Apocalyptic natural disaster, boss, she won by hoarding goods

Chapter 15 Countdown to the end of the world!

Chapter 15 Countdown to the end of the world!
  Suning bought a villa and contacted someone to decorate a safe house for herself, so she edited a message and posted it on Moments.

Suning: Smile jpg on the first day of staying in the villa.

Below, are photos of luxury villas.

Within a few minutes of posting it, it was already filled with comments, mostly from her classmates, who enthusiastically asked her when she bought the villa.

She curled her lips and smiled coldly.

She posted this post on purpose to let her classmates know how well she, Suning, is doing now.

Because, people always flatter the superior and flatter the inferior!
  The better Suning's life is, the harder it will be for Chen Kaizhi and Bai Jiaojiao in school, and they will be compared with each other all the time.


Just one phone call came in!
  "Suning, did you really buy a villa? I saw the photos and real estate certificate in your space, haha, you don't know how envious and jealous your classmates are now!"

"And Chen Kaizhi Bai Jiaojiao, the two of them have been spread all over the past few days! I heard that they can't even hold their heads up in school!"

"It's a pity that I wasn't there at the time, otherwise I would have had to watch the show!"

"Suning, what's wrong with you? Why don't you speak?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao's chattering voice suddenly stopped.

Because she found that even though she made such a long call, there was still no response from Suning.

After a while.

Suning's voice sounded slowly.

"Xiaoxiao, I have something to tell you."

On the other side of the phone, Suning's reply seemed so calm and strange.

"I recently received news that something will happen next month. You'd better stock up on more food and water to avoid being unable to cope with it. If possible, it's best to prepare some weapons for self-defense."

In the cool autumn wind, her voice sounded solemn.

Zhang Xiaoxiao's laughter stopped all of a sudden and he frowned. For some reason, he felt panic and weirdness in his heart.

Her voice trembled, "What do you mean? Is it possible that the epidemic will happen again? This matter is not a joke!"

A few years before the end of the world, an unprecedented epidemic broke out.

During that time, everyone was locked in their homes and could not go out, and food and water sources became problems. The memory is still fresh in people's minds.

Suning did not explain.

"No, it's worse than that. In short, Xiaoxiao, if you are willing to believe me, go ahead and prepare."

After saying that, she hung up the phone.

Zhang Xiaoxiao was her friend in both her previous life and this life.

Suning has experienced many betrayals, but Zhang Xiaoxiao was the only one who was not betrayed, because on the first day of the zombie outbreak, Zhang Xiaoxiao died in the mouth of the zombies!

Suning thought.

She has done her best!

——After so many betrayals, she will not trust anyone easily. What will happen to Zhang Xiaoxiao in the future can only depend on her.

Zhang Xiaoxiao looked at the hung up phone and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

"Oops! I forgot to tell Suning. Her stepmother came to school, and now the whole school is clamoring to find her!"

"Ah ah ah, no matter what, let's go stock up on some things first!"

If the epidemic does come back again.

She doesn’t want to live a life without food and water!
  However, Zhang Xiaoxiao still doesn’t know that what will hit in a month will not be an epidemic, but a devastating apocalyptic crisis!

Suning hung up the phone.

Then he continued to be busy with his own things.

The house renovation company has arrived and is preparing to start a complete renovation of Suning's villa, using top-notch materials in every aspect.

As for the budget?

Suning said:

The upper limit is 100 million!
  They didn't believe it at first, but Suning gave them a deposit of 100 million, which immediately cheered them up.

"Don't worry, Ms. Su, we will get it done for you within half a month."

"Hopefully, I hope the sooner the better anyway."

Suning smiled slightly.

Checked the phone. Countdown to the end of the world: 19 days and 20 hours.

Suning stockpiled all the things needed for the end of the world, water, food, alcohol for treatment, weapons for self-defense, etc.

But she still had plenty of money left.

After all, she won a huge sum of hundreds of millions. Even though she spent more than 100 million on buying a house and renovating it, she still had a total of 500 to 600 million left!
  And if all this money is not spent in these ten days, when the end of the world comes...

That's a pile of waste paper!
  and so.

Suning simply let herself go.

She spent all her money on purchasing supplies. The large and small packages were transported to the villa by truck, but they ended up in her space with a U-turn.

It's just that most vegetables and meats are easy to expire, so she hoards the ones that are kept for a long time, especially mineral water, and she has hoarded nearly 10,000 barrels!
  The pure water and the seeds she prepared were placed in the space together. After doing all this, she still had a lot of money left on her hands.

Suning chose to squander and bought all the things that she wanted to buy but couldn't bear to buy in the past, whether it was clothes, shoes, bags, or anything else.

After all, in addition to food and drink, these daily necessities are also very needed. Anyway, she has enough money on hand!

Besides, when the end of the world comes, all the money will be useless. Instead of keeping this money as waste paper, it is better to let yourself enjoy it during this period!
  She first went shopping like crazy, and then gave herself a full-body recuperation and beauty treatment.

Just do it in one go.

Suning completely changed.

The originally messy hair has been taken care of to make it black and shiny.

The once haggard face and skin have regained their radiance due to maintenance.

The girl in the mirror is wearing a white dress, her long curly hair is scattered behind her shoulders, her eyes are still a little blurred from the rest just now, and her facial features are delicate and gentle.

The beautician couldn't help but sigh, "Young lady, you have a good foundation. Even if most people take care of themselves and put on make-up, they won't look as good as you!"

When Suning first came in, she still felt in trouble.

Because although Suning's facial features are okay, you can see the roughness and dark yellow under the makeup, which must have been not taken care of well in the past.


After she removed Suning's makeup, she found that the rough and dark yellow was just on the surface, and the skin underneath was actually white and delicate.

She couldn't help but feel a little envious.

"Can I ask, what kind of skin care products do you use for such good skin? I will buy the same product to try some other day."

Suning looked at herself in the mirror and was a little shocked.

Because she clearly remembered that although she was good-looking, her skin was not that good and she needed makeup to cover her flaws most of the time.

Something must have changed.



She pinched her necklace and remembered many details in a daze.

She remembered that after the end of the world, Bai Jiaojiao, instead of becoming uglier due to the harsh environment, became more and more refined and beautiful.


Is it because of my necklace?
  She had mixed feelings in her heart, which were a little ridiculous, but mostly she was thankful. When she came back to her senses, she saw the beautician's surprised and curious eyes in the mirror.

She smiled and said casually, "I don't use any skin care products. Maybe I eat better every day and keep up with my nutrition."

"That's it."

The other party is a little disappointed
  But there was no doubt.

After all, when Suning came in, he was carrying large and small bags of things, and he had an aura about him. He looked like a big customer at first glance.

Looking at the luxury goods in her bag, you can tell that such a person is definitely not short of money.

The beautician stepped aside.

Envy and jealousy.

"Sure enough, these days, if you want to look good, you still need money!"

Of course, Suning heard her thoughts, but she didn't mind and just walked out with these things.


I met two people coming out of the store next door.

"Suning, this bitch, don't let me touch her!"

(End of this chapter)

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