Snowy Chang'an Road

Chapter 54 Lost in spirit

Pei Ying's sudden action was completely unexpected by Wei Shao. When Pei Ying's warm lips moved away and her jade hands let go of his clothes, he still maintained his previous actions.

Obviously, this all happened so fast that he didn't have any time to think.

Pei Ying stretched out her hand and waved it in front of his eyes.

"Wei Shao?"

Only then did he come to his senses, and hurriedly kept his distance from her and adjusted his sitting posture.

"They are still waiting for you to discuss matters. Go quickly and don't delay."

Wei Shao was distracted and nodded mechanically. He stood up and took two steps, then suddenly turned back to the bed and sat down. He took Pei Ying into his arms and lowered his head to kiss her.

Pei Ying was stunned for just a second and then closed her eyes.

Falling in love over time is perhaps the easiest way for people to develop feelings when getting along with each other. It is different from falling in love at first sight. It is a superposition of deepening feelings day after day.

After the two kisses ended, Pei Ying didn't understand why she did this. She just followed her heart at that moment and did what she wanted to do based on her feelings.

This inexplicable feeling is usually called love.

Although the love between the two people was not expressed out loud, during the nearly one year of getting along, the two people unintentionally fell in love with each other.

But now, this layer of window paper seems to have been poked with a hole.

This incident had such a great impact on Wei Shao that at this moment, although his body was sitting at the table, all he could think about was the kiss just now. He tried hard to control the frequency of his heartbeat, but to no avail.

What's even more terrible is that he actually let out an inappropriate laugh while several people were discussing. His abnormal behavior quickly attracted the attention of others.

"Brother Wei, why are you smiling?"

Zhong Yang's question brought Wei Shao back to his senses, and he found that everyone was staring at him in confusion.

"Nothing, you continue."

It was obvious that Zhong Yang did not accept his answer and wanted to continue asking, but Xiao Shen grabbed his arm and shook his head at him.

Deng Zhao glanced at a few people and continued: "You have made such a big noise here. King Nan Cang must have known about it. It turned out that they were at fault in the first place. We understand that there is no need to worry too much. , but what happens next may not be that easy.”

Zhong Yang continued what he said: "Speaking of Potian, King Nancang was also conferred by His Majesty. Since he has accepted the reward from the imperial court, he is a minister of the Wei Dynasty just like us. Since he is a minister, if there is any arrogance, We don’t even need to report it to His Majesty, we can kill it first and report it later.”

Deng Zhao replied: "General Zhong's words are reasonable, but if everything in this world could be as simple as what the general said, we wouldn't be sitting here worrying about the future. Shao'er, you haven't spoken. I wonder what you think?"

Wei Shao heard his cousin nodding at him. He sat upright and said, "I agree with what my brother said. Pang Yue is definitely more difficult to deal with than we thought. We are now in the Southern Cang Kingdom, and I was there when I was in Chang'an." I heard that the people here are strong and strong, and what happened in the past two days. Although we are soldiers under the Emperor, this is not Chang'an, but Lingnan, which is beyond the reach of His Majesty. We still have to be more careful when acting on other people's territory. Any decision should be made through consultation by everyone, and no random decisions should be made privately. "

"Brother Wei's words make sense. A strong dragon cannot overwhelm a local snake. We must act in a low-key manner and value peace. Unless it is a life or death crisis, we must not take action without permission, let alone underestimate the enemy."

After discussion, several people finally reached a consensus and listed a preliminary battle plan.

At this time, Deng Zhao proposed that the army would set off tomorrow and continue to penetrate deep into the territory of Nancang Kingdom. When everyone heard this suggestion, they all looked at Wei Shao.

Wei Shao's brain was spinning rapidly, and he said, "Brother, can you stay here for another two days?"

Deng Zhao was puzzled and asked him: "Why?"

You can't say that Pei Ying is not feeling well, so how should your cousin miss him?

Seeing that Wei Shao was hesitating and unable to speak, Deng Zhao also seemed to guess that what he wanted to say was difficult to say, so he handed him a step and said: "Let's compromise and let the soldiers rest for one day. In the early morning, the army sets off, is this okay? "

Wei Shao nodded.

After everyone discussed the matter, Deng Zhao, accompanied by Wei Shao and others, went on a tour of the army. He not only learned about the soldiers' training, but also cared about their lives. He got along with everyone, He has no airs at all and is more like a brother to the soldiers. Xiao Shen admired this. He and Zhong Yang followed Wei Shao and Deng Zhao, discussing quietly: "Brother Wei's cousin is indeed more suitable for leading troops in war."

Zhong Yang rarely admires others, but seeing Deng Zhao's actions, he felt ashamed.

"Brother Wei's cousin is calm and steady. When he sees a soldier making a mistake, he is neither impatient nor angry. Instead, he tries to find a way to solve the problem. I will probably never have such a temper until the day I die."

After the inspection, the four of them returned to the checkpoint. Bai Zheng was carrying fish soup towards Pei Ying's room.

Seeing this, Bai Zheng hurried forward to salute.

Deng Zhao just glanced at the fish soup in his hand and said nothing.

"Everyone is tired today. Let's go back to our rooms and rest early."

After Zhong Yang and Xiao Shen left, Deng Zhao walked to Wei Shao and asked, "Is Pei Ying feeling unwell?"

Wei Shao nodded.

"She is a noble girl, but she is not afraid of hardships and has accompanied you on many expeditions. I have heard of this good story about you in the army when I was the county magistrate. You are lucky to meet such a woman. You must Just cherish and protect her."

"Yes, remember your brother's teachings."

"Okay, go back to your room quickly."

"it is good."

When Wei Shao came in, Pei Ying was sitting at the table. There were many unknown herbs in front of her, and her hands were grinding and squeezing the juice.

Seeing him come in, Pei Ying didn't raise her head and said, "You're back."

Wei Shao walked up to her and sat down next to her.

"What are you doing?"

"Make poison."

"What are you doing mixing poison?"

"Defense yourself."

"Do you still have the dagger I gave you?"

"Here, I put it under the pillow. You can help me get it."

Wei Shao walked to the bed and reached under the pillow. Sure enough, there was a dagger.

"You should carry the dagger with you. Don't put it under the pillow in the future, otherwise it will not be handy when you want to use it."

"I know, don't be nagging and bring the dagger over."

Wei Shao handed the dagger to Pei Ying. Pei Ying took off the sheath and soaked the shining blade in the prepared poison juice.

"The dagger I gave you is sharp enough to kill people, so why did you soak it in poisonous juice?"

"I'm afraid that my hand is not strong enough and the stabbing is not deep enough. When killing people, I cannot kill with one blow. But with this poison, I only need to prick shallowly and let the poison seep into the blood, and I can kill instantly."

"For those of us who are weak, the less effort, the better."

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