Chapter 43 Hunting Night
  Mei Zijiu, who had just woken up from a coma, was dragged to the villa by Suning to collect supplies before she had time.

There was weariness in his brows.

"There is something wrong. Logically speaking, the number of zombies should be increasing now, but there is nothing near here..."

Talking and talking.

Mei Zijiu reacted suddenly.

"Could it be that the army took care of these zombies?"

Suning didn't speak. A pair of beautiful eyes with clairvoyance ability had already landed in a certain direction in the night.

She could clearly see some people gathering somewhere in the distance.

She raised the corners of her lips.

"You go and wait in the car, I'll go over and take a look."

Meizi had lost his powers for a long time and lost his proud eyesight. Of course, he couldn't see things miles away.

Suning can.

Despite the distance of several miles and the dim night, her vision was always clear and bright, and she could even count the number of those people clearly.

"Do not……"

Mei Zijiu wanted to say that it was very dangerous to do this. In this dark place, there might be hidden zombies.


Suning's figure had disappeared into the night.

Suning is not arrogant, nor is he looking for death, he just wants to see if he can gain anything from it.


——This kind of thing is very common in the last days.

When the country's credibility is still there, she will not challenge the country's bottom line, but if someone grabs something and she takes it secretly, no one knows, how can it be a violation of the law?
  Under the moonlight.

She smiled half-heartedly.

——Anyway, order and morality will collapse soon, so why bother with so much? In the last days, of course you have to take care of yourself first!
  As soon as she got closer, the voices of those people talking fell into her ears——

"Boss, these people have been dealt with."

"Well, dispose of the body cleanly and don't leave any traces. It would be bad if the people from the military find it."

Suning's eyes fell on the open door of the villa, and using his clairvoyance ability, he glimpsed the scenery in the window——

It's blood all over the place.

The young man and the old man fell in a pool of blood together. There was no good piece of meat on their bodies, and they were as miserable as hell on earth.

Not from infection.

Not from zombies.

Instead, they died from the slaughter of their own kind.

Her eyes turned cold, and then she heard someone sneer and say: "Brother, what are you afraid of? There are zombies everywhere now, and the military is busy killing zombies! I heard that these zombies are not even afraid of bullets. We must use weapons of mass destruction!"

"With this nationwide chaos and hundreds of people dying, who cares?"

Even so, he lazily walked into the villa, preparing to follow his elder brother's words and start destroying the corpses.


Suning clearly saw a ball of fire rising from the palm of his hand, quickly burning the corpses on the ground.

The blood melted in the firelight.

It turned into a burnt mark.

  Suning narrowed his eyes.

She finally understood why this group of people dared to rob and kill so boldly. It was because they were a team composed of superpowers.

Suning was not surprised by the appearance of superpowers.

after all.

She'd seen it before.

Zhao Lin and Mei Zijiu before the apocalypse, and Chen Kaizhi after the apocalypse, it is not surprising that there is another team of superpowers.

Everything in this life will eventually follow the same trajectory as the previous life.

She looked calm, pinched the knife in her hand, and the corners of her thin lips curved into a strange smile.

"It's really hard to find anywhere without wearing iron shoes. It takes no effort at all to get here!"

She was worried about where to find people with super powers. result……

Just met it.

Suning quietly disappeared into the night, wrapping the sharp knife in a scabbard to prevent her from being discovered by the reflection of the moonlight.

The hunt has begun.

Among the team, the first one who was alone was the man who destroyed the corpse and wiped out all traces, and he was also a fire-type superpower.

He was chewing on a pack of dried meat and frowned slightly in disgust.

"A rich person who lives in a wealthy area only has such a small amount of food at home? Even if it is divided evenly, it won't be enough to eat."

"Hmph, it's a pity that this family only has an old woman in her thirties. It's boring. I'll go to another villa later. If I'm lucky enough to meet a beautiful woman there, I'll feel refreshed. Haha, we're all going to die anyway. It doesn’t matter if you just have fun…”

In his cold and wanton delusion, the darkness of human nature is vividly displayed.

In the chaotic apocalypse, such people are never rare. Superpowers filter out the weak, but they do not filter out the scum.

Superpowers have become the capital for some people to do evil.

The weak become a tool to be bullied, insulted, and even used to die.

Su Jing listened to his words quietly, her eyes extremely cold.

Until the man completely left the other superpowers and seemed to be going to other places to prepare for the next round of plunder.

She made a decisive decision and took action immediately.

The space enveloped her and the man.

The man was stunned and just walked on by himself until she realized that the surrounding scenery was incompatible with this wealthy area.

Only then did fear appear in his eyes.


It's too late.

He could no longer move.

Suning's knife slit his throat, strangled his neck before he died, and absorbed all the supernatural powers in his body.

It's an amazing feeling.

She could clearly feel that there was an energy seeping into her body, strong yet gentle, and quickly integrated with her.

Fire powers are warm and restless.

She felt her body gradually getting warmer. Even on a cold day that had just hailed, she felt hot all over, and even began to think about whether to take off her coat.

As for that man?

As early as when she went under the knife, she had closed the space to prevent the blood of this garbage from contaminating her own space.

She looked at the body on the ground.

The corner of his lips curled up.

The red flame in his hand flashed and swallowed up all the corpses on the ground, leaving only a handful of dust for a moment.

The wind blows.

Then they all dispersed.

It's so ironic that a person with superpowers who used superpowers to kill innocent people ended up dying due to his own superpowers...

Suning thought coldly.

The knife in his hand was still stained with blood, and he began to look for the next target.

The leader of the team of superpowers is a man about thirty years old, with sharp features and a murderous aura.

He looked at his men who had not returned for a long time, and his expression darkened.

"Why hasn't the third child come back yet? Xiao Li, go find him. We'll take action later and we're still waiting for him to deal with the aftermath!"

Among the few people, only the third child's superpower is fire.

It is also the best way to destroy corpses and eliminate traces.

——Even though the apocalypse has begun, they still don’t want to take too many risks. It’s best if they don’t leave any traces.

"Yes, boss."

Suning looked at the other man leaving, his eyes moved slightly, his smile deepened, and he turned the sharp knife in his hand.

The second hunt begins.

 I’m excited. I don’t know if I can do the third round today. Please support me dear readers and let me finish writing this apocalyptic book perfectly. I still have a lot of stories and ideas that I really don’t want to cut out. I want to write a few One hundred thousand!
  (End of this chapter)

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