Snowy Chang'an Road

Chapter 6 Exposing each other

Chapter 6 Exposing each other
  Wei Shao was not a talkative person. After drinking some wine tonight, he actually talked a lot with a woman he had only met twice.

"Princess, please rest early." He stood up and prepared to leave.

"My lord, please wait."

Wei Shao turned around in confusion, thought for a moment, and immediately figured it out, and then said in a firm tone: "I have no interest in the princess, you don't have to pester me in the bridal chamber."

"My lord, you are worrying too much. I don't want to have sex with you."

"Then why did you stop me?"

"I have something I would like to discuss with you, and I wonder if the prince can honor it."

Hearing this, Wei Shao became interested. He had never met this woman, but she said she had something to discuss with him. What on earth was it?

"I heard that the prince has the ambition to revive the Deng family in Nanyang, and I admire you very much. Please give me a chance and let me help you realize your ambition."

Wei Shao had a gloomy face and asked in a tone that could not be refuted: "You are just a girl who has never left the house. How did you learn about my ambition?"

Pei Ying would definitely not tell him that this was information he obtained by eavesdropping on the conversation between his father and his colleagues.

"The prince's ambition is well known to the world, but I overheard it from other people's mouths."

"Who is that other person?"

"It's just hearsay, Prince, don't take it to heart."

Seeing that he was silent, Pei Ying continued: "The Pei family from Hedong is the first counselor in the world, followed by the Ban family. Your Majesty is afraid that the Ban and Pei families will join forces and be detrimental to him, so he gave me a marriage to the prince in order to balance the two. Fang forces, His Majesty intends to support you, I wonder if you feel it?"

"The heart of a king cannot be judged at will."

"This is wrong. If you don't understand the king's heart, how can you rise so high, let alone your ambition, my lord? If you are just a general, the Deng clan will still not let your cousins ​​accompany you to conquer the world and make achievements."

"How did the princess know these things?"

"The thirteen sons of the Deng family in Nanyang were all heroic and sacrificed their lives for the country. Only a few blood lines were left in the world. They established the clan rule that their descendants would never join the army or fight. They all rolled up their sleeves and competed with the civil servants for the world. But How many civil servants can a family of military generals really produce?"

"That's enough. What do you mean, princess?"

Seeing that he was angry, Pei Ying chuckled and said, "Your Majesty, I didn't say anything, so you can't stand listening to me?"

"Tell me, what do you want to do?"

Pei Ying never expected that with these words, Wei Shao would suddenly rush in front of her and strangle her neck tightly. Her face instantly turned red due to poor breathing. She stretched out her two hands and used I tried my best to pull his hand away, but to no avail, he was too strong.

Seeing that she was being tortured, Wei Shao let go of his hand and returned to his seat.

"I hate people asking me questions and asking me to answer them, or provoking me in front of me. Remember that?"

Pei Ying had not yet recovered from the panic of being pinched, and immediately nodded like a rattle.                                  It is not that Wei Shao never beat or kill women. I don't know who has suffered a thousand blows from publishing these false news.

"From now on, if the princess talks nicely, I will listen carefully. If the princess doesn't talk nicely, you will have to think about the consequences yourself."

Pei Ying immediately said with a smile on her face: "Your Majesty killed Fan Hui not because Fan Hui rebelled."

Wei Shao's brow flashed with something strange. Pei Ying understood his micro-expression and continued: "His Majesty sent people to spread rumors in Guangyang, saying that he wanted to get rid of Fan Hui. His Majesty was fooled and wanted to strike first, but before his soldiers could get far, they were all surrounded and suppressed by the army led by you."

Pei Ying kept observing Wei Shao's expression and subconsciously moved her body to keep the distance between the two as far as possible.

"Your Majesty's plan is to eliminate all the princes and kings with different surnames in the Wei Dynasty. King Huainan will accompany your Majesty to conquer all directions. It can be said that two-thirds of the territory of the Wei Dynasty was conquered by King Huainan. However, because of fear, Your Majesty found a name at will. He was demoted to the title of Marquis of Huainan. King Dongping was spared because he married Princess Zhaoyuan and became the consort, but His Majesty still did not let him go. He was demoted to the title of Marquis of Dongping, and his nephew surnamed Wei took over his title. Let it go. King Guangyang is just the beginning, and it will never be the end. I wonder if the prince agrees with what I said?"

It took a long time for Wei Shao to speak. What had been bothering him for a long time, he found the answer in just a few words.

"I agree, but what I'm more curious about is that the princess lives in seclusion and only sleeps and eats every day. How did she know about these matters in the court?"

"How did the prince know that besides sleeping, I only eat every day?"

Although Wei Shao is not a scheming person, he can still think of doing some research on the clan of his marriage partner.

"Didn't the princess spy on me a lot? Can't I spy on you?"

"of course."

"I know that you lost your mother when you were young, your father remarried, and your stepmother was cruel. You grew up with a lot of hardships. Although you are the eldest daughter, your father does not love your mother and your expenses are only higher than those of the servants in the house. In some cases, a phoenix in trouble like the princess is not as good as your sister, at least your father loves your sister very much."

Who wouldn’t hurt each other?

"Your Majesty really cares about me, but you, Your Majesty, may not be much better. Your Nanyang Deng family has great military exploits and a loyal family, but you don't want your Majesty to kill donkeys, cross rivers and demolish bridges, and after the world is settled, let Ban's daughter You became a queen, and your mother and concubine were subordinated to her. Not to mention that you, mother and son, had no one in your mother's clan and were hated by the queen in the palace. You must have not forgotten these things, my lord. Bar."

Looking at Wei Shao's gradually clenched fists, Pei Ying's voice became smaller and smaller, and her body had left her seat and stepped back.

Sensing her fear, Wei Shao unclenched his fist and said, "Come here, I, Wei Shao, never hit a woman."

Pei Ying thought to herself, what a good person who never hits me, but just now he almost strangled me to death.

"My lord, do you know that you have a fatal weakness, that is, you are brave and resourceless. You returned to the court after a victory in the battle, but you openly resisted your majesty in the court because you were dissatisfied with the amount of compassionate payment given by your majesty. Thanks to my father's help, you wanted to No, you don’t know now how many books will be written by those officials, saying that you are arrogant, arrogant, and arrogant. Although I am a woman, when it comes to strategy, I am by no means inferior to any man of the Pei family. I am willing to make suggestions for the prince. Let me help you.”

Seeing her talk a lot, Wei Shao asked, "Tell me, what do you want?"

"I have three requests. First, I ask the prince not to consummate my marriage. Second, I ask the prince to provide me with food and clothing. Third, I ask the prince to protect me."

"it is good."

 Adorable newbie, please pay attention and collect

  (End of this chapter)

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