst of resentful crying.

On weekdays, Cao Quan felt that her daughter was stupid and was always too lazy to pay attention to her. Now, although her daughter has a distinguished status, she is ultimately the daughter-in-law of the royal family. As long as she is a daughter-in-law, she will inevitably be wronged in her husband's family. As a mother, she heard her daughter's cry. , feeling as if needles pricking my heart.

"Mom, he doesn't take me seriously at all. After making out with me on our wedding night, he turned around and went to sleep. After falling asleep, he kept shouting Yongshu, Yongshu. This Yongshu must be a vixen."

"Yongshu, could she be the daughter of Taiwei Yongbo?"

"Exactly, since he likes Yong Shu so much, why doesn't he marry her as the crown prince? Mother, my daughter feels so uncomfortable."

"Then you can't argue with the prince."

"I didn't want to either, but I really couldn't help it. Who would have thought that he would actually hit me."

"What, where did he hit you?"

"He slapped me to shut up."

Cao Nuan's heart suddenly hurt. She looked at her crying daughter and held her in her arms to comfort her. Cao Nuan's tears silently fell down her face.

"In the future, you must never argue with the prince again. Women must learn to show weakness to men."

Hearing this, Pei Sheng cried even more sadly.

"Sheng'er, remember, no matter how uncomfortable you feel, you must please the prince and get pregnant with his child. If you can give birth to a boy, your prosperity and wealth will be stable in this life."


Yunrou looked around nervously, while Pei Ying listened carefully. Normally, she should be happy to hear that Pei Sheng was suffering. After all, she always spoke openly in front of him, but now that she heard her crying so sadly, Pei Ying It doesn't feel good in my heart either.

"Yesterday in the main hall, my daughter saw that the King of Peking and Pei Ying were very affectionate, and she was really angry to death."

"So you just pinch yourself?"


"Blame it on me and your father for pampering you and developing your temper like this. You should learn from Pei Ying. Even I know that the King of Peking is a murderous warrior. She can kill the King of Peking in just one day." Be good to her, this is what makes her great, you should really put your temper aside and learn from her."

"I don't want to, why should I imitate her? Impersonate her dead face?"

"When will you, my child, grow up and become sensible?"

"I don't want to grow up. I never want to grow up. I want to be a good daughter for the rest of my life."

Listening to the warm conversation in the room, Pei Ying was filled with mixed feelings. Suddenly a big hand appeared behind her and covered her mouth and nose tightly. She looked back in panic, it was Wei Shao.

Wei Shao signaled her not to speak, Pei Ying blinked, Wei Shao gave her another wink, gesturing for her to leave together, Pei Ying shook her head.

"Yesterday, the mother also called her daughter and talked a lot."

"Really? What did the Queen say to you?"

"The mother is very kind and cares about her daughter very much. She also told her daughter that if she has nothing to do on weekdays, she can read. When her daughter left, she gave her two volumes of books."

"what book?"

""Rituals·Mourning Clothes·Zixia Biography" "Zhou Rites·Tianguan·Nei Zai""

Cao Quan thought for a moment and asked, "Has the queen ever asked about the affairs between you and the prince?"

"I asked, but my daughter only said yes and didn't say there was a quarrel between me and the prince."

"After listening to what you said, how did the queen look?"

"The Queen Mother smiled. I think she must be very satisfied with my answer."

Cao Quan's smile froze on his face.

Pei Ying originally didn't want to laugh, but when she heard what Pei Sheng said, she couldn't hold back her lips.

"Yunrou, has she always been like this?"

Yun Rou nodded, and the two stood helplessly looking at Pei Ying from a distance.

When Pei Ying was satisfied with eavesdropping, she left with satisfaction. Wei Shao stood next to her with a dead face.

Looking at his face, Pei Ying couldn't help but complain: "My father always said that I have a straight face and am boring. I really don't know what he would think if he saw your face." "Pei Ying, Zi It is said, ‘Look no more than is propriety, do not hear anything not propriety, do not say anything not propriety, do not move anything not propriety.’ Don’t you understand this truth?”

"I understand, but isn't this a restriction for a gentleman? I am not a gentleman, I am a woman."

When Wei Shao heard this, a sentence floated in his mind: Only women and villains are difficult to raise, but he did not dare to say it out.

"Wei Shao, let me ask you, your brother Wei Huan, is he very violent?"

"how you said that?"

"Pei Sheng had an argument with him on their wedding night, and he slapped Pei Sheng."

"I don't know him."

Seeing that he avoided answering, Pei Ying rolled her eyes at him and said, "Why don't you say you don't know him."

"By the way, there is a girl named Yong Shu, do you recognize her?"


"What is her relationship with the prince?"

"Junchen. Female."

When Pei Ying heard the three words that came out of his mouth, she knew each of them, but she didn't understand what they meant when they were put together.

"Pei Ying, don't eavesdrop in the future. It's very dangerous. You almost fell into the pond today."

".You see me?"


Under normal circumstances, if someone catches eavesdropping, the eavesdropper will usually feel ashamed, but Pei Ying's heart has already been polished to be very strong. It's not my fault. What's wrong with me? The rules of a happy life. Just blame others more and blame yourself less.

"No, if I don't eavesdrop, where will I get the information?"

"Did you also overhear the matter about me and the court from your father?"

Pei Ying nodded with sincere eyes.

"I admit that this way of obtaining information is, how should I say, a bit unpalatable, but you have to admit that the information obtained in this way is not only useful, but also true."


"It's guaranteed to be true. If a normal person knows that someone is eavesdropping, he will not tell the truth when talking to others. He will only tell lies to confuse the eavesdropper. But if he doesn't know that someone is eavesdropping, could he They would get together with their colleagues and plot to tell lies. If that were the case, how boring would these two people be?"


Outside Duke Pei's mansion, Pei Sheng said goodbye to his parents, and the three of them had tears in their eyes.

"People are really interesting. When the daughter their parents want to see enters the palace, it will be difficult to see each other in the future. The daughter they don't want to see is only a few streets away, and they never interact with each other no matter how close the distance is."

After saying this, Pei Ying turned around and got into the car, and Wei Shao followed.

"Wait a minute."

Pei Ying opened the curtain and saw Pei Sheng standing in front of the car.

"what happened?"

"The prince and I haven't left yet, you can't leave first."

The words Pei Ying wanted to retaliate against her were already on her lips, but she couldn't help but said them out.

"If you want to walk in front of me, are you planning to walk in front of me in the future?"

"of course."

Well, she didn't get it.

 The first one to leave is the original meaning of walking, and the second one to leave is the meaning of death. In Shaanxi dialect, when a person dies, there is an expression that means "the person is gone."

  It's Wednesday, and if I persist, I won't be far from a holiday today.

  (End of this chapter)

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