Snowy Chang'an Road

Chapter 87 Sneaky

Pei Ying felt his tears dripping on her face. They were hot and warm at first, but gradually became colder as they flowed.

The kiss became more and more intense, and Pei Ying responded enthusiastically, as if both of them wanted to rub each other into their bodies.

An upheaval.

Afterwards, Wei Shao and Pei Ying were lying on the bed. They both felt as if their bodies had been drained, and they fell asleep drowsily.

When Pei Ying woke up again, she found that Wei Shao was not awake yet. He was sleeping peacefully. Pei Ying raised her head and looked at him who was still sleeping. She couldn't help but reach out and gently touch his face.

Wei Shao naturally felt her touch, but he did not open his eyes until Pei Ying's hand wandered to his chest, and he grabbed this restless hand.

"you're awake?"

Wei Shao said "hmm".

"How long have you been awake?"

Wei Shao didn't answer. He opened his eyes, covered Pei Ying's hand on his chest, and looked at her lovingly.

"You don't need to drink the medicine to avoid the child anymore, okay?"

Pei Ying thought she heard wrongly.

"What I mean is that if you drink too much contraceptive decoction, it will be really difficult to get pregnant again. Since you are not willing to have a baby with me now, then I won't touch you, so you don't have to drink contraceptive pills every time after sex. Zi decoction, is this okay?"


Wei Shao continued: "From today on, I will go back to sleep on the couch and be separated from you. I can't sleep with you. I'm afraid that I can't help it."

"Wei Shao, don't you blame me?"

"No wonder, there's just one thing. Don't talk about taking concubines for me again. No matter who brings it up to you, whether it's my mother-in-law or my grandfather, you don't agree anymore, okay?"

Pei Ying felt very guilty, and she whispered "Okay".

"Most of the colleagues around me, as long as they are married, have three wives and four concubines. Some of them even have concubines, but I don't envy them at all. As long as you are always by my side, that's enough. You don't want to The reason for giving birth to a child is that I am not considerate enough for you. I feel that I have not done enough. I will use my sincerity to impress you and make you willing to have a child with me. This premise is that you are willing, and Not forced by anyone.”

Good love means always feeling indebted.

"Thank you."

"You don't have to say thank you to me. I will take care of the consequences of what you agreed to with my mother and concubine. You are the daughter-in-law and you cannot disobey her."

Hearing what Wei Shao said, Pei Ying felt even more guilty, but she didn't say anything. Since Wei Shao had made a decision, it was hard for her to say anything else.

Half a month later, Qing'er gave birth. Unlike Pei Sheng's bumpy birth, her birth process was very smooth.

Seeing that she was weak, Pei Ying took Yunrou to the street to buy some maternal food for her. Unexpectedly, she bumped into a familiar figure.

This figure looked so familiar that after Pei Ying took a few more glances, he recognized it was Ban Zhuo.

It was not unusual to meet an acquaintance. After all, there was only such a big place in Chang'an City. However, Ban Zhuo did not ride a horse or a car, and he did not even have an entourage around him. This was uncharacteristic. In Pei Ying's impression, he had never been A low-key person.

Ban Zhuo took off his Chinese clothes today and dressed very low-key. When he turned into a small alley, he looked around to make sure there was no one he recognized before entering the alley.

"Princess, what are you looking at?"

"Yunrou, we all want this basket of chickens. After the old man counts them, you give me the money and wait here for me. I have something to do."

Pei Ying trotted to follow him. She tried to keep a certain distance from Ban Zhuo so that he would not notice.

Ban Zhuo was very cautious. Every time he walked forward, he would look back and make sure there was no one around before moving on.

Finally, he entered a house.

This is a back alley, surrounded by houses. The weather has been hot recently, and there are few pedestrians on the road. Seeing him come in, Pei Ying kept waiting outside the door. After half a stick of incense, Ban Zhuo came out of the house, looking the same as before he entered.

Pei Ying followed him for a while, and then he returned along the original path, walked to the bustling main street, and disappeared into the crowd.

If it were anyone else, this would not be surprising, but Ban Zhuo is the queen's biological brother. He has a distinguished status. Judging from his status, he will not appear in such a place.

Could it be that this is his outer room?

That's not right. If it was raised in an outer room, how could he only stay for half a stick of incense?

In short, there are many doubts.

Pei Ying returned to the alley again and placed a few stones beside the earthen wall opposite the family.

In the kitchen of the Peking Palace, Pei Ying and Yun Rou placed a whole basket of chickens on the ground. The cooks were shocked. It was the first time they saw such white chickens.

Wei Shao knew that Pei Ying had bought a basket of white chickens and came to the kitchen to look for her.

The cook said: "Princess, we have all seen the old man selling white chickens. The chickens sold by others all have red skin, but his chickens are white. Could he have fed the chickens something unclean?"

"Don't worry, he sells chickens to make money, not to kill for money. This kind of white chicken is a local chicken. It is different from the chickens from domestic chickens that we usually see. This kind of chicken tastes good." It’s more beneficial to people’s bodies.”

The cook was still dubious, and Pei Ying didn't hesitate. He took out three chicken eggs, added chopped green onion and salt, quickly passed them around in the oil pan, and put them on a plate.

She picked up the chopsticks, took a bite of the fried chicken, and put it in her mouth. It was soft, tender, smooth, full-flavored, and very fragrant.

"Qing'er has just given birth and is weak. Use the chicken to make soup and give her a small bowl every day. In addition, the fish soup must also be arranged. She is in confinement, so she must eat and drink well."


"Wei Shao, when did you arrive?"

"We just arrived, what are you doing in the kitchen?"

"I bought some chickens and thought about giving some to my sister. By the way, are you okay now?"


"Okay, I have something to tell you, Yunrou, come pick some big chickens and bring them with me when I enter the palace tomorrow."


Wei Shao and Pei Ying left the kitchen and sat down under the albizia tree in the courtyard. Pei Ying recounted what happened when he met Ban Zhuo on the street today.

"I see him being sneaky, and I always feel that there is some secret. It's just that I don't have any martial arts skills. It's a private house, and it's not appropriate to knock on the door rashly. This matter..."

"You want me to go?"


Wei Shao took a sip of tea and said, "Okay."

"Then when do we set off?"

"Tonight at midnight."

"Wei Shao, can I go with you?"

"You don't know how to do martial arts. I'll go investigate and tell you when I get back."

"I can look out for you."


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