Chapter 80 Suning, she is very strong!

Mei Yulin's face became even more ugly.

Because she didn't know how to answer this question.

——If he told him, Yu He would definitely be very disappointed with him. If he lied, Yu He would definitely know the truth one day, and then his impression of him would probably become worse and worse.


She was conceited, scheming and eloquent, but when faced with such a situation, she was particularly embarrassed and entangled.

Her eyes said it all.

"Yulin, you disappoint me so much."

Yu He's heart became cold.

She knows the character of her adopted daughter, who is very competitive, but because she has been well-behaved and considerate since she was a child.

The couple naturally ignored this shortcoming.


She looked at Yu He's disappointed face, and then at Mei Zi's cold smile, her breath suffocated, she couldn't help but clench her fingers, and a flash of resentment flashed in her eyes.

She cried and said: "Since you don't believe me, Mom, what's the point of staying here? I'll leave Kyoto now and let me die!"

Yu He was stunned.

Looking at Mei Yulin's crying figure leaving, she closed her eyes helplessly.

Mei Zijiu sneered, ignoring the "deep mother-daughter love" between mother and daughter. He picked up his coat and prepared to follow Suning.

But when he walked out the door.

The girl's figure has disappeared.

His expression suddenly became tense until a call came in, and the voice of an officer sounded calmly in his ears——

"Master Mei, don't worry, Miss Su is with me now, and I will escort her to a safe place right away."

He finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, thank you Uncle Zhao."

"Also, help me tell Suning that what happened today was an accident. To ensure that this kind of thing won't happen again, tell her..."

"See you tomorrow!"

The moment he said these words, he could not suppress the sweetness in his heart, and even the corners of his mouth could not help but curve slightly.


Suning has arrived in the imperial capital and is in the same city as him. From now on, the two of them will have plenty of time to get along well!

As for Mei Yulin?
He ground his teeth.

——If you dare to touch the people he cares about, you are really looking for death!

Suning stared at the night outside the car window. Due to the outbreak of zombies, the people in the imperial capital were all in the dark at night, with only the lonely street lights.

"Miss Su."

Officer Zhao's voice came from beside him, very calm, "Master Mei and the general asked me to apologize to you for what happened today."

Even Officer Zhao didn't know why Mei Yulin would do such a thing, and Suning was none other than Mei Zijiu's savior!
He was very unhappy with this general's adopted daughter, let alone other things!
Suning looked back and said, "Thank you for your reminder. I had a great time today. As for Miss Mei, I believe I will never see her in the imperial capital again."

Very simple words.

The girl's face under the street lamp was as white as jade, seeming to be emitting a gleaming light, and the smile on her face was more indifferent than gentle.

Officer Zhao's heart sank.

He probably understood what Suning meant.

——This girl doesn't seem to care. In fact, her words have already revealed her position: she is unwilling to see Mei Yulin in the imperial capital again in the future.

In fact.

This is indeed what Suning meant.

General Mei must fulfill his own words. If he can't do this, it can only be said that he does not value himself as his son's savior.

In that case...——Why does she have to cooperate with the other party?
Considering that Suning was not happy, General Mei did not dare to let her return to the Mei family, so he directly used his authority to arrange some suites for Suning that only leaders could live in.

Watching the girl walking into the hotel at night.

Officer Zhao was silent.

Then he took out his cell phone, dialed General Mei's number, and spoke his true feelings in the dim night, "General, this Miss Su is not an ordinary person."

——The person who can be sent to single-handedly pick up Suning from the dangerous City A will certainly not be an ordinary soldier, but a true awakened person!
Moreover, it is different from Mei Yulin who embroidered pillows.


He is truly a soldier who has awakened powerful powers, and after years of military training, has been on the verge of life and death several times!

Before meeting Suning, he had doubted that such a young girl really had the courage and ability to break through the obstacles of numerous zombies. From such a long distance, she could save Mei Zijiu alone with a knife and successfully kill her. Saved? Could it be by design?
It wasn't until he saw someone that he believed it.

Because Suning is a superpower.

Not only that, the moment he saw the other person, she was such a slender and beautiful girl, but it made him feel cold all over.

This can only mean one thing——

"She is not only a superpower, she is also very strong!"

He spoke slowly, "I have been in the army for more than 20 years. After awakening my powers, I have seen zombies no matter how powerful they are. But when I see this girl, I always feel inferior to others."

Even he is surprised!

"And I'm very curious. This girl is obviously only twenty years old, and she is still an ordinary girl studying. At such an age, with such experience, how did she get such a powerful aura even if she has awakened her powers? ?”

He muttered to himself.

I had mixed feelings in my heart for a while, and I couldn't tell whether I was lucky or emotional.

General Mei was silent for a while during the phone call, and then spoke slowly after a long time.

"I understand."

Officer Zhao's gaze was hard to ignore. Not to mention that Suning had already improved his perception, even ordinary people could hardly ignore the gaze of a leopard.

She thought lightly:
"It seems that this officer Zhao is also a person with super powers."

Moreover, he could already feel the scent of the same kind on her body.

This discovery made her calm, but it also made her very unhappy and dangerous. She knew that she would be in danger if she continued in this situation.

Other people with powers can know her, but she can't find them.

What does this mean?
It means that she is a glistening piece of fat, and while others are hiding, she is hiding. If she encounters another predator like Zhao Lin, it will be difficult for her to escape.

"We must find a way to solve this matter!"

She was determined!

The imperial capital was completely silent at night.

After Suning entered the suite, he began to take out the cross sent by Luo Jue. Ning Xin calmly and carefully penetrated the cross with his spiritual power.

Twin Crosses.

The power it possesses is completely different.

"It's really interesting. The same cross, one is for purification, and the other is for inexplicable toxins! This is a bit different from the teachings of Christ."

Suning doesn't believe in religion, but that doesn't mean she doesn't know the teachings of Christ: salvation, kindness, beauty, and the cross represents purification.

So it is normal for one of the crosses to have purifying powers.

But the other one...

She looked at those strands of toxins entangling around, frowned, and quickly withdrew her mental power, "Can it actually cause damage and attack to the spirit?"

That day, I used this to expose Bai Jiaojiao's true nature.

and so……

This cross, full of black aura, has the ability to make people lose control, release their true nature, and... pollute their spirits?

There was something wrong before and there was no update. Now I will continue to update. From today onwards, I will keep updating 4,000 times a day. Thank you for your support!

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