Many people lost their lives, but fortunately no one died.

But it’s hard to say if it continues.

These people have no humanity or rules. Not only do they attack them, they also coax among themselves.

There are many people lying on the ground, all because of their hands.

They do it just for the sake of doing it, and don't care about interests and sentiments at all.

One second they were fighting back-to-back, and the next second they were turning around and stabbing.

The bloodthirsty smile on his face made people shudder.

Rong Yongtai didn't want to lead his subordinates to fight these lunatics.


"What are you going to do? Don't even think about leaving once you're here." The big man with black teeth smiled crazily and twisted.

The blood all over his body was left behind when he hacked people.

He enjoys the taste of blood and is obsessed with it like a pervert.

The machete in his hand was covered with blood, which accumulated over time and formed a thick layer of blood scab. As he slashed, it emitted waves of stench.

Seeing that Rong Yongtai and his group wanted to leave, they directly charged at Rong Yongtai with a knife, ruthlessly and viciously.

On the way, a subordinate rushed to stop him. The big man was not afraid at all. He slashed his sword and cut off the subordinate's arm.

"Well..." The subordinate was so painful that he almost fainted.

When another subordinate saw this, his pupils tightened and his anger surged: "I'm going to fuck you, sir." He raised his foot and kicked the black-toothed man.

The man was kicked and hit against the mud wall. The mud wall collapsed, his ribs were broken, and he vomited a large mouthful of blood.

But as if he didn't know the pain, he stood up, grinned and jumped up again.

When the others saw this, they shouted wildly and rushed over.

Rong Yongtai's face darkened, he took out the grenade from his waist and threw it out.

There was a boom and explosion, earth and rocks flew, and screams were heard everywhere.

Rong Yongtai took the opportunity to tell his men to run away.

After the dust cleared, the crowd looked fierce: "Chase."

"No." Tuanzi Nai's shout suddenly sounded. Nai was fierce and ferocious. Although it was not a deterrent, it was penetrating. Under the noisy night, it was particularly clear: "Uncle, protect."

A little thing no bigger than a fist, she tried to use her small body to block the people who were chasing Rong Yongtai.

Those desperadoes didn't pay attention to the little thing at all. Whenever she went to the ground, she would be trampled into mud in minutes.

Tang Ciyan's mouth twitched and he tightened his arms to prevent Tuanzi from breaking free.

He signaled to his subordinates behind him, and a group of people stepped forward to block the pursuers.

The clothes of members of the Tang family are embroidered with patterns of auspicious clouds and Tang characters, which is unique in the border town.

This is Tang Jiawei.

Everyone with red eyes suddenly calmed down and stopped.

Looking at the back of Rong Yongtai and his entourage running away, he secretly grinded his teeth.

Why is the Tang family so crazy? Are you full?
But he didn't dare to confront the Tang family head-on, so he could only hold back and endure this tone.

Rong Yongtai didn't hear the sound of pursuit. He looked back and saw a round back of the head, which he felt was familiar.

"Head, run quickly, don't be in a daze." The deputy pulled him, and Rong Yongtai took a step forward, and the round back of his head disappeared in an instant.

Rong Yongtai pursed his lips and looked away.

At the right time, an inconspicuous donkey cart drove past the small alley next to it.

In the car, Lan Qingshuang saw the chaos here and the eye-catching Chinese characters, and her heart moved slightly.


The old man driving the car had sharp ears. He raised his eyebrows when he heard this, glanced to the side, whipped his whip, and accelerated to drive the car away.

The Tang family is not something they can mess with.

At least now we can't create any extraneous problems and confront the Tang family.

"Hey, mother?"

Tuanzi looked in the direction where the donkey cart disappeared, but saw nothing.

Nai's fierce little expression was suddenly filled with disappointment.

Tang Ciyan squeezed her little hand: "What's wrong with Fuman?"

Tuanzi lay softly on Tang Ciyan's shoulder: "I miss you, mother." His voice was sweet and aggrieved.

Tang Ciyan felt extremely distressed.

Originally, she was trying to coax Tuanzi, but after a long time, she forgot her biological parents and she could raise him for a long time. But now that he saw the little guy missing his mother, he couldn't bear it anymore.

Looking at the people who escaped, they should be the little guy's family, right?
He wanted to deceive himself and ignore it.

Forget it, who allowed himself to be manipulated by his little ancestor?

"Fuman, I'm not sad. Can Sugar Daddy help you find your mother and father?"

Tuanzi's eyes sparkled, he grinned and kissed Tang Ciyan on the face: "Sugar daddy, okay."

Tang Ciyan smiled and slapped the little thing on the fleshy butt. He was really a realistic little thing.

"Haisheng, go check it out."

Haisheng hesitated to speak, he didn't want to check.

Tang Ciyan glanced away and Haisheng lowered his head.

Feilong side room.

The old driver drove Lan Qingshuang inside, closed the door, and left without saying a word.

Lan Qingshuang glanced at the dark room with a small window that was only about one person high.

Sitting silently in the corner.

The old man who drove the car went to the main room on the other side.

In the main room, there is a screen, and behind the screen, there is a slender figure.

"Master." The old man driving the carriage shouted, but his expression was not very respectful.

"Second uncle is back. Is everything going well?" a woman's voice said.

It sounds gentle, but with a cold and distant arrogance.

Second Uncle, the old driver, has no name or surname, he is only called Second Uncle.

"very smooth."

The figure behind the screen paused slightly, very... smoothly?
This was not the tone and way the second uncle spoke.

He was always concise and to the point, and would not be overly descriptive.

"It seems that Second Uncle's trip went smoothly. I wonder what kind of person Lan Wanggui's daughter is and whether she has the magnanimity of her father."

The old driver looked up and said only one word: "Yes."

The person behind the screen...

Reese snorted coldly: "You will give your enemy a pat on the back. What kind of magnanimity does a stupid country woman who grew up in the country have?"

The old man driving the car glanced over quietly: "You are stupid and don't know it."

Reese was furious: "You old man, do you believe that I will kill you?"

The old driver lowered his eyes and didn't say a word, but one could feel his ridicule and disdain.

Reese was furious and raised his hand to draw the knife.

The person behind the screen yelled coldly: "Reese, you should control your bad temper."

“It’s not shameful to recognize the excellence of others.”

Reese snorted coldly: "It's just a cowardly act to emulate other people's ambitions."

The person behind the screen was silent for a moment and then changed the subject: "Reese, I leave her to you. We don't have much time. I hope you can handle this well and don't ruin our mission because of your bad temper." ”

Reese put away the disdain and irritability on his face and responded reluctantly.

The person behind the screen leaves.

The old man who drove the bus didn't stay long.

With a gloomy look on his face, Reese kicked the screen over before striding away.

Then he went to the room where Lan Qingshuang was detained.

There was a guard at the door, but he ignored it.

He kicked the door open rudely.

The force was so strong that the door, which was relatively strong, cracked.

Lan Qingshuang stood up from the ground in fright, alert to the intruder.

Reese's aggressive face flashed with surprise and surprise when he saw Lan Qingshuang's face clearly.

How could a country woman be so beautiful?
Lan Qingshuang's expression turned cold. Her disgusting look was just like that of Zhou Erlang and all the men who had an idea for her.

Reese was aroused by Lan Qingshuang's appearance of a wild cat extending its claws.

He just likes fierce cats. (End of chapter)

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