Snowy Chang'an Road

Chapter 74 Customs and customs

Zheng Guan may not be a good official, but he is definitely a smart official.

Yesterday I received the news from the King of Peking. If it had been another county magistrate, I am afraid that a banquet would have been held for the people to welcome him.

But he knew that Wei Shao was a soldier and did not like extravagance, so he found many strong soldiers to pretend to be common people and plant willow trees by the river.

"Zheng Guan, the magistrate of Yaoliu County, pays homage to the King of Beiping and the Princess of Beiping."

"This is the Huns envoy General Bahe Yitu."

Zheng Guan said nothing and saluted to Ba and Yitu.

"I was ordered by His Majesty to plant weeping willows along both sides of the Ba River. I never imagined that I would meet the King of Peking here."

"I was also ordered by His Majesty to take the envoy to appreciate the customs and customs of Chang'an."

Pei Ying asked curiously: "Your Excellency has never seen me, so how do you know that I am the Princess of Peking?"

Zheng Guan said with a smile: "Everyone knows that the King of Peking and the Princess are inseparable when they go out together. I see your manners and manners, so I don't need to guess. Your identity is clear at a glance."

"Master Zheng has good eyesight."

Wei Shao said: "Master Zheng, since we have wandered here, we have entered your territory. You must do your best to be a landlord."

"Your Majesty, you have betrayed a humble minister. The whole world is not the king's territory. This is not the villain's territory. Everything in front of you belongs to your majesty. The villain is just guarding it for your majesty."

When Ba Heyitu heard Zheng Guan's words, it was not that he wanted to agree with him, but that the words really sounded like they were meant for him.

"In that case, please ask Mr. Zheng to take us around."

"Your Majesty, please."

People were walking along the banks of Ba River, watching the willow planting in full swing in front of them. Even though there was still a bit of chill in the air, many men were topless, with fine beads of sweat on their foreheads, and their hands were digging holes and picking up soil. stop.

Zheng Guan introduced as he walked: "Your Majesty, these are the people of the county."

"Are these the people of Wei?"

"Yes, General."

Ba Heyitu looked at the hundreds of strong men in front of him, and he was a little incredulous.

It is said that the Han people are weak, but since he entered Chang'an yesterday, the men he saw are all very strong. Now even the people planting trees are so strong. How strong must the soldiers in the Wei army be.

"Willow trees grow very fast. Within two or three years, the willow trees on this bank will form a landscape. I don't know who gave His Majesty such a wonderful idea. This place will definitely become a place outside Chang'an City in the future. Scenery."

Wei Shao had already sketched out the future scene in his mind. In the spring breeze of the willows, he and Pei Ying were riding horses for an outing. Everything in their eyes was green, and catkins were flying all over the sky. If they had another child at that time, their life would be so happy.

Thinking of this, his eyes were filled with tenderness. He looked at Pei Ying affectionately and saw her talking to Ba and Yitu.

"Madam, what are you talking about?"

"It's nothing, Your Majesty. It's getting late. The general and I are both a little hungry. Let's find a place to eat something."

"it is good."

Under the guidance of Zheng Guan, everyone came to the post house. There were not many people in the post house today. Ba and Yitu may not have understood it, but Pei Ying discovered something unusual.

It seems random, but in fact it has been arranged well.

The inn was spotless, and everyone tried to act as natural as possible, but it was precisely because of the naturalness that she could see the traces of acting.

If there were just ordinary officials and visitors coming and going here, they would definitely stop to greet them when they saw such a large formation. However, these people not only did not stop, they did not even look at them, and went about their own business. own business.

Pei Ying sat next to Wei Shao. She put her head close to Wei Shao's ear and asked, "Did you send a letter to Zheng Guan in advance to let him arrange it."

Wei Shao looked at Pei Ying in surprise and asked in a low voice: "Is it so obvious?"

"The acting is not natural at all."

"." Looking at Ba He Yitu's curious eyes, Zheng Guan introduced: "This is the post house outside our Yaoliu County. There are hundreds of such post houses in our great Wei Kingdom. This is the official post house. It is only for officials and letters."

"This inn is very interesting."

Eating this meal felt less like a meal and more like spreading knowledge about the Wei Dynasty for Ba and Yitu. In his impression, the Wei Dynasty was a dynasty with wealthy people and strong national power.

Ba and Yitu were also very open-minded. They followed Zheng Guan and learned a lot about the customs and customs of the Wei Dynasty.

"Wei Shao, where did you find this Zheng Guan?"

"Recommended by Xiao Shen."

"This is a talent with two brushes. You only need to say one or two, and he will understand what you mean and finish the rest."

Wei Shao nodded and said, "Indeed, I only told him that I was coming here to see how he was planting willow trees, and he only knew this bit of information."

"So he is very powerful. He can observe people's emotions and adapt to circumstances. He is many times better than those officials who just hit the wall."

"Which officials?"

"you guess."

Seeing Wei Shao's deflated appearance, Pei Ying smiled happily. She took one step faster than Wei Shao and walked in front of him. Seeing this, Wei Shao stretched out his hand to pull her, but she nimbly dodged it. The two of them were like this silently. Playful.

"I'm going to take Ba and Yitu to the army tomorrow. Do you want to go with me?"

"I'm not going, I want to stay in the house and feed the eagles."

"How can you be so brave? That is the most ferocious animal in the sky. Why are you not afraid at all?"

"I'm not afraid. Shanshan is also a woman. She dares to raise her, so why shouldn't I?"

Seeing how fearless she was, Wei Shao smiled fondly.

On the way back, Bahe Yitu kept talking. He seemed to like Han culture very much and was willing to learn from the Han people and acquire more knowledge.

"General, it's getting late. You should rest early. We will set out for the army outside the city early tomorrow morning."

"Okay, thank you, King Beiping."

"Then we'll take our leave."

"Wait a minute."

"What else can you do, General?"

"Princess, do you still like that eagle?"


"Just like it. My sister is the owner of the eagle. This eagle will always be loyal to her alone. Even if it is thousands of miles apart, the eagle can find its way home."

Hearing Ba Heyitu's words, Pei Ying was confused. What did he mean by this?

But just when she was about to ask another question, Ba and Yitu had already said goodbye and walked away.

"Wei Shao, what do you mean by what Ba He Yitu said?"

"I do not know either."

Pei Ying had doubts in her heart, but she didn't think too much about it. She put down the unanswered questions first. As time goes by, all questions will be answered.

On the third day after Ba and Yitu arrived in Chang'an, Wei Yuan hosted a banquet for him in Weiyang Palace.

At this banquet, Wei Yuan just reminded Wei Huan not to be extravagant and wasteful, but not to lose his royal style.

For this reason, Wei Huan thought about it for a long time before finally deciding on the dishes for the banquet.

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