Snowy Chang'an Road

Chapter 58 The rest of life is too long

Four days later, spies came to report that they had found traces of King Lujiang's army a hundred miles away.

After their investigation, they found that Yun Zheng was not seen in the army. The leader of the army was Yun Zheng's deputy general Feng Zhuan, who had about 40,000 soldiers.

In the room, everyone was analyzing the information brought back by the spies.

Xiao Shen spoke first: "King Lujiang's army is led by his deputy general. This is a bit strange."

Zhong Yang asked his question.

"Is this old man Yun Zheng so scared that he hides himself?"

Wei Shao looked at the spies and asked, "Have you found any other information?"

"The subordinates are incompetent, that's all they have. Their army is very vigilant, and they send soldiers to guard and patrol day and night. It's difficult to get close, let alone get in."

"Bai Zheng, go and prepare some rewards for them."


"Thank you for your hard work, please go down and rest first."


At this time, there were only five of them left in the room, and Pei Ying sat next to Wei Shao.

"Brother, where do you think Yun Zheng will be?"

Deng Zhao thought for a while and said: "Escape is unlikely. Without the support of the soldiers, what is the difference between him, the King of Lujiang, and an ordinary person? Is there a possibility that he is in the army, but has never shown up?" .”

"But our spies stayed there for two whole days and nights, and never saw any trace of Yun Zheng. Even if he hid, it was impossible for him to stay in the military tent forever. The soldiers could deliver food to the tent. But I'm afraid he has to do it himself."

Deng Zhao continued: "Shao'er, you said before that the county soldiers Yun Zheng took away from Liu'an Kingdom, plus the strong men he forcibly took away, are at least 60,000, but now the spies have found only 40,000, are there any? It is possible that Yun Zheng is hiding elsewhere with the remaining 20,000 county soldiers, but we have not yet found any trace of their main force."

After hearing Deng Zhao's analysis, Pei Ying asked: "Then why did they divide the army into two?"


"Don't you all think this is too strange? Yun Zheng originally wanted to take 60,000 county soldiers to defect to King Linxiang, but King Linxiang was unwilling to accept him or go against the court, so he rejected Yun Zheng. After being rejected, in order to survive, Yunzheng could only lead the county soldiers to continue southward, thinking of crossing the mountains to defect to King Nan Cang. However, the mountain roads were difficult, and the difficulties his soldiers encountered were not the same as what we are encountering now. ?”

"If the mountain road is easy to walk, why do we have to stay here for so many days, and why do we need to send people out to check the road conditions many times."

When Zhong Yang heard what Pei Ying said, he asked: "Brothers and sisters, we can all think of these, so where do you think the 20,000 county soldiers went?"

Pei Ying thought for a moment and said, "It's most likely from King Nan Cang."

Before anyone else could speak, Zhong Yang raised his objection.

"Impossible. Yulin County where King Nan Cang is located is still a thousand miles away from here. If the 20,000 county soldiers have already reached King Nan Cang, why not let all 60,000 county soldiers go? Who would think that he has too many soldiers? ?”

"Is there a possibility that King Nancang did not accept Yunzheng's defection, but only provided him with a hiding place, a shelter, and then took advantage of the situation to rob him of 20,000 county soldiers? We all know that Nancang Kingdom is Yunzheng's The final retreat, if the King of Nancang doesn't take Yunzheng in, where do you think he can go?" Xiao Shen said: "If the King of Nancang doesn't take Yunzheng in, then he will only die."

"Yes, it is a matter of life and death. Tens of thousands of county soldiers are nothing. If he is in Lu'an, the more county soldiers he has, the better. But when he goes out, everything is difficult. Not to mention other things, just these 40,000 How much food do county soldiers eat every day?"

"When they left Liu'an Kingdom, they took away all the food there, but counting the days, they have been fleeing for twenty days. Do you think the food is enough to eat? These county soldiers are now like a wet baggage on Yun Zheng's body. The more I carry, the heavier it becomes. If I were King Nan Cang, I would be a fool not to take advantage of him and rob him."

After hearing what Pei Ying said, Wei Shao first stood up to support her.

"I think what Pei Ying said makes sense. When we were besieged by the Xiongnu on Gaojiao Mountain, Hu Nan Chanyu let us go not because of mercy, but because of interests. Pei Ying, what did you say? "

"There are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies, only eternal interests."

"Yes, that's it, but this is a good thing for us. Now they only have 40,000 county soldiers, so it is much easier to attack."

Zhong Yang asked: "Then we are fighting against the army of King Lujiang in the territory of Nan Cang Kingdom. If Pang Yue supports Yun Zheng and helps him attack us, then we will be attacked from both sides. This situation is not good for us."

Deng Zhao said: "No, if it is true as Pei Ying said, Pang Yue took advantage of the situation to rob him, then he will definitely not care about Yun Zheng's life or death."

"Yes, brother is right. No matter which side he helps, he will definitely offend the other side. All he needs to pay is to provide a battlefield for the two armies. If he is more shameless and helps us attack Yunzheng, You can also sell us a favor.”

The order of things gradually became clearer. The rationality of this analysis lies in the fact that it does not rely on any relationship and does not beautify anyone's humanity. Instead, it analyzes it from the perspective of interests. The things that human nature will not betray are those that are beneficial to oneself. Benefit.

After several people's discussion was over, Pei Ying returned to the room first, and left the next battle to them. Two hundred thousand versus forty thousand, such a disparity of five times in strength, the result is self-evident.

Whether it is a forceful attack or outsmarting them, they will not lose too many troops in this war. Just because of the momentum of the 200,000-strong army pressing down on the border, many soldiers will probably run away.

Everything was agreed upon, and a few people quickly formulated a battle plan. This time, Wei Shao led the army, assisted by Zhong Yang and Xiao Shen, and led 180,000 soldiers to conquer, leaving 20,000 soldiers stationed here as a precaution.

Pei Ying and Deng Zhao watched them leave until the army disappeared from their sight.

"Brothers and sisters."

"Brother, what's wrong?"

"I feel at ease having you by Shao'er's side. It is his blessing to have you for the rest of his life. There will be many difficulties ahead, but as long as you and your wife work together, all difficulties will be solved."

Pei Ying didn't quite understand what he said. She responded: "Brother, as far as I know, no one can always be by someone's side, no one can stay with someone for a lifetime, and no husband and wife are of the same mind. The rest of their lives is too long. , we cannot take it seriously.”

Similarly, after saying these words, the person who was confused was Deng Zhao.

"Brother, the two of us only need to reach a consensus. No matter what we two want to do, we will care about Wei Shao's feelings. That's enough."

Deng Zhao didn't speak, but he already had the answer in his heart.

Time will give all the answers.

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